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Navegando Mestrado Profissional em Educação por Autor "Alcantara, Regina Godinho de"
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- ItemA PRÁXIS DISCURSIVA DE PRODUÇÃO DE TEXTO: CONEXÕES ENTRE EDUCAÇÃO E ENUNCIADOS CONCRETOS DOS SUJEITOS DO CAMPO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-12-21) Freitas, Lenice Garcia de; Silva, Dulcinea Campos;;;;; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de;;; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro;;; Carvalho, Leticia Queiroz de;; study analyzes the social reality of students of a rural school as starting and arrival point to pedagogical practice of text production, establishing connections between education and concrete enunciations of the learners. From the perspective of th
- ItemALFABETIZAÇÃO: ABORDAGEM DISCURSIVA VOLTADA PARA O PROCESSO DE ENSINOAPRENDIZAGEM DAS RELAÇÕES SONS E LETRAS E LETRAS E SONS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-09-22) Monteiro, Alzenira Barcelos; Costa, Dania Monteiro Vieira;;;;; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes;;; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de;;; Becalli, Fernanda Zanetti;; is a research in the field of literacy. Discusses a discursive approach to teaching and learning the relationships between sounds and letters and letters and sounds. It develops a methodological design that involved a qualitative research in the socio-
- ItemAVALIAÇÃO DA APRENDIZAGEM NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL E OS CONTEXTOS DE VIDA DE CRIANÇAS EMPOBRECIDAS NA CIDADE DE VITÓRIA-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-08-20) Matiazzi, Shellen de Lima; Simoes, Renata Duarte;;;;; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de;;; Cristofoleti, Rita de Cassia;; research aims to understand the historical and social constitution of poverty and how this phenomenon reverberates in school spaces, emphasizing the educational- evaluative practices developed since childhood and fostering dialogues in a formative con
- ItemEducação de Surdos no âmbito da Superintendência Regional de Educação de Nova Venécia/ES : a formação de professores em foco(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-13) Lacerda, Lara Regina Cassani; Vieira, Alexandro Braga;;;;; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de;;; Caetano, Andressa Mafezoni;;; Francischetto, Gilsilene Passon Picoretti;; research aims to critically understand the challenges and possibilities that permeated the schooling of deaf people in schools under the Regional Superintendence of education of Nova Venécia/ES and, through the contributions of professionals who work in these schools, to find essential grounds to the continuing formation of these subjects. As it is a professional master's degree study, it assumes, as a final product, the systematization of a continuing education proposal in context, which promotes interactions between the educational legislation (national and local), the experience in schools and the educational literature. The study has the theoretical contributions of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2007, 2010), Philippe Meirieu 2002, 2005) and authors who directly discuss special education and deafness, such as Skliar (1999, 2016), Quadros (1997, 2004, 2006, 2009) and Lacerda (1998, 2006, 2009). The theoretical-methodological reference involves a qualitative approach, through a case study. For data collection, it uses documentary analysis, the composition of moments of continuing formation and the realization of focal groups and interviews. The subjects involved in the research process in formative moments were a pedagogical technicians and a school supervisors of the Regional Superintendence of Education, pedagogues, coordinators and specialized educational service teams working in schools linked to the superintendence of Nova Venécia. Once, interviews were conducted with a school supervisor and a pedagogical technique of this regional institution. The data collection period was effective between July and December 2018. As results, in the narratives collected in the focal group and in the interviews, we searched for cross-linked data with the guiding documents of the inclusion of deaf, emerging a course of continuing formation, composed based on the reports of the professionals who were heard in the focal group, based on their experiences and formative needs within the challenges and possibilities experienced in the everyday school in which they are involved. Thus, it is evident the need for continuing formation in context, highlighting, based on the narratives collected in the field, that the themes arising from the dialogues with the subjects surveyed could compose four modules of the training proposal, presented as the real needs of the group: 1) Right to education and schooling: dialogues with current legislation and the diffusion of Libras in schools; 2) Literacy of deaf people in common school and the approach of Libras and Portuguese language in the schooling of deaf people; 3) Support networks: articulation of specialized educational service with the classroom, attributions and contributions in the schooling of the deaf; 4) Curriculum, pedagogical practices and evaluation: challenges and tensions in the schooling of deaf people. In the composition of the modules of the formative proposal, the challenges and possibilities that cross the schooling of the deaf in the researched region are evident. Thus, the study achieves its objective and proposes an intervention that can contribute to the transformation of this reality.
- ItemO TRABALHO COM O TEATRO EM UMA ESCOLA DO CAMPO: ABORDAGENS AO ENCONTRO DA DIALOGICIDADE E DA CRITICIDADE(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-21) Bridi, Luan Eudair; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de;;;;; Moraes, Fabiano de Oliveira;;; Camargo, Fernanda Monteiro Barreto;;; Silva, Dulcinea Campos;;; Carvalho, Leticia Queiroz deabstract
- ItemPRODUÇÃO DE TEXTOS NO LIVRO DIDÁTICO DE ALFABETIZAÇÃO: ANÁLISE DOCUMENTAL EM DIÁLOGO COM PROFESSORAS ALFABETIZADORAS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-11-29) Pires, Renata Luchi; Costa, Dania Monteiro Vieira;;;;; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes;;; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de;;; Becalli, Fernanda Zanetti;; work integrates studies developed in the field of language, in an enunciative- discursive approach, in the Educational practices, diversity and inclusion research line, of the Post-Graduation Program of Professional Masters in Education at the Federal
- ItemRedes dialógicas com educandos de uma escola estadual do Espírito Santo sobre o novo ensino médio: o que dizem os estudantes?(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-05) Graciliano, Vitor Martins; Vieira, Alexandro Braga; Simões, Renata Duarte; Vieira, Alexandro Braga; Alcantara, Regina Godinho de; Bahia, Bruno Cardoso de MenezesThe central theme of this study is the composition of dialogic networks with students about the New High School (NMS). Its general objective is to set up dialogical networks with a group of students enrolled in a state school in Espírito Santo in order to understand the enunciations about the NEM in their formative processes. To this end, the specific objectives are: a) to understand the process of creating and implementing the New Secondary Education and the main guidelines that guide this policy in Brazilian education and in the Espírito Santo State Education Network, i.e. history, legal foundations and pedagogical guidelines; b) to problematize the operationalization of the New High School in the daily life of a teaching unit of the Espírito Santo State Education Network and seek to understand, through dialogical networks set up with a group of students, their understanding of the policy in question; c) to prepare, as an educational product, a notebook with the systematization of the round table discussions held with the students. As a theoretical reference, it dialogues with Paulo Freire and authors who deal with NEM. The methodology is based on qualitative and participatory research, carried out through document consultation, moments of participant observation and conversation circles with students in the third year of secondary school at a state school in Espírito Santo. As a result, the students indicated that: a) the New High School is far from meeting the needs/expectations of the working class; b) the suppression of subjects has had an incisive and negative impact on the processes of appropriation of knowledge; c) the lack of teacher training to work with the new policy favors decontextualized teaching practices; d) there are power relations within schools that disempower dialogue between students and educators; e) the aforementioned policy was designed to scrap the social right to Education for students coming from the working class. In addition, the young people say they want to continue studying, including the desire to go on to higher education, and that there is a need to re-evaluate this policy, so that it is thought of from multiple perspectives and strengthens the social right to education, as prescribed by the 1988 Federal Constitution and Law No. 9.394/96 on the Guidelines and Bases of National Education.