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Navegando Mestrado em Bioquímica por Autor "Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos"
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- ItemAlterações comportamentais, bioquímicas e moleculares em modelo animal de inalação crônica de "crack" : papel dos sistemas dopaminérgico e endocanabinóide no córtex pré-frontal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-17) Azevedo, Lorena Bianchine Areal de; Martins e Silva, Cristina; Pires, Rita Gomes Wanderley; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Ribeiro, Fabiola Maraabstract
- ItemAvaliação dos efeitos neuroquímicos e comportamentais do enriquecimento ambiental em animais submetidos a privação maternal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-14) Lima, Randriely Merscher Sobreira de; Bittencourt, Athelson Stefanon; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Santos, Jeyce Willig Quintino dos; Harres, Vanessa Beijamini; Bortoli, Valquíria Camin deThe relationship between mother and its pups is extremely important for mammals, given the importance of maternal care and attachment in the first days of life. Traumatic events during this period may impair physiological and psychological development, potentially causing short- and long-term changes. Maternal deprivation (MD) is a well-established protocol used to investigate both neurobiological and behavioral changes such as anxiety disorders. It has been demonstrated that environmental enrichment (EE) protocols promote numerous sensory, motor, and cognitive benefits in laboratory animals, and may be used to intervene in changes caused by postnatal adverse events and to prevent the occurrence of psychiatric disorders in adulthood. In this context, we evaluated the implications of EE as a strategy to prevent the maternal deprivation effects on anxiety behaviors and gene expression of the serotonergic system components.
- ItemAvaliação dos parâmetros comportamentais e de estresse oxidativo em animais submetidos à separação maternal e ao consumo de etanol em binge durante a adolescência(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-09-16) Telles, Vanessa Ghidetti Alvarenga; Rodrigues, Lívia Carla de Melo; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Dalmaz, Carla; Gonçalves, Juliana Barbosa CoitinhoEarly life stress can generate long-lasting effects on brain and behavior during adulthood. Furthermore, stressful experiences stimulate abusive consumption of ethanol, which induces neuronal damages and contributes to increases on parameters of oxidative stress on Central Nervous System. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of Maternal Separation (MS) and of intermittent ethanol binge drinking in adolescent rats on behavioral and oxidative stress parameters. Pregnant Wistar rats were used. After birth of litters, the animals were divided into control group (NS) or maternal separation group (MS). Maternal separation was performed from 2 to 15 postnatal day, 3 hours daily. At postnatal day 35, animals were divided again into 3 groups: animals which received intragastric saline (vehicle group) or ethanol in doses of 3.0 or 6.0 g/kg. Ethanol was administered once a day, in a regimen of two consecutive days interspersed by two days without ethanol, totalizing 10 doses for chronic binge treatments. Acute binge exposure happened at postnatal day 35 until 37 postnatal day.
- ItemColoração de espécimes anatômicos para aplicação no processo de plastinação por meio de corantes histológicos : floxina b, safranina, fucsina fenicada e tricrômico de masson(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-17) Siqueira, Bruno Magela de Melo; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Bittencourt, Athelson Stefanon; Silva, André Romero da; Ribeiro, Joselito NardyThe Study of Anatomy has been known for several centuries and before this, every moment has generated several repercussions in this area of biomedical sciences. Even with advancement in the technological sectors, the teaching of anatomical concepts through corpses in health courses is still essential. A more common way of preserving anatomical parts for studies is through a substance that was discovered in 1867 by German Hoffman by accident: formaldehyde, but such substance has an unpleasant odor and irritates the nasal passages and the eye region. Plastination is the newest in terms of technology for the preservation of anatomical specimens. This technique was developed by the German Dr. von Hagens in 1977 and its principles reflect in the idea of impregnating polymers (silicone, epoxy or polyester) in biological tissues, removing the fat and water present, thus increasing their durability and with aspects close to the original object. Plastination is free from toxic conservative substances, thus facilitating its role for didactic and scientific purposes. The dye is used for a better visualization of the structures in the anatomical part and thus ending with that aspect of worn, emphasizing the true color of the object. In view of the above, has developed a staining protocol in skeletal muscle tissue, applied to the Plastination technique with the following dyes: Phloxine B, Safranin, Phenicated Fuchsin and Masson's Trichrome. The interaction of the dye with the muscle tissue, fat and epithelial tissue of the samples that were used for the research was evaluated. All the dyes used in the macroscopic staining were able to show certain structures such as tendon, fascia and connective tissue inside the muscle. It was also evaluated the photodegradation of these dyes in solution. It was noticed that the dyes that obtained more satisfactory results in relation to the dyeing of the specimens were those of anionic character: Phloxine B and Masson's Trichrome, but in relation to the resistance of the dyes in light exposure, it was not possible to choose the one that obtained the best because the solutions exhibited different behaviors when exposed to light. The final protocol for the staining muscle tissues will be applied in the collection of the Life Sciences Museum of the Federal University of Espírito Santo and in the Department of Morphology of the same University.
- ItemEfeito da privação de sono paradoxal e do bloqueio da síntese da corticosterona sobre os limiares da reação de defesa induzida pela estimulação elétrica da matéria cinzenta periaquedutal e colículo superior(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-08-19) Barbosa, Rafaella Vila Real; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Bittencourt, Athelson Stefanon; Harres, Vanessa Beijamini; Santos, Jeyce Willig Quintino dosPanic Disorder (PD) is a common mental disorder that affects up to 5% of the population at some point in life and is characterized by the presence of recurrent panic attacks (AP). It is a psychopathology that may be affected by sleep deprivation (PS), relation that is still poorly understood. In this context, experimental models of AP and PS are useful tools in investigating this possible correlation, especially motivated by the growing of deprivation of sleep, which has become increasingly common in modern society. This study evaluated the effects of paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSP) in the thresholds of defensive behaviors induced by intracranial stimulation (EI) of MCPD and CS in rats, which is an experimental model of AP, as well as verified the influence of corticosterone on these thresholds. 160 male Wistar rats were used (300g), organized into 4 groups of 40 animals each, as follows: control group (CTR) submitted to EI, but no PSP; Deprivation group (PRV), submitted to EI and sleep deprived for 96 hours; Deprivation Group + corticosterone synthesis inhibition (PRB), undergoing treatment with metyrapone, EI, and sleep deprived for 96 hours, and the control group + corticosterone synthesis inhibition (CTB), undergoing treatment with metyrapone and EI, but without sleep deprivation. After 10 days of intracranial surgical implant of electrode in MCPD, the animals underwent 5 stimulation sessions, as follows: 1st (TRI) considered as a screening session - immediately before the deprivation, 2nd (P48) after 48 hours of deprivation, 3rd (P96) after 96 hours of deprivation, 4th (R48) 48 hours after the end of deprivation, and 5th (R96) after 96 hours of withdrawal of deprivation. The thresholds of the individual curves obtained for defense responses in the various stimulation sessions of CS and MCPD (TRI, P48, P96, R48 and R96) of the rats were compared, as well as a given threshold response curves in different groups (CTR, PRV, CTB and PRB). Furthermore, the levels of corticosterone (CORT) were measured in different sessions of EI and compared in the same group, as well as between the different groups. In the CTR group, all behaviors were equal in all sessions when compared to the TRI, however, in deprived animals (PRV), the threshold for galloping (GLP) was significantly reduced in R48 and R96, without changes in other behaviors. In contrast, in the xxi PRB group, Trotting (TRT) increased from P48, while the GLP has not changed in any EI session. Comparing the groups, Jumping (SLT), Micturation (MIC), Exophthalmos (EXO), Immobility (IMO), Defecation (DEF), Trotting (TRT) and Galloping (GLP), were not altered in function of CORT levels produced due PSP, suggesting that corticosterone does not influence the characteristic defensive behaviors induced by electrical stimulation of MCPD and CS. In addition, these results suggest that the delayed effect of the PSP on the GLP thresholds is possibly due to time-dependent neurochemical mechanisms.
- ItemEfeito da separação maternal sobre a impulsividade, consumo voluntário de etanol e expressão de componentes do sistema endocanabinóide e dopaminérgico em córtex pré-frontal e hipocampo : influência do consumo de etanol em binge na adolescência(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-09-16) Mata, Martielo Januário da; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Dalmaz, Carla; Pires, Rita Gomes WanderleyMaternal separation is an animal model used to mimic stressful events in the neonatal period, which may lead to the development of cognitive impairments and substances abuse, such as ethanol. This substance is a potential risk to health due to its high consumption by young people, and its consumption alters behavior and neurotransmitter systems function, such as dopaminergic and endocannabinoid systems. In this study, we evaluate the influence of ethanol binge drinking in adolescent rats subjected to maternal separation on learning, impulsivity and voluntary ethanol consumption in adulthood, as well as (the effects of these treatments) on the endocannabinoid and dopaminergic systems. For this, male Wistar rats were separated from their mothers or not (control group) during the postnatal days (DPN) 2-15, for 3 hours daily. Animals not separated were kept on animal facility reared conditions. At DPN 35, the animals were divided in acute or chronic treatment. Both groups were again divided into 3 subgroups, which receive vehicle (saline) or ethanol in doses of 3.0 or 6.0 g/kg by intragastric administration. Ethanol was administered during three consecutive days (acute treatment) or once a day, two consecutive days, interspersed by two days without ethanol, totalizing 10 doses (chronic treatment). At the end of this procedure, the animals were subjected to behavioral tests (learning and impulsivity tests), both using a T-maze, and to the voluntary ethanol consumption test, or euthanized for prefrontal cortex and hippocampus removal. The mRNA expression of the components of the endocannabinoid system: CB1, monoacylglycerol lipase, fatty acid amide hydrolase, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D and diacylglycerol lipase were evaluated in both structures, and the dopaminergic receptors D1, D2 and tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme were evaluated only in the prefrontal cortex. We observed that maternal separation increased impulsivity behavior and voluntary consumption of ethanol, and ethanol in adolescence impaired short-term memory and appears to reverse other behavioral changes due to maternal separation. In the prefrontal cortex, maternal separation and ethanol altered dopaminergic system with reduction of D1 mRNA expression and increased tyrosine hydroxylase, and appears to increase the enzymes for endocannabinoid synthesis, N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D e diacylglycerol 17 lipase. In the hippocampus, the group submitted to both treatments presented a reduction of CB1 mRNA expression and the enzyme N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D, and an increased expression of diacylglycerol lipase. In conclusion, maternal separation and ethanol were able to cause behavioral changes and modifications in endocannabinoid and dopaminergic systems, and maternal separation modifies ethanol effects response.
- ItemEfeito de diferentes tempos de exposição a um ambiente enriquecido na memória de camundongos : uma abordagem comportamental e molecular(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-12-11) Rohor, Bruna Zanetti; Martins e Silva, Cristina; Pires, Rita Gomes Wanderley; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Rodrigues, Lívia Carla de MeloThe environment is formed by a set of situations around the individual and has influence on all organisms. A stressor environment has negative influences in a subject, but an enriched environment (EE) has positive influences. In animals, the AE is defined as a combination of inanimate and social complex stimuli that can improve motor, cognitive and sensory functions. The EE is composed of different objects of different shapes, sizes, colors, textures, among others. Environmental novelty, voluntary physical activity and social interaction are also part of EE. The EE is capable of promoting increased visual, sensory, cognitive and motor functions. Cognitive improvement, increased synaptic plasticity, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, modulation of gene expression and changes in levels of neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors are EE-induced alterations already described. However, several EE paradigms are found in the literature, and this variety of protocols produces a range of controversial results on the effects induced by EE.
- ItemEnriquecimento ambiental como estratégia não farmacológica para prevenção dos efeitos de longo prazo da separação maternal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-08-21) Ribeiro, Laisa Barroso; Bittencourt, Athelson Stefanon; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Rodrigues, Lívia Carla de Melo; Pires, Rita Gomes WanderleyThe perinatal maternal relationship has a fundamental importance in the development of healthy neural circuits that remain as mental bequest throughout life. In this sense, adverse events in this period have the potential to induce psychopathology in adulthood, increasing vulnerability to psychiatric disorders and substance abuse. In this study, the Maternal Separation (MS) was performed in male Wistar rats, with the intention to mimic a sustained stress in human childhood. After that, the animals were submitted to the Environmental Enrichment protocol, a nonpharmacological strategy employed during a strong brain plasticity period, in order to prevent the harmful effects of MS. In adulthood, we proceeded to the behavioral tests for evaluate depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse, as well as biochemical tests as the analysis of plasmatic corticosterone, indicative of the reactivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to acute stress, and analysis dopamine and metabolites in structures involved in brain reward process – the mesocorticolimbic way (nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex). Statistical analysis was performed using the Student t test and one-way, two-way, three-way or repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- ItemPapel da neurotransmissão noradrenérgica da substância cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal na modulação de comportamentos defensivos relacionados aos transtornos de ansiedade generalizada e de pânico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-07-19) Carvalho, Johnathan Junior Vaz; Bortoli, Valquíria Camin de; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Aguiar, Daniele Cristina deThe dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (DPAG) is a midbrain structure involved in the mediation of defensive behaviors associated with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder (PD). There is evidence indicating the involvement of noradrenergic neurotransmission DPAG in the modulation of anxiety, however, there is no evidence for their involvement in panic attacks. In this sense, the objective of this study was to investigate the involvement of noradrenergic neurotransmission DPAG in mediating defensive behaviors related to GAD and PD in the elevated Tmaze (ETM), an animal model that combines the inhibitory avoidance response to GAD and the escape response to PD. For this, Wistar rats were given intra-DPAG administration of noradrenaline (10, 30 or 60 nmol / 0,1μL) or saline and tested in ETM. In addition, we investigated the effect of pre-treatment with intra-DPAG nonselective antagonists of alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors, phentolamine and propranolol, respectively, in effect noradrenaline injection in the same structure. Our results show that intra-DPAG administration of noradrenaline at the highest dose impaired the acquisition of inhibitory avoidance, suggesting an anxiolytic-like effect, but no effect on the escape response in ETM.