Mestrado Profissional em Clínica Odontológica
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Navegando Mestrado Profissional em Clínica Odontológica por Autor "Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque"
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- ItemAnálise da junção cemento-esmalte utilizando-se da técnica da réplica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-08-31) Escórcio, Bruna Pereira Silva; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Coburn, Karla Loureiro Almeida; Madeira, Miguel CarlosThe cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) is the anatomical juncture between the enamel and cementum that covers the tooth crown and root, respectively. When changes expose the CEJ to the oral environment, the hard dental tissues of this region are vulnerable to pathological changes such as root caries, resorption, cervical erosion, abrasion and dentine hypersensitivity. The CEJ region was evaluated using the replica technique for SEM, in order to observe the different interrelationships among its mineralized tissues; if there is dentin permeability (gaps and defects with exposed dentinal tubules and lateral canals close to this region); to analyze the regions of CEJ with non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) and make a correlation between the clinical and ultrastructural findings in teeth with endodontic, periodontal and endo-periodontal infections. It was used 69 faces, 44 teeth extracted from 23 patients who were underwent clinical and radiographic examination, prior to extraction, aiming to obtain pulpal, periodontal and endo-periodontal clinical diagnosis. The teeth were cleaned and prepared, to make replicas made with the polyvinilsiloxane impression material and epoxy resin. The positive replicas were mounted on metal stubs, sputter-coated and evaluated by SEM. The results showed that the technique used was faithful and accurate on the reproduction of the ultrastructural details of the cervical region. The four types of morphological interrelationship among the hard tissues were found in the CEJ, in a irregularly and unpredictable distribution, because they showed from one to three of these interrelationships distributed on the same face, with a predominance of enamel overlapped by cementum (67.74%), followed by enamel and cementum edge-to-edge (56.45%), gaps between cementum and enamel (29.03%), and cementum overlapped by enamel (8.06%), which appears in few and small portions of the CEJ. There was statistical association between the interrelationship cementum over enamel and pulpal normal condition and there was also at cementum over enamel a tendency to be present in teeth without endo-periodontal involvement. The presence of exposed dentin tubules was statistically significant in the group with endo-periodontal lesions. The NCCLs also had statistically significant relationship in the group of teeth with severe periodontitis, with the predominance of saucer-shaped lesions in this group.
- ItemAnálise da remodelação tecidual e da expressão de MMP-9 durante a erupção dentária(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-19) Lima, Nayra de Souza Carvalho; Bautz, Letícia Nogueira da Gama de Souza; Coburn, Karla Loureiro Almeida; Guedes, Priscila Tavares; Azeredo, Rogério AlbuquerqueThe tooth formation results from the interaction between the oral epithelium and the underlying ectomesenchyme. As these elements develop, ossification and tissue remodeling occurs around them, so that they are surrounded by a bone crypt. The tooth eruption is a complex process which depends on the release of several signaling molecules and growth factors that enable the tooth to cross tissue barriers in order to emerge into the oral cavity. Studies have shown intense bone remodeling around the developing tooth, consisting on bone resorption in the coronal area of the crypt, accompanied by bone formation in the basal area, promoting tooth movement. These events, followed by disruption of the connective tissue of the lamina propria, are essential steps of the eruptive movement and seems to be dependent of effector cells such as osteoclasts and mast cells, which release matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) responsible for the degradation of the extracellular matrix of these tissues. This study aimed to carry out an analysis of tissue remodeling and MMP-9 expression throughout the eruptive process in rat molars. For this purpose, a histomorphometric analysis was conducted and included the measurement of bone surface area in the basal and apical area of the bone crypt, the quantification of the osteoclasts and mast cells and the expression of MMP-9 on the tooth germ and surrounding tissues. Our results demonstrated a reduction of bone area on the apical region of bone crypt, followed by a decreased number of osteoclasts lying on the bone surface. In parallel there was a progressive increase in bone area at the base of the bone crypt. High number of mast cells were quantified at the lamina propria of nine days old rats, and those cells showed cytoplasmic expression of MMP-9, suggesting a possible role of these cells in the recruitment of osteoclast precursors, whose peak activity occurs at that same time. The same expression pattern was also observed in osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes, suggesting a combined action of bone cells and mast cells in the cellular events that result in tissue remodeling during the eruptive process.
- ItemAnálise do preparo de canais radiculares realizado pelos alunos do curso de odontologia da UFES utilizando-se a diafanização(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-07-12) De Martin, Georje; Pereira, Rosana de Souza; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Picosse, Luís RonaldoThe first contact of students with Endodontics Dentistry School of the Federal University of Espírito Santo is in the fifth period of the course in the Discipline of Endodontics I. In it, students know the Endodontics principles: morphology, coronary access, root canal preparation techniques, disinfection and obturation of the root canal system. Learning occurs in previously extracted teeth before the academics have any contact with the endodontic clinic at the Discipline of Endodontics II in the following period. The aim of this study was to analyze through the clearing technique the canals were prepared during this Discipline (laboratory). The quality of the preparation chemical-mechanical techniques was examined concern the shaping of the root canal and compared the best result of the same, visualized the anatomical features of the root canal system, compared the radiographic exam of the teeth and clearing technique and also checked whether the students have assimilated the knowledge of Endodontics. The data collected were subjected to Binomial test,Kappa and Chi-square test. These showed that: the modeling of root canals analyzed by the clearing technique, 67% were modeled with a statistical significance of 0.002 (p<0.05), as the comparison between the preparation chemical-mechanical techniques used in relation to the relative frequency the variable modeling of the root canals was 65.9% when modeled channels prepared with step-back technique and 68.2% of teeth modeled when prepared by Oregon Modified technique (p=0.8206) with no statistically significant difference between techniques, and as the concordance of the results of variable modeling of the root canals between the radiographic examination (73.8%) and clearing technique (67%) yielded a Kappa value=0.511 showing a moderate agreement between the two visualization techniques. It was concluded that: the modeling of channels was satisfactory showing that students are assimilating the knowledge of the Discipline; radiography proved to be limited in view of the channel modeling and also in view of the anatomical features of the root canal system, and also that the clearing technique is a visualization technique accessible and essential to the development of education in the Discipline of Endodontics.
- ItemAnálise do tratamento endodôntico "in vitro", realizado pelos alunos da disciplina de endodontia I da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, utilizando-se a técnica de diafanização(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-18) Dessaune Neto, Nilton; Pereira, Rosana de Souza; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Regalo, Simone Cecílio HallakThe aim of this study was to evaluate, using the clearifying technique, the quality in vitro of the root canal therapy of teeth prepared by students of the Endodontic Class from the fifth period of the Dentistry Course. There, the students learn all the subjects involving the root canal therapy: morphology, coronary access, instrumentation techniques, disinfection and obturation. They work in extracted teeth in the University laboratories before going to clinics in the next period. This research, also aims for the evaluation of the instrumentation technique with the best results, the efficacy of the X ray as a method to evaluate the result of the treatment and if the students are prepared to clinical treatment. The Binomial Test was used to statistics. The results showed that the formatting of the root canal system was satisfactory with 67% of positive results and 33% of negative results, and with significant statistics (0,014) (p < 0,05). The conclusion of this research was that the students learned the contents of the discipline and are capable to do the root canal therapy in vivo in the sixth period, although it is necessary more practical time in the in vitro treatment to increase the accuracy of the root canal therapy. The X ray was not a good way to show the students the result of the treatment. Although the clearifying technique was an excellent method of learning the anatomy and the in vitro root canal therapy, being necessary to improve the clinical knowledge of the students.
- ItemAvaliação da acurácia da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico no diagnóstico de desadaptação de próteses sobre implante confeccionadas em diferentes materiais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-25) Siqueira, Caíque Araujo; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Vaz, Sérgio Lins de Azevedo; Ferreira, Liana Matos; Zanon, Juliana MalacarneIntroduction: Dental implants are increasingly used after teeth loss to rehabilitate function and aesthetics. A prosthesis is installed over the implant and can be manufactured in several materials. The prosthesis must be well adapted to the implant since misfits may cause an increase in the prosthetic tension values. In order to detect misfits at the prosthesis-implant interface, radiographic and tactile examinations may be used. However, they are susceptible to the operator and the technique used, besides the radiographic examination provides a twodimensional image. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) produce three-dimensional images, but studies are lacking to evaluate its performance in the follow-up of implants. Materials with high atomic number and physical density which are used to manufacture implant-supported prostheses may negatively influence the quality of the tomographic image and the diagnosis. Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of CBCT in the detection of misfits at the prosthesis-implant interface with prostheses manufactured in different materials. Material and Methods: 32 external hexagon implants were installed in dried human mandibular jaws. Prostheses of different materials were installed over these implants, constituting 3 experimental groups: porcelain-fused-to-metal, titanium covered by resin, and zirconia covered by ceramics. Misfits were simulated by interposing polyester strips between implant and prostheses. Tomographic images of the mandibles were acquired using the Picasso Trio (85 kVp, 10 mA, FOV 8x5cm and Voxel 0.2mm) with and without the simulated misfits. Five dentists evaluated the images to verify the presence or absence of simulated misfits. The analyses of intra- and inter-reproducibilities were performed using the Kappa test. Descriptive analyses were performed to determine diagnostic values and the values of areas under the ROC curve (Az) were calculated. Results: Intra- and inter-reproducibilities ranged from fair to almost perfect. The highest values of sensitivity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were found for the Titanium group. The largest Az were found for the Titanium (Az = 0.95) and Porcelain-fused-to-metal (Az = 0.90) groups, and the smallest for the Zirconia group (Az = 0.77), with statistically significant differences between Zirconia and Titanium, and Zirconia and Porcelain-fused-to-metal (p <0.05) groups. Conclusion: The detection of misfits at the prosthesis-implant interface through CBCT has a greater accuracy for titanium prostheses coated with resin and porcelain-fused-to-metal.
- ItemAvaliação da acurácia em detectar a desadaptação entre implante e prótese por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-05-18) Carneiro, Vinícius Cavalcanti; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Vaz, Sérgio Lins de Azevedo; Ferreira, Liana Matos; Guimarães, Jackeline CoutinhoIntroduction: the long-term success of osseointegration and implant-supported prostheses is achieved through the fit between abutment and implant platform, which also figure as a requirement for maintance of bone-implant inferface. In cases where the adaptation is not effective, misfits at the implant-abutment joint (IAJ) might be present. Periapical radiographs are often used as a complementary method for misfit detection; however, there are limited evidences that support the use of imaging methods to evaluate the IAJ. Objective: to evaluate the accuracy of three cone beam computed tomography CBCT systems for misfit detection at the IAJ. Method: 32 implants were placed in the region of molars and premolars of eight dried human mandibular jaws. Polyester strips were placed between the implant platforms and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns in order to simulate gaps of 200-μm, while no strips were placed in the control group (0 μm). Next, specimens were scanned in both conditions, with and without simulated gap, by using the CBCT systems Picasso Trio, OP300 and Scanora 3D. CBCT images were assessed by four evaluators regarding the presence or absence of misfit at IAJ. The contrast resolution of the images was measured by an independent evaluator with the aid of ImageJ software. Statistical analysis included the calculation of diagnostic values, comparison among values of areas under the ROC curves (Az) and Kappa test. Results: intra- and interreproducibility ranged from fair to almost perfect and were lower for OP300 and Scanora 3D. Picasso Trio showed higher diagnostic values (accuracy = 0.84, sensitivity = 0.83, specificity = 0.85, positive predictive value = 0.85, negative predictive value = 0.84) and Az (0.86; p<.05). Picasso Trio obtained higher contrast resolution than OP300 and Scanora 3D systems. Conclusion: in comparison to OP300 and Scanora 3D systems, images acquired with Picasso Trio allowed a more accurate misfit detection at IAJ.
- ItemEstudo do sistema de canais radiculares em dentes com hipercementose(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-07) Farias Junior, Jairo Ferreira de; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Liberti, Edson Aparecido; Coburn, Karla Loureiro AlmeidaThe hypercementosis is an excessive deposition of cementum on the normal layer, promoting the thickening of the root, maintaining intacts the periodontal ligament space and hard plate. It is known that the inability to locate and promote the complete removal of organic debris and bacteria from the canal system is the major cause of failure in endodontic treatment. Therefore, this research contributes to increase the knowledge regarding the canal system in teeth with hypercementosis.The aim of this research is to describe the canal system in teeth with hypercementosis through clearing and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, where we observed some of the anatomical characteristics of the canal system and the presence of accessory foramina. Among the findings, the most affected group by hypercementosis was mandibular premolars. The secondary canals were found in 60% of maxillary first molars, 88.8% of maxillary second molars, 62.5% of mandibular first premolars, 75% of mandibular canines and 71.4% of mandibular incisors. The apical deltas were seen in 50% of mandibular first premolars. In the samples studied in the SEM many accessory foramina were observed. It is suggested that the hypercementosis results in considerable increase in the number of secondary canals in all studied tooth groups, increases the frequency of apical deltas in mandibular canines and mandibular premolars and increase the number of accessory foramina in all tooth groups studied.
- ItemEstudo in vitro da anatomia dos canais da raiz mésio-vestibular em primeiros molares superiores utilizando-se diferentes métodos de estudo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-06-19) Ferrari, Viviany Bertollo Cozer; Pereira, Rosana de Souza; Azeredo, Rogério Albuquerque; Liberti, Edson Aparecido; Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta deabstract
- ItemMMP-2 atua no desenvolvimento dentário e na remodelação óssea durante a erupção dentária(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-19) Sandoval, Nathália Gonring; Coburn, Karla Loureiro Almeida; Pacheco, Marcos da Silva; Azeredo, Rogério AlbuquerqueTooth development results from a highly coordinated epithelial-mesenchyme interaction in which mesenchyme cells originate the dental papilla and dental follicle, while ectodermal cells originate the enamel organ. Simultaneously, bone tissue is formed around the developing tooth, trapping it in a bony crypt. Tooth eruption requires the resorption of the coronal part of the bony crypt, followed by degradation of the lamina propria, most likely by metalloproteinases (MMPs) activity. Objectives: The aim of this research was to determine MMP-2 expression in the dental germ cells (ameloblasts, odontoblasts, dental papilla and dental follicle) and surrounding tissues (alveolar bone and lamina propria) of rat molars throughout the eruptive process. Material and Methods: A total of 24 rats (4,6,9,11,14 and 16 days old) were used in this study. MMP-2 was detected through immunohistochemistry. A qualitative analysis was performed to investigate the expression of MMP-2 in the dental germ cells, lamina propria, and coronal and basal regions of the bony crypt. Results: MMP-2 expression was observed in the dental papilla cells, dental follicle, ameloblasts, odontoblasts and bone cells from the coronal and basal regions of the bony crypt. MMP-2 was also detected in the lamina propria during the mucosal penetration stage of tooth eruption. Conclusion: We conclude that MMP-2 may be important for the extracellular matrix rearrangement necessary for tooth development and secretion of its mineralized tissues. We also conclude that MMP-2 may play a role in the extensive tissue remodeling during the intra-and-extra-osseous phases of the tooth eruption process.