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Navegando Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental por Autor "Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida"
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- ItemAnálise da influência da especificação do uso e ocupação do solo e do uso da técnica de assimilação de dados meteorológicos na performance do modelo WRF(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-04-06) Aylas, Georgynio Yossimar Rosales; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Santos, Jane Meri; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Pimentel, Luiz Claudio GomesAir quality models require accurate meteorological elds and geographic data to make the correctly modeling of chemical transport. For this purpose, the Metropolitan Region of Greater Victoria (RMGV) uses the numerical mesoscale model WRF. The physical and biological property of the land surface has been progressively a ected as a consequence of the change in land use. This is mainly due to urbanization and farming and forest practices. However, the problem about the use of parameters such as soil coverage provided by the USGS is that they are available with ultimate update date in 1993. In addition, there is the high computational cost about the assimilating of real data (observational meteorological data) to obtain more improve on the forecasts. For this purpose this study has the main goal evaluate the input datas regarding to land use and cover, together whit speci cation the meteorological assimilation data (pontual observations) to evaluate the performance of the WRF model for the Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (RMGV). As part of the work of generating accurate spatial data, satellite image analysis was performed. These provide excellent data quality, with enough information to generate the desired geographic data. Therefore, we have worked speci cally for a small 120km x 120km area that covers the RMGV whole and is centered at the Airport Station. On the other hand, to make the data treatment with the objective of implementing the new geographic database for the RMGV, several steps were followed. These was grouped on the preprocessing of images for the land use and cover with the 24 categories of land use suggested by the USGS and the equivalent to the brazilian sistem for the RMGV area. However, for soil granulometry and texture it had no greater problem than accurate the existing information, as well as to Topography. As well as, for the four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA), the Newtonian relaxation or nudging (continuous data assimilation method that adjusts the model's dynamic variables gradually for observations by adding one or more prognostic equations) were generated les containing the reports of the surface meteorological data of the Aeroporto station. As a consequence, the modeling performance of the direction and speed of the wind and temperature. In consequence, the modeling performance of the speed and direction of the wind and temperature, using to modeling with updated geographical database has a slight improve compared with using USGS data source. Although, not every month they hit the ags for the suggested indicators for all seasons. However, to evaluate the modeling performance of wind direction and speed and temperature for all seasons, making use of the updated geographic data with the in uence of nudging a ecting the domain d01 improvement in every month. Thus, when the in uence of nudging for domain d02 is used, it improves modeling even more than when was used together domains d01 and d02 is in uenced.
- ItemAvaliação da qualidade do ar e as emissões atmosféricas em grandes cidades de América do Sul(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-08) Pelaez, Luisa Maria Gomez; Santos, Jane Meri;;;;; Andrade, Maria de Fatima;;; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida;;; Roa, Nestor Yezid Rojas;; pollution is the largest and most persistent environmental problem in South America and in the world. Exposure to PM2.5 is considered the largest environmental health risk. According to World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016, the 91% of the urban population lived in cities that exceed the minimum levels established by this Organization for PM2.5. This research presents a review of the long-and short-term concentrations of air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM10), carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) recorded between 2010 and 2017 in automatic monitoring networks of eleven metropolitan regions of South America (Including 3 of 3 from 28 and 34 large mega-cities in the world). Despite efforts to monitor air quality, in some cities were found large gaps in the diffusion, consistency and presentation of information provided by the environmental authorities. In comparison with the annual WHO Air Quality Guidelines (WHO-AQG), the particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM2.5) registered in all cities, exceeded during every year of the period studied, the NO2 has been exceeded by 4 of the 11 cities that had record. The guideline of the daily average of who to SO2 was exceeded only by Vitoria (over the past two years), cities like Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, had exceedances above the Interim Target 1 (IT-1). The ozone (average running averages of 8 hours) always been below the WHO-AQG, but Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, had every year atypical data of exceedance the WHO-AQG and IT-1. In the emissions review was found that 6 of 11 cities has no recent inventories available, in the 5 that have no inventory was analyzed the 2012 information of Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR). The inventories found are updated in the maximum until the year 2016, which makes it more difficult for environmental authorities generate environmental policies and make effective air quality management. Most of the inventory was developed with emission factors from other cities and even other countries, but despite the fit with local conditions is necessary investment in the development of local factors which make it possible to comply with the principles of quality, transparency, accuracy, consistency, comparability and completeness.
- ItemAvaliação das parametrizações físicas do modelo WRF para a camada limite atmosférica para a região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-04-05) Velásquez, Juan Felipe Medina; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Santos, Jane Meri; Pimentel, Luiz Claudio Gomes; Moreira, Davidson MartinsThe main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of the different PBL physical parameterizations available in the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) 3.6.1., in order to identify which one best represents the meteorological conditions of the Metropolitan Region of Grande Vitória (RMGV) in the two most representative periods of the region, winter and summer. The achieve this goal, were made a total of 34 simulations, 12 for the winter period (07/2010) e 12 for the summer period (02/2016), with which all the PBL parameterizations were evaluated, except QNSE (Quasi-normal Scale Elimination) and the MYNN (Mellor-Yamada Nakanishi Niino) level 2.5 and 3, with their respective CLS parameterization available in the model. For these simulations, tow nested domains were used where the major domain has a spatial resolution of 5 km, forming a 5 x 5 km domain with 49 x 49 cells covering the entire state of Espírito Santo, part of the Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia and the smaller domain has a spatial resolution of 1 km, forming a 1 x 1 km domain with 120 x 120 cells comprising the entire RMGV. both with a vertical structure represented by 21 vertical layers and centered at the coordinates 20,25 ° S and 40,29 ° W. In order to achieve the main goal, the model data obtain with each parameterization were compared with the data measured in the stations belonging to RMAQAR and the airport of surface temperature (2 m), wind and speed direction (10 m), using the statistical parameters mentioned in subsection 4.3 of this dissertation. The results showed that the parameterization that best represented the values of the meteorological variables previously mentioned for the summer period was the parameterization used in the modeling M_1 that corresponds to the YSU schemes for CLA and the improved MM5 for the CLS, with the Carapina station presenting simulated values closer to the real values observed. On the other hand, for the winter period, the parameterization that best represented the values of the mentioned meteorological variables was the parameterization used in the modeling M_12 that corresponds to the schemes UW for the CLA and the MM5 for the CLS, being Cariacica and airport the stations that presented an accuracy between the simulated data and the real data observed. The results presented by both parameterizations show that the best results are presented for wind speed, followed by surface temperature and wind direction. These results suggest the need to test the other physical parameterizations available in the model in order to improve the prediction results of the meteorological variables for the RMGV and thus to have better results at the moment of using this data in dispersion models.
- ItemAvaliação de desempenho do modelo fotoquímico CMAQ utilizando diferentes condições de contorno em uma região urbana e industrializada(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-04-13) Pedruzzi, Rizzieri; Henderson, Barron; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Reis Júnior, Neyval Costa; Andrade, Maria de FátimaThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the boundary conditions (BCON) in the CMAQ model simulations over the Metropolitan Region of Grande Vitória (RMGV) for MP10 and O3 pollution. It was made four scenarios of August 2010 with different boundary conditions. The first scenario (M1) using fixed, time-independent boundary conditions with zero concentration (zero) for all pollutants; a second scenario (M2) with fixed, timeindependent concentration values, with average values from monitoring stations from RMGV and from Aracruz’s stations on north and Anchieta’s stations on south; the third scenario (M3) used boundary conditions varying with time from a previous simulation with CMAQ over a larger area, centered on RMGV; and finally, the fourth scenario (M4) usin g boundary conditions varying with time from simulations of global model GEOS-Chem. All scenarios used the same meteorology conditions and pollutant emissions, meteorological conditions was generated by the model WRF version 3.6.1 and pollutant emissions inventory are from the official emissions inventory of RMGV. The air quality simulations were made with a domain 61 x 79 km centered on coordinates -20,25ºS, -40,28ºW with a resolution of 1 km, using the CB05 and Aero6 and still analyzer CMAQ processes (PROCAN). The results were compared with the measured data in monitoring stations from RMGV. The results showed that for PM10, the boundary conditions were not so influential on the simulated concentrations, with small variations of concentrations between the tests, but, in general, M3 and M4 methods achieved the best results for statistics, however, the M2 method is not totally wrong but should be cautious in using this method. It was observed different behaviors between monitoring stations, where there are some that have been overestimated values in a few hours and others with understated concentrations, occurred probably because the grid size associated with weather conditions and temporal variation of emissions. For ozone, it was noted that the boundary conditions had a large influence on modeled concentrations, and may also influence the increased of production of O3 not only by chemical reactions, but also by advection processes and atmospheric diffusion. It was observed on scenario M1 that the O3 modeled concentrations were very small and do not represent reality. On M2 and M3 scenarios, concentrations were overestimated, on monitoring stations and in areas near the boundaries of the domain, mainly in the western portion. The M4 scenario achieved the best results of concentrations and statistics, which is the most advisable when the goal is to evaluate the ozone. As the high resolution domain applied to CMAQ had only 61x79km was noted that the boundary conditions affect directly across the grid field, especially for ozone, by using the process analysis preprocessor (PROCAN). When the boundary concentrations are high, regardless of being fixed or varying with time, the advection processes and turbulent diffusion adds a large amount of mass in domain's borders, overestimating the modeled concentrations.
- ItemAvaliação de desempenho dos esquemas de camada limite planetária do modelo WRF para a Região Metropolitana de Salvador - BA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-26) Kitagawa, Yasmin Kaore Lago; Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Gonçalves, Marcelo Albano Moret SimõesExchanges of moisture, heat, and momentum occur within the planetary boundary layer (PBL)through mixing associated with turbulent eddiesthat influence the way in which lower-tropospheric thermodynamic and kinematic structures evolve. Howeversuch eddies operate on spatiotemporal scales that cannot be explicitly represented on grid scales and time steps employed in most mesoscale models. As such, their effects are expressed in these models via the use of PBL parameterization schemes. In this way, the present work used the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)model to find a set of physical parameterization that represents thelocalatmospheric circulation of theMetropolitan Region of Salvador (RMS) which counts with several industrial complexes that affect the air quality of the region. In addition, the workexpects to contributescientifically to researches related toatmospheric processes represented by numerical models that occur in tropical and coastal regions.Since there wasno previouswork performing any assessment in this area using WRF model, the performance of six PBL schemes were evaluated –Boucheau e Lacarrere (BOU), Grenier e Bretherton (GBM), Mellor-Yamada-Janjić (MYJ), Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino (MYNN2), Bretherton e Park(UW) e Yonsei University (YSU).The model performance was performed using statistical metrics of mean bias (MB), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute gross error (MAGE), correlation coefficient (r) and index of agreement (IOA) between simulated and observed data in the surface meteorological stations of the region through the meteorological variables air temperature at 2 meters (T2), wind speed and direction at 10 meters (WS10 and WD10).MYJ scheme showedthe best performance for WS10, while BOU and UW schemes stood out for WD10. Regarding T2, MYNN2 and, again, MYJ, presented the best results.However, it is worth to point out that results indicate that there were no statistically significant differences using different PBL schemes.Analysis of simulated PBLheights (PBLH) and vertical profiles of water vapor, potential temperature and wind speed and direction were also made, it was observed that the WRF model produced low values of PBLH, neverthelessit was inferred that even so the model was able to present satisfactory results for the behavior of vertical profiles.It was concluded that the WRF model presented good performance and was able to simulate the atmospheric conditions that characterize RMS.
- ItemEstudo comparativo entre coeficientes de difusão verticais na simulação da dispersão de poluentes em uma camada limite convectiva(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-01-01) Leite, Maria de Fátima Silva; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Gonçalves, Marcelo Albano Moret SimõesThis work presents simulations for the pollutant dispersion in the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL) with a stationary three-dimensional semi-analytical solution, obtained by solving the advection-diffusion equation.The equation was solved by combining the techniques ADMM (Advection Diffusion Multilayer Method), based on the discretization of CLC in sublayers, each sublayer where the advection-diffusion equation is solved by the Laplace transform technique and GITT (Generalized Integral Transform Technique), a hybrid method that solves a broad class of direct and inverse problems. The new technique is then called GIADMT (Generalized Integral Advection Diffusion Multilayer Technique). The objective was to compare and analyze some of vertical diffusion coefficients, and their applicability in the three-dimensional concentration equation obtained by GIADMT method. Comparison entres appropriate to the atmosphere in unstable conditions vertical diffusion coefficients (Kz) was presented. The results were compared with experimental data of Copenhagen (Gryning and Lick, 1984; Gryning et al, 1987; Gryning and Lick, 2002) in order to verify the performance of the model under the various parameterizations of atmospheric turbulence. The comparisons showed better results when employing the parameterization suggested by Degrazia et al. (2001) [A].
- ItemInfluence of traffic emissions on the street-level concentrations in an urban built neighborhood in Brazil: a MUNICH application(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-10-30) Cevolani, Karina Tonoli; Goulart, Elisa Valentim;;;;; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida;; Calderon, Mario Eduardo GavidiaAir pollution is already considered the main environmental threat for human health. Especially in urban areas, exposure to high concentrations can be more frequently due to the proximity to traffic emissions and limited dispersion. Combination of air quality deterioration and rapidly urban growth may result in a increase of clinical cases. In order to analyze the influence of traffic emissions in Enseada do Suá, an urban neighborhood located in Vitória city/Brazil, simulations with MUNICH were performed to November and December/2019. Based on that, three additional emissions scenarios were proposed to provide subsidies for strategies for pollution control. Emissions data required by MUNICH was defined based on the emission inventory released by the State Institute of Environment and Water Resources (Base year 2015). Particularly, volatile organic emissions were chemically speciated following factors associated with combustion of Brazilian fuels available in the literature. Meteorological data and background concentrations were obtained from modelings with WRF-Urban model version 4.1.5 and Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.3.2, respectively. Street network and buildings were obtained from Vitória city hall’website. MUNICH simulations indicated that peaks of NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were associated with low values of planetary boundary layer and/or friction velocity. In addition, a decrease by roughly 30% on the aspect ratio in a primary street (street 119 which is near to the air quality station placed at Enseada do Suá) resulted a decrease by 13.0%, 13.7% and 8.9% on the average concentrations of PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 over streets 112 and 119 (near the Enseada do Suá station). A better agreement between modeled and observed NO2 concentrations were achieved when a correction on background concentrations were applied, which suggests that this pollutant is more affected by urban background. Regarding PM10 and PM2.5, results indicated a potential overestimation of resuspension emission. Hence, it is a key factor to obtain higher concentrations over the study area. With respect to the additional traffic emission scenarios, simulations showed that all urban mobility scenarios resulted in reductions on the air concentration. For all analyzed pollutants, largest decreases were obtained for null emissions on primary streets, which are the most relevant for the total emission rate estimated for Enseada do Suá. In this scenario, average PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations over street segments may be reduced by up 66.1%, 79.6% and 92.5%, respectively. However, violations to Brazilian standards and WHO air quality guidelines - 2021 (WHO 2021) were noted. Larger number of exceedings to the WHO 2021 in comparison to the current standards in Brazil suggest a need to update the national legislation. Finally, more ambitious strategies are required to control pollution in the study area aiming human welfare.
- ItemInfluência dos compostos orgânicos voláteis no potencial de formação do ozônio troposférico na região da Grande Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-06-06) Galvão, Elson Silva; Santos, Jane Meri; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Fornaro, AdalgizaIn the present study, the ozone forming potential (OFP) from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in theatmosphereof Metropolitan Region of Grande Vitória(RMGV) has been studied on the periods between02/05/2013 to 04/05/2013 and 05/16/2013 to 06/21/2013. Each species of VOC has a particular reactivity on ozone formingpotential, so the knowledge of these species in the local atmosphere is of great importance in proposing measures to control of air pollution. Passive samplers were installed at three of air quality monitoring stations (RAMQAr) of RMGV, and a total of 96 samplings were collected between the two sampling periods. Bythe characterization and quantification of VOC was possible to quantify the OFPapplying the scale ofmaximumincrementalreactivity (MIR) proposed by Carter (1994). The results indicatedthat the predominant group of VOCs in the RMGV is the organic acids, followed by alcohols and substituted aromatics. Among the VOCs with the greatest OFP, the undecane, toluene , ethylbenzene and m, p-xylene compounds are the most abundant in RMGV, presentingthe means of 0,855 μg m-3, 0,365 μg m-3, 0,259 μg m-3and0,289 μg m-3, respectively, on the period 05/16/2013 to 06/21/2013. The results also indicatedthat the BTEX group consisting of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and m,p-xylenes are belowof the limitsconsidered harmful to the health of the population in RMGV . The ozone formingpotential in RMGV calculated from all the precursorsVOC group was 22.55 μg m-3insummer period and 32.11 μg m-3in the winter period. The toluene and o-xylene compounds are responsible for approximately 37 % of all OFPproduced from precursors VOC group. The assessment of the VOC/NOxratio revealed that the overall value of thatratio inRMGV is approximately 1.71, indicating that the region has a VOC-limiting condition for the production of ozone. Therefore, the adoption of measures only toremove NOxfrom the atmosphere of RMGV could favor reactions between OH and VOC, forming radicals that enable regenerate NO2increasingthenet rate of ozone production in the region.
- ItemPANORAMA DAS EMISSÕES ATMOSFÉRICAS DE NAVIOS EM COMPLEXO PORTUÁRIO PRÓXIMO À REGIÃO URBANA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-06-16) Mateus, Vitor de Oliveira; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida;;;;; Pinto, Janaina Antonino;;; Goulart, Elisa Valentim;; work aims to evaluate the participation of ships in the port region of Metropolitan Region of Greater Vitória (RMGV), WHERE many works focus on the permissions of important sources present due to the proximity of large companies and the urban sector.
- ItemQuantificação e caracterização do material particulado fino (MP2,5) na região metropolitana da Grande Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-08-31) Maioli, Brígida Gusso; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Reis Júnior, Neyval Costa; Santos, Jane Méri; Andrade, Maria de FátimaAtmospheric fine particles with diameter smaller than 2.5μm (PM2.5) have been recently considered an atmospheric pollutant widely associated with health problem. The objective of this work is to collect and characterize PM2.5 particles in an urban region, by mass concentrations, its chemical composition and morphological characteristics. Eight PM2.5 sampling site were located in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória (MRV), Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Daily measurements were carried out from 01 May to 26 June 2011, using a portable air sampler, MiniVol with quartz filters. In addition to the gravimetrical determination of PM2.5 concentrations, the samples were analyzed by Reflectance to determine black carbon (BC), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDX) to identify and quantify chemical elemental composition and Scanning Electron Microscope coupled to Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) to identify the morphological characteristics of the particles. The chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model was used to identify and quantify the contributions from emission sources at each sampling site. The chemical profiles were selected based in PM2.5 Emission Inventory for the region and constructed by using São Paulo Environmental Protection Agency (CETESB) and USEPA Speciate databases, as well as chemical analysed samples collected from some specific industries sources. Average PM2.5 concentrations during the sampling period were between 6,50µg/m3 and 21,47µg/m3 at the eight sampling sites. PM2.5 daily maximum concentrations was recorded at Cariacica site with 37,18µg/m3 , and PM2.5 daily minimum concentrations was recorded at Enseada do Suá site with 1,99µg/m3 . PM2.5 particles images obtained during this study by SEM/EDS indicated the particles majority were collected in a range lower than 1,0µm. The source apportionment study identified groups of seven sources, with the highest contribution from the vehicles, following by sources derived from soil/sandstone/construction/road paved dust, coal/coke/ coke furnace and iron ore/pellets/steel furnace and to a lesser extent, the sources oil combustion, sintering and marine aerosol.
- ItemQuantificação, espacialização e especiação das emissões atmosféricas de origem veicular na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-07-08) Araújo, Igor Baptista de; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Martins, Jorge AlbertoThe main objective of this study was to investigate the atmospheric emissions of vehicular origin in the metropolitan area of Greater Vitoria (RMGV) in the state of Espírito Santo, and provide it a system that characterize quantitatively in time and space, and represent their chemical nature (speciation) in these two fields. Vehicle emissions rates were recalculated using official and update methodology of Brazil, provided by the Ministry of Environment, identifying changes in inventory obtained by applying the new methodology to estimate vehicular sources. Within the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions – SMOKE model, with the chemical speciation of all inventoried sources, besides simulating the spatial and temporal evolution of the emission of pollutants RMGV, based on the updated inventory sources. The results generated from the new estimates were compared with data from the official inventory provided by the local environmental agency (IEMA). Overall, the annual emissions calculated for vehicles in this study was lower than estimated in the inventory captained by IEMA, affecting also the distribution of the participation of non-vehicular emission sources in RMGV.
- ItemSimulação da dispersão de alumina no Centro de Lançamento de Alcântara em diferentes condições de estabilidade atmosférica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-03-31) Rosa, Larissa Coutinho; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Goulart, Antonio Gledson de Oliveira; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de AlmeidaThe main objective of this work was to simulate the dispersion of the aluminum oxide particulate material during and after the launching of rockets at the Alcantara launch center in the state of Maranhão. It was used the mesoscale meteorological model, WRF, and the rocket effluent simulator model, MSDEF. The meteorological data of the region obtained through the WRF served as input parameters for the MSDEF model. In order to analyze the results obtained by the WRF, radiosonde data were collected between the dry and rainy periods of the year 2013. For the same period, the data were simulated using the WRF software. The analyzes are contemplated from days 18 to 21 of the month of March (rainy season) and by the same days for September (dry period). Subsequently, the parameters obtained by the meteorological modeling were used as input to simulate the dispersion of the aluminum oxide. It can be affirmed that the main objective and the specific objectives of this work were successfully achieved, showing that it is possible to use the mesoscale meteorological model, WRF to generate input data to the MSDEF. It is important to note that this modeling system can be applied to any rocket launch case anywhere in the world for simulations and pre and post-launch analyzes of the environmental effects of rocket launch operations.