Ensino de Física - Mestrado Profissional
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Física
Centro: CCE
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URL do programa: http://www.ensinodefisica.ufes.br/
Navegando Ensino de Física - Mestrado Profissional por Autor "Bisch, Sergio Mascarello"
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- ItemElaboração e aplicação de atividades investigativas na formação inicial de professores da educação básica em astronomia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-26) Vidigal, Wesley Quintiliano; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; https://orcid.org/; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7149134147983654; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9770-0331; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1915179811660441; Alvarenga, Flavio Gimenes; https://orcid.org/; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7169430092692431; Buffon, Luiz Otavio; https://orcid.org/; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5054076130464452In this work we analyze the insertion of investigative activities on topics of basic Astronomy, such as the shape of the Earth, gravitational field, day and night, terrestrial orbit, seasons of the year, Solar System and sky observation, in a mini-course of initial training applied to two classes of undergraduate students in Biological Sciences of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
- ItemFísica moderna e contemporânea no Ensino Médio : uma proposta didática baseada nos três momentos pedagógicos utilizando a a astronomia como temática central(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-05-24) Evangelista, Robson Leone; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; Leite, Cristina; Pereira, Marcia Regina SantanaThe dissertation presents a didactic proposal of Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) teaching for High School (HS) based on the dynamics of Three Pedagogical Moments (3PM), developed from Freire’s ideas of a dialogical teaching, using Astronomy as central theme. The goal was to use issues associated with planets and star formation, as a motivating central theme to tackle and discuss contents related to photometry, spectroscopy and tha structure of matter in order to avoid the education that Paulo Freire calls "banking". As a first step, a survey was made about the prior knowledge of students in a class of HS on the subjects of astronomy, associated with planets and the formation of stars, and physics, associated with light and structure of matter. In a second step, we apply various activities prepared based on the dynamics of 3PM, involving an initial questioning, followed by organization and application of the addressed knowledge. In the third step, post-tests, questionnaires and interviews were applied, in order to evaluate how significant was the learning of the students and their participation in a more active, dialogical and critical way during the development of the activities. From the collected data it was concluded that there was a good reception and participation of students in the instructional sequence implemented and evidence of significant learning of concepts in FMC and Astronomy. As a product associated with the dissertation, in the Appendix G is presented the teaching sequence that has been implemented, with all the material used, which can serve as a reference for other teachers who wish to develop MCP educational projects in basic education, which seek to promote dialogue between the students reality and scientific knowledge necessary for them to be able to understand the world.
- ItemO estudo sobre os benefícios e riscos das radiações com enfoque cts articulado à perspectiva investigativa: um projeto de Ensino desenvolvido no IFES Cachoeiro de Itapemirim(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-10-18) Coelho, Raphael Furtado; Coelho, Geide Rosa; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5358-9742; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6143294915531803; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5733-9636; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0897962602365698; Leite, Sidnei Quezada Meireles; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6673-5200; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1513533400177561; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3136-3520; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7149134147983654In this paper, we present a proposal for the introductory teaching of radiation, by conducting studies on the benefits and risks generated by them. To this end, we developed a Teaching Sequence focusing on Science, Technology and Society (SECTS), which was articulated to an investigative perspective and developed with twenty first-grade students of the Technician in Integrated High School Informatics course at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. - Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Campus. This teaching sequence, presenting assumptions of the Science, Technology and Society (CTS) approach, made possible the articulation of concepts of Radiation Physics, with themes of socio-scientific relevance. The Intervention Research, chosen as a methodological design, was applied in the form of a teaching complementation project, in which the data produced and collected through reports in field diaries, audio and video recordings and other written productions made it possible to highlight appropriations of the research. attitudinal and procedural learning as: the valorization of the scientific approaches of the proposed problems, the critical and reflexive positions before the problem situations, the structuring of ideas through written or oral language, the use of models to interpret the proposed themes and formulation of hypotheses. In addition to these learnings, evidence of conceptual appropriations about radiation, such as ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, radioactive decay, energy of electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, among others, were found in the analysis of the data collected in this research.
- ItemO fenômeno das marés : gravitação e astronomia numa proposta de unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa para o ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-05-31) Silva, Francisco Paiva da; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; Coelho, Geide Rosa; Barrio, Juan Bernardino MarquesThe paper reports the development, implementation and evaluation of a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit (PMTU) about the tides phenomenon targeted to high school, which relates the tides phenomenon with Gravitation and Astronomy. Were held 14 activities such as drawings and questionnaire, aiming to survey the initial conceptions, reading and discussion of texts, content presentation for slides, simulation activity phases of the moon using the body, discussion and activities of reworking, presentation activities to the large group and press conference. They participated in the development of this work 21 students the first year of high school of E.E.E.F.M. Ewerton Montenegro Guimarães, a school of public schools, located in Viana district, ES. The PMTU was evaluated throughout their development process and the end, together with the students through a news conference. The materials and tools that were the basis for data collection and results analysis were drawings and quizzes, videos and activities of the press conference, audio lessons, plus a daily implementation. The students demonstrated a high degree of involvement in some activities, many questions regarding the content of study and a lot of willingness to carry out practical activities, but very difficult to read and little envolvement in expository activities. From the results obtained throughout the process of implementation of PMTU, it was revealed few significant learning of evidence indicating that the goal of PMTU seems to have been reached, but it is possible to realize an increase of knowledge and possible conceptual evolution. With this work it was also possible to know a little more about teaching and learning, to make an analysis of the teaching practice itself and to acquire experience in order to improve product that can serve as a reference to other teachers who wish to develop similar education projects addressing tides, gravitation and astronomy.
- ItemOs movimentos dos planetas e os modelos de universo : uma proposta de sequência didática para o ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-06-10) Barros, Marconi Frank; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; Leite, Cristina; Camiletti, Giuseppi GavaThe research aimed to develop a instrucional sequence on relevant topics of Astronomy and check if the used methodology and materials were appropriated and have brought about a meaningful learning in a group of 33 students of the third year of secondary education at a public school of Espirito Santo state, Brazil, with whom the sequence was worked. The main theoretical framework used in the preparation of the sequence and assessment of their results has been the Theory of Meaningful Learning of David Ausubel and Joseph Novak. The sequence had as general theme "The Planets Movements and the Models of Universe", whose education to students was based on the preparation of a potentially significant material and activities involving observation of the sky with the naked eye and telescope, complemented with the use of the Stellarium astronomical software; a historical approach of the theme in the classroom, since the beginnings of Astronomy up to the current times, with an emphasis on the transition from the geocentric universe model to an heliocentric one; a planetarium session and a practical activity of simulation of planetary movements using the student’s body itself. A substantial part of the activities were worked out after the application and analysis of two initial questionnaires and the elaboration by the students of conceptual maps to check their prior knowledge on the subject. This survey helped to guide the intervention. For collecting data, monitoring and assess the learning brought about by the sequence, another questionnaires were applied and new conceptual maps were developed by the students after the completion of the sequence. It was also possible to interact and stimulate students through distance by means of a group page on Astronomy created at the Facebook social network. The analysis of the collected data permit to detect evidences of a significant learning in a substantial part of the students who have demonstrated interest in the subject and have been able to assimilate new concepts about the sky and the planets, to reconcile concepts initially considered as distinct, as the sky and Universe, and understand the explanations about the planets movements in accordance with the geocentric and heliocentric models, simulated in the activity of representation of these movements with the body itself. The comparison between the conceptual maps drawn up before and after the sequence also showed evidence of advances that have occurred in the learning of concepts of Astronomy. A growing of interest in the discipline of Physics was also detectec. However, the data also showed that not all of the students learned significantly, indicating some points in which the material and the methodology used still deserve to be reviewed and improved in future applications, such as in the case of the teaching of the retrograde movement concept. As a product associated with the dissertation, all potentially significant material used, the scripts and examples of practical activities applied and the instructional sequence structuring were gathered and are presented at the end, in the form of a didactic teaching proposal for topics of Astronomy in high school, that follows as an appendix to this dissertation.
- ItemUma proposta de sequência didática potencialmente significativa sobre o princípio da conservação da energia a partir da abordagem dos processos de produção e transmissão da energia solar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-12) Formentini, Yure Zanette; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7452-5772; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7149134147983654; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5312483296506970; Segatto, Breno Rodrigues; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0571-8364; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2380353135803549; Brozeguini, Jardel da Costa; https://orcid.org/; http://lattes.cnpq.br/The objective of this work was to apply and evaluate a potentially significant didactic sequence that involved the use of variations of the "Just-in-time Teaching" and "Peer Instruction" methods with the "Energy Conservation Principle" theme.