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Navegando Mestrado em Ciências Odontológicas por Autor "Bonadiman, Eduarda Alberti"
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- ItemDesenvolvimento De Um Novo Dispositivo De Posicionamento Radiográfico Para A Avaliação De Implantes Dentários(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-01-25) Bonadiman, Eduarda Alberti; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo ;;;;; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo ;;; Ramos, Umberto Demoner ;;; Leite, André Ferreira ;; dissertation is composed of two studies. The first aimed to develop an adapter for the Cone Indicator radiographic film-holder, aiming to generate sharpener and more geometrically accurate images of dental implants. To achieve these goals, an additional rod and a rectangular trapezoid were designed in the SketchUp software and 3D printed. Implants with internal conical connection were installed in the central incisor region of 19 maxilla prototypes. Five dentists obtained 285 digital periapical radiographs using three different filmholders: Cone indicator, Rinn XCP and modified Cone Indicator. Then, they evaluated the implants threads sharpness and the implants radiographic dimensions in ImageJ software. The Friedman with post-hoc Durbin-Conover and MANOVA with post-hoc Tukey tests were used (α = 5%). Mesial threads were sharpener for the modified Cone Indicator than for the Cone Indicator film-holder (p<0.05). The modified Cone Indicator resulted in a smaller difference between the radiographic and the real implant diameter than the Rinn XCP and the Cone Indicator film-holders (p<0.05). In conclusion, the modified Cone Indicator filmholder resulted in radiographs of dental implants with greater sharpness and greater geometric accuracy. The second study set out to evaluate the accuracy of the modified Cone Indicator film-holder for detecting misfits at the abutmentprosthesis interface. A ceramic copping was made and coupled to the implants installed in the first study (20 jaw prototypes). Misfits of 50, 100 and 150 μm were simulated by interposing 1, 2 or 3 50-μm-thick polyester strips, respectively, positioned at the abutment-prosthesis interface; the absence of the strip represented the control group. An independent operator obtained 180 digital radiographs using the 3 film-holders tested in the first study. One radiologist, 1 prosthodontist and 1 general practitioner evaluated the images. The area under ROC curves (Az) were calculated and subjected to repeated measures ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey (α = 5%). No statistically significant differences among the three film-holders were found (p=0.381). In conclusion, the modified Cone Indicator film-holder had similar accuracy than other film-holders for detecting misfits at the abutment-prosthesis interface.