Mestrado em Ciências Odontológicas
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- ItemAtitude dos professores da rede municipal de ensino frente à situação de traumatismo dentário(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-02-08) Santos, Pamela Barbosa dos; Miotto, Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros ;;;;; Sanglard, Luciana Faria ;;; Barcellos, Ludmilla Awad ;; To evaluate the attitudes of teachers from the municipal education network of the Vitória City Hall in different dental trauma scenarios and associate them with socioeconomic, demographic, and functional variables. Material and Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, and probabilistic study was conducted. Data collection was carried out through self administered and validated questionnaires, addressing sociodemographic and functional information as well as knowledge about dental trauma. Correct or incorrect attitudes were assessed in three different scenarios. Statistical analyses included chi-square tests (p < 0.05), descriptive analyses, and frequency tables with numbers and percentages. A total of 292 teachers from 37 schools participated in the study. Results: Among the participants, 137 (46.9%) teachers had witnessed cases of dental trauma, with 94 (68.6%) of these cases occurring in the school environment. Additionally, 274 (93.8%) teachers had never received formal guidance on the subject. It was observed that teachers who received guidance on dental trauma in scenario 3 had a statistically significant association (p = 0.030) with a higher frequency of correct attitudes among those who had undergone training on the topic. Similarly, teachers who had experienced dental trauma situations showed a potentially significant association (p = 0.056) with correct attitudes. No statistically significant differences were observed concerning socioeconomic and sociodemographic variables. Conclusion: The scenario assessment revealed a significant prevalence of incorrect attitudes regarding dental avulsion cases among teachers. This underscores the urgent need to implement educational actions and training programs, as well as to include the topic in teacher education, aiming to prepare them to effectively handle such situations.
- ItemEfeitos da terapia a laser de baixa intensidade sobre as células da gengiva de camundongos com periodontite experimental(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-15) Braga, Larissa Trarbach Figueiredo; Porto, Marcella Leite; Meyrelles, Silvana dos Santos;;;;; Campagnaro, Bianca Prandi;;; Rosetti, Elizabeth Pimentel;; Periodontitis is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease associated with dysbiotic microorganisms that, through the presence of bacterial biofilm, alter the homeostatic environment of the periodontium and impair systemic health. The inflammatory changes hinder the host's immune response and cause degradation of the protective and supportive tissues of the teeth, which can consequently lead to tooth loss. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been studied for its potential to reduce inflammation and influence cellular processes with positive results. However, its use in conjunction with periodontal treatments remains debatable. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of LLLT on reactive oxygen species (ROS) and apoptosis in gingival tissue, and on systemic parameters related to inflammation and oxidative stress caused by experimental periodontitis. Methods: This experimental research was conducted on 16-week-old C57/BL6 mice, randomly divided into four groups: control (C) - no intervention; control+LLLT (C+L) - no intervention and treated with LLLT; periodontitis (P) - with ligature-induced periodontitis; periodontitis+LLLT (P+L) - with ligature-induced periodontitis and treated with LLLT. After 28 days of induction, the ligature was removed and the animals were treated with scaling and root planing (SRP), and LLLT was applied for 3 days (4 joules per session). At the end of the treatment, the animals were euthanized; the gingiva, mandible, and plasma were separated for analysis. In the mandible, to confirm periodontitis, we measured alveolar bone loss using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In gingival tissue, ROS levels and cell apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometry. In plasma, inflammatory activity was analyzed through the enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO), and protein oxidation was assessed using the advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) assay, both by spectrophotometry; cytokine levels were measured using flow cytometry. Results: Periodontitis was confirmed. LLLT reduced superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide levels in gingival tissue by approximately 18% and 26%, respectively. Apoptosis in gingival cells was 32% lower in LLLT-treated animals with periodontitis. Systemic inflammatory activity and protein oxidation decreased by 49.3% and 38.6%, respectively. In the P+L group, plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-12p70 were reduced, while the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 increased compared to the P group (p<0.05). Conclusion: In this experimental model, the use of LLLT effectively regulated ROS levels and apoptosis in gingival tissue, influencing plasma markers of oxidative stress and inflammation.
- ItemEpidermólise bolhosa no Espírito Santo: caracterização sociodemográfica e avaliação de alterações na mucosa oral(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-26) Franzosi, Ana Carolina Sias Franco; Souza, Letícia Nogueira da Gama de;;;;; Coburn, Karla Loureiro Almeida;;; Errera, Flavia Imbroisi Valle ;; Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a severe genetic disease characterized by continuous blistering of the skin and mucous membranes, potentially presenting significant structural changes in the mouth. Objective: To analyze the nuclear aspects of cytotoxicity and mutagenicity obtained from exfoliated cells of the buccal mucosa in EB patients. Materials and Methods: Sociodemographic and clinical information were collected through physical examination and a standardized questionnaire. Buccal mucosa cells were obtained from oral exfoliations and evaluated to determine the frequency of micronuclei, karyorrhexis, karyolysis, and pyknosis. The statistical tests used were Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis. Results: 20 EB individuals were selected, and the control group (n=20) was matched for sex and age with the EB sample. A similar distribution was observed between men (n=8, 40%) and women (n=12, 60%), and individuals aged ≥ 19 years represented the majority (n=13, 65%). Quantitative analysis revealed that most cells were identified as normal in both groups. A higher number of karyorrhexis (p=0.0002) and karyolysis (p<0.0001) was observed in the EB sample. Micronuclei were found only in the latter group. When comparing non-EB patients with the most severe cases of the disease, a higher number of karyolysis was identified in the EB sample (p=0.0006). Conclusion: Nuclear alterations of cytotoxicity were more frequent in the EB group. Mutagenicity-related changes were found only in this group. This reinforces the need for constant medical and dental follow-up to prevent the establishment of more severe conditions.
- ItemPrevalência e Fatores de Risco Associados à Colonização por Candida spp. em Lesões Da Mucosa Bucal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-12) Feletti, Mariana Pires; Tavares, Sarah Gonçalves;;; Velloso, Tânia Regina Grão;;;;; Melo, Analy Salles de Azevedo;;; Barroso, Danielle Resende Camisasca;; present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of Candida spp. in lesions that affect the oral mucosa, assess the distribution of Candida species present, and analyze the risk factors associated with this relationship. A cross-sectional study was conducted in which patients with lesions on the oral mucosa underwent swab collection to investigate Candida spp. The first collection was carried out in the lesion area, and a second in the mucosa region without apparent lesion. Patient samples were plated on CHROMagar Candida™, and colony-forming unit counts were performed to determine fungal load. Biochemical, morphological, and mass spectrometry tests were carried out to identify the species, followed by in vitro sensitivity tests to antifungals. The data collected indicated a prevalence of 40% of Candida spp. associated with oral lesions in x patients evaluated. Among the most commonly found species, C. albicans (62.5%), C. glabrata (10.5%), C. parapsilosis (7.5%), and C. tropicalis (7.5%) stood out. It was observed that the presence of the lesion was a factor that influenced the occurrence of Candida spp., with a more significant occurrence of this microorganism in areas of altered mucosa. Furthermore, Candida spp. it was more prevalent in elderly, female, and diabetic patients. No association was identified between Candida spp. and lesions in the oral mucosa with hyposalivation, history of smoking, and alcohol consumption. Of the 37 samples submitted to antifungal susceptibility testing, all have a resistance profile to Nystatin. Based on the data from this study, it is concluded that lesions in the oral mucosa represent a risk factor for colonization by Candida spp. Although most species identified are C. albicans, nonalbicans species were isolated in the oral cavity of patients, emphasizing C. parapsilosis. Understanding the relationship between species and lesions in the oral mucosa is crucial for safer and more effective patient clinical management.
- ItemDesenvolvimento De Um Novo Dispositivo De Posicionamento Radiográfico Para A Avaliação De Implantes Dentários(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-01-25) Bonadiman, Eduarda Alberti; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo ;;;;; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo ;;; Ramos, Umberto Demoner ;;; Leite, André Ferreira ;; dissertation is composed of two studies. The first aimed to develop an adapter for the Cone Indicator radiographic film-holder, aiming to generate sharpener and more geometrically accurate images of dental implants. To achieve these goals, an additional rod and a rectangular trapezoid were designed in the SketchUp software and 3D printed. Implants with internal conical connection were installed in the central incisor region of 19 maxilla prototypes. Five dentists obtained 285 digital periapical radiographs using three different filmholders: Cone indicator, Rinn XCP and modified Cone Indicator. Then, they evaluated the implants threads sharpness and the implants radiographic dimensions in ImageJ software. The Friedman with post-hoc Durbin-Conover and MANOVA with post-hoc Tukey tests were used (α = 5%). Mesial threads were sharpener for the modified Cone Indicator than for the Cone Indicator film-holder (p<0.05). The modified Cone Indicator resulted in a smaller difference between the radiographic and the real implant diameter than the Rinn XCP and the Cone Indicator film-holders (p<0.05). In conclusion, the modified Cone Indicator filmholder resulted in radiographs of dental implants with greater sharpness and greater geometric accuracy. The second study set out to evaluate the accuracy of the modified Cone Indicator film-holder for detecting misfits at the abutmentprosthesis interface. A ceramic copping was made and coupled to the implants installed in the first study (20 jaw prototypes). Misfits of 50, 100 and 150 μm were simulated by interposing 1, 2 or 3 50-μm-thick polyester strips, respectively, positioned at the abutment-prosthesis interface; the absence of the strip represented the control group. An independent operator obtained 180 digital radiographs using the 3 film-holders tested in the first study. One radiologist, 1 prosthodontist and 1 general practitioner evaluated the images. The area under ROC curves (Az) were calculated and subjected to repeated measures ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey (α = 5%). No statistically significant differences among the three film-holders were found (p=0.381). In conclusion, the modified Cone Indicator film-holder had similar accuracy than other film-holders for detecting misfits at the abutment-prosthesis interface.