Psicologia Institucional
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Institucional
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- ItemA atividade das agentes comunitárias de saúde na Estratégia Saúde da Família : entre dramáticas e (re)criações(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-01-21) Sampaio, Renata Oliveira; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Moraes, Thiago DrumondThis work is the result of studies carried out between the years 2013 and 2015 and intended to analyze the activity of the Community Health Agents (CHA) of two teams of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in a Health Center located in Nova Rosa da Penha, in the city of Cariacica. To that end, firstly meetings – conversation circles – were held with the CHA to discuss issues relevant to their work: health, prescriptions and activity. In a second moment, an adaptation of the technic of “Instruction to the Look-Alike” was applied and, later, adapted versions of the method of “Simple and Crossed Self-Confrontation”, from Yves Clot. Such propositions contributed in the activity analysis, for they functioned as devices allowing the CHA to produce analyzes about their own activity. These analyzes are discussed in this dissertational work from contributions of the so-called "Work Clinics", using concepts from the Clinic of Activity and the Ergology. Thereby, it was possible to observe the distance between the foregoing standards and the real activity and to know the renormalizations that the CHA operate on the dilemmas experienced at work. We also note that the CHA activity is surrounded by paradoxes ranging from inflation to the lack of standards, from appreciation to devaluation. Thus, we intend that this research will contribute to new ways of thinking / looking at the work of CHA.
- ItemA dimensão pública da política de assistência social em um abrigo para pop-rua em Serra/ES : experiências de Apostar COM(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-12-18) Almeida, Bianca Batalha de; Tavares, Gilead Marchezi; Caliman, Luciana Vieira; Moraes, Marcia OliveiraThis project took place in a Night Shelter in Serra / ES, which comprises the services of Special Social Protection of High Complexity of Social Assistance, in the form of Institutional overnight welcoming, sheltering the adult population in street situation. The objective was to understand the public dimension of social assistance policy, that is, to pursue exactly what a given government policy benefits from meetings, connections, ties that produce transformative movements, the constitution of a more articulated body with a network known as movement. Starting from the conception of a body as interface between a subject and the world, it is proposed that its acquisition in the constitution of an analytical corpus would be done progressively through the availability for the unknown and the sensitivity to what the world is made of. Therefore, an investigation with homeless people known as ResearchWITH was carried out, using as instrumentsdevices the interview and the log from the institutional experience in the service. The narratives constituted in the meetings with four fellow participants were brought as experiences to be shared in specific locations and situations of a network, making each meeting, each connection each “way” matter. Thus, it is based on the intensification of experimentation and alliances, considering that through them questions may arise, which can forge a public social service that is experienced through the daily struggles in which the action with the other makes us resist the forces that prevent the movements of freedom of the processes of differentiation inherent in life.
- ItemA experiência da construção do sujeito ético-político nos espaços do Fórum Bem Maior(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-04-07) Leite, Lidiane; Aragão, Elizabeth Maria Andrade; Margotto, Lilian Rose; Herkenhoff, Maria Beatriz LimaThis disquisition discusses the experience of construction of the ethical-political subject within a community development forum, called Bem Maior, located in the city of Vitória - ES. Based on a few experiences lived in Fórum Bem Maior and on the interviews with 16 active leaderships of this environment, this work looks forward to monitor the process of ethical-political constitution of subjectivity engendered at the point of the encounter with otherness. Mainly, reviews Michael Foucault's thoughts, using a few of his key concepts as theoretical tools in order to discuss the idea of citizenship and the relationship between ethics and politics. This discussion provided thought on the political experience located in the articulated plot between power and resistance, taken in accordance with the ethical care of themselves. This study was intended highlight the ethical component of the subjectivity constitution as indispensable to the construction of the political subject as citizen and the possibility of limiting relations of domination and subjection by an ethical exercise of care and cultivation of freedom.
- ItemA experiência do grupo condutor na implantação do Nasf em Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-10-23) Calente, Daniele Stange; Caliman, Luciana Vieira; Silva, Fabio Hebert da; Oliveira, Gustavo Nunes de; Gomes, Rafael da SilveiraThis dissertation is interested in narrating a trajectory that follows the work process of the group responsible for implanting the Support Centers for Family Health (NASF) in Vitória - ES. This conducting group was formed of professionals from the central level of the Municipal Health Department (SEMUS) with the purpose of transforming practices of the professionals from the support of the primary health care (psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, professionals of physical education in the health and pharmacists) in NASF teams and they “embraced” that commitment. Considering this transformation as something greater than the accreditation of these professionals to the federal management bodies, the NASF conducting group organized a series of activities and actions in order to support the consolidation of these teams and their practices according to the matrix support logic. It seeks to analyze the issues that this experience produces in the group itself, at the central level of SEMUS, in the primary health care professionals that form the teams and also in the researcher. For this analysis, we used the researcher's field diary and other records such as minutes and memoirs of meetings produced collectively by the conducting group. Taking as a methodological reference the Research-Intervention and the cartographic method, it seeks to develop clues for the problematization of the clinical practices, management and certification in healthcare, enabling the emergence of new practices, that are developed in a collective way and constitute other means of existence.
- ItemA implementação da política de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) em uma escola municipal de Vitória/ES : apostas e tensionamentos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-09-19) Romanio, Marcel Bittencourt; Heckert, Ana Lúcia Coelho; Neves, Claudia Elizabeth Abbês Baeta; Oliveira, Edna Castro de; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros deThis study aimed to monitor the effects of the implementation process of the municipal policy for Youth and Adults (EJA) in a public school in the city of Vitória/ES. To analyze the data produced in the survey we used two vectors, namely the establishment of educational practices that weave the Youth and Adult Education in Brazil and the processes that permeated the implementation of adult education policy, formulated from 2005 by the Municipal Education Victoria / Holy Spirit (SEME/ES). The survey encompassed institutional experience and interviews with teachers who work in adult education in a school sport in the municipal Vitória/ES, interviews with team policy coordination EJA that acts at the central (SEME) and participation in meetings of the training teachers. The paper highlights some moves that were experienced by teachers as tensions that permeated the process of implementing a policy of municipal adult education school in the survey, such as the arrival of the proposal to the school, the tensions, dilemmas and achievements interfering in the politics of adult education, training and management processes of teaching, the process of juvenilization EJA, among others. The process of implementing a policy of adult education in Vitória/ES has been performing in line with propositions woven into the field of adult education nationwide. In the survey we have seen from the implementation process caused destabilization experienced in institutionalized practices in school and also the discussions conducted with teachers often diverted the proposal submitted by the coordination team of the EJA SEME/ES
- ItemA judicialização de medicamentos no Espírito Santo : os desafios na construção da política pública de assistência farmacêutica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-04-25) Silva, Arielle Rocha de Oliveira; Caliman, Luciana Vieira; Pereira, Eduardo Henrique Passos; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros deThis paper analyzes the growing use of lawsuits demanding medicines through the Brazilian Health System (SUS), known as the Litigation in Pharmaceutical Service. It also seeks to interrogate the relationship between this litigation and the construction and practice of Public Policy for Pharmaceutical Services ES. Therefore, present the main issues related to the growing these lawsuits, under the eyes of various involved in the process. Thus, aims to highlight the faces and interfaces of the Litigates found in the discourses and practices of justice, doctors, managers and users pharmaceutical services in the context of the state of Espírito Santo. This study seeks to depart from the practices of knowledge judges, who take upon themselves the duty to say who is right or wrong. In contrast, the objective is to analyze the production process demand of Litigations Pharmaceutical Services. Through review and analysis of available published research on the subject, it is realized that the approaches on the subject, as well as management actions aimed at their combat, mostly do not involve the user experience, a key element in this research. It is observed that the medicine litigation, through the varied aspects, narratives and experiences that constitute it, cannot be analyzed without considering it multiple and multifaceted character. The analyzes also points to the importance of strengthening a Pharmaceutical Assistance Policy more committed to the singular demands, so that, in the midst of its protocols and standards, affirms an ethical and common posture.
- ItemA participação de crianças e familiares no cuidado em saúde mental : um grupo GAM no CAPSi de Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-10) Gonçalves, Luana Gaigher; Caliman, Luciana Vieira; César, Janaína Mariano; Pereira, Eduardo Henrique Passos; Tavares, Gilead MarcheziHow can children participate in the care for their own mental health? How can those that historically are not seen as responsible or capable of answering for their own lives have the right to participate, voice opinions or express themselves? This work is part of a research situated in the field of child and adolescent mental health that seeks to problematize the low participation of children and their families in treatment, especially regarding the management of medication. In spite of the progress achieved in the process of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and the significant changes in the models of care and management in health practices, the matter of medication is still a sore point. The experiences of mental health service users and their relatives are rarely considered as part of the knowledge regarding treatment. And when these users are children, the problem becomes even more complex and challenging. In addition to the difficulties and barriers imposed by the production of mental disorder diagnoses, these children are also marked by a certain historical construction of childhood images, which on the one hand made it possible to protect children, but on the other, ended up generating impossibilities and putting limits on children’s participation in their care processes. Through the proposition of an Intervention Group (GI) with family members in the Center for Child and Youth Psychosocial Care (CAPSi), based on the strategy of the Autonomous Management of Medication (GAM), this research had as its guideline of work the deterioration of certain crystallized images of childhood. The hope of this work was to cultivate other possible relations with children — which involve other ways of thinking about and being with them — considering the exercise of participation an ethical-political investment.
- ItemA produção de sensibilidades no processo de gestar um corpo dançante na dança do ventre(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-28) Silva, Ângela Vieira da; Silva, Fabio Hebert da; Marcus Vinicius Machado de Almeida; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de
- ItemA questão do sujeito na psicose e as novas institucionalidades da reforma psiquiátrica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-04-17) Neves, Mayara Sanazário; Santos, Jorge Luís Gonçalves dos; Miranda, Ana Augusta Wanderley Rodrigues de; Prates, Tania Mara AlvesFrom a reflection about the reprodution of manicomials pratices in institutions focused on mental health attention, this dissertation interrogates the elements through which the new institutions of the psychiatric reform favors or not the emergency of the subject, as it is defined by the psychoanalysis. Therefore, at first it’s approached the work of Freud with the psychoses and the way that him, especially starting from the Schreber case, send a new look above the symptomatic manifestations of the psychose, understanding them no more as excesses to be silenced, but as a dimension that implies the subject and can support na effort of restoration. Then, with Foucalt that delimits the context that the psychiatry borns in our civilization, as a proper medicine knowledge in the mental diseases, and how, starting from them, the hospitals emerge as a proposal of social adjusting of the madness. It problematizes the efficiency of the psychiatric institutions and the new institutionalities suggested by the brazilan psychiatric reform, analysing, in particular, the Centers of Psychosocial Attention (CAPS). And, by the end, it studies with Lacan the Foreclousure as an operation whereby the significant Name-of-Father is missing in the constitution of the subject and it’s responsable for the constitution of psychosis. Until the conclusion that the task of sieving the singular condition of a psychotic person in the language and the social bond don’t intend only to offer conditions of treatment that is needed for working with the subject in psychose, but at the same time, it becomes a obstacle to the new institutions of the psychiatric reform to not reproduce the manicomial practices that, at the beginnig, they were made to fight against .
- ItemA velhice como intervenção nos modos de vida(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-10-05) Reis, Cleilson Teobaldo dos; Heckert, Ana Lucia Coelho; Tótora, Silvana Maria Corrêa; Lavrador, Maria Cristina Campello; Aragão, Elizabeth Maria AndradeThis research was proposed to talk with ways of life engendered by the elderly residents of Vitoria/ES, attending to hear their narratives and what they announce as power and as becoming, causing detours and folds in the production of reality. Specifically, the elderly who refuse to undergo interventions of social assistance policies and that, because of it, evokes the need for analysis on ways to make government policies and practices of research, as well as the ways in which collectively produce life. We use the cartographic perspective as a guiding principle of this research and we take as the main material for our analysis reports produced by a technical team active in the policy of social assistance in the city of Vitoria/ES and also the effects of the narratives from the elderly produced in this research and this researcher, since the elderly chosen refused to have their stories publicized in this work. Referencing in concepts such as becoming minority, biopower, ethics, among others, we reiterate the need to put in question the social assistance policies, as well as the policies of research, that we produce, problematizing the rigidities which they are committed. We say how we are called to open ourselves to the production, the listening and the experience of difference as something that points to other possibles and removes the production of reality of the aggregation and of the predefined and definitive shapes.
- ItemA vida urbana sob a ótica do fantástico : potências do estranhamento na produção de subjetividades(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-31) Rosenbaum, Laura Daré Rabello; Machado, Leila Aparecida Domingues; Ferreira, Marcelo Santana; Louzada, Ana Paula FigueiredoThis work seeks a view of life in the city instigate by the literary gender known by “magical realism” and also named by “fantastical realism”. Starts from conceptualizations of the term fantastic out of the literary subject - understanding it as a defamiliarization feeling that may be present in the contemporary urban life – and propose to use it as a guide to create plots on urban lifestyles. Here there is thus a survey of what is meant by urban lifestyles and their role in the subjectivation process and by fantastic as a feeling that goes beyond of the literature using hybrid connections: studious from various fields of knowledge, writers of fiction, filmmakers, musicians and the popular knowledge, knowledge of people. As a result of field research conducted in the city of Vitória, we have plots of urban situations instigate by the meanings of fantastic in order to test other ways of thinking, living and writing. It is intended that this view of urban life leverage questioning about a way we have been living in the urban space: automated, fast, individual, numbed and functional. We also experience the fantastic plots as a “trick” or strategy of resistance to fatigue, illness and disenchantment that this way has caused us, making it less natural. The convergence of this micro political proposition of resistance and its experimentation in everyday life is the heart, so to speak, of this research.
- Item"Abrir a sede ao meio" no deserto das práticas de assistência social a jovens em situação de risco(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-12-04) Francisco, Rayanne Suim; Tavares, Gilead Marchezi; Caliman, Luciana Vieira; Hüning, Simone Maria; Cuevas, Marcia Roxana CrucesAttentive to our practice as psychologists in a basic protection service directed by the National Policy of Social Welfare and serving children and said adolescents at risk and social vulnerability, our goal with this study was to differentiate movements erupted by events in the present activities Coexistence of Services and Strengthening Linkages run on a OSCIP the city of Serra / ES. As a methodological device, we wrote within the proposing research-intervention, a cartographic journey that was designed according to the experiences of the field. The trajectory of the research was narrated and recorded in logbooks, which have enabled us to forge analysis, and forge other ways to build knowledge, exercising a political thinking and writing questions the reality it produces. With the proposal of the daily, produced as an intervention device a collective journal in which they were designed, among young people, all the elements of a newspaper. Our bet took place in youth as becoming and multiplicity, and the problematic fields that it puts us daily. Build risk as virtuality, unpredictability that produces unusual ways of life and that affirms life as a work of art, authentic, ethical, emotional and inventive, able to move the psychology of a place that educates the other, I know about him, a policy that produces cracks to existing models and produces intervention devices that cause clashes, friction, strangers. The themes of trust and friendship emerged as multiple worlds inventions with young people in the production of a research policy that states the difference as power, flow, and not as an element that should be deleted or adapted to social norms. Thus we inhabit the deviations enveredarmo us by the power of events emerged in the way of research, where researcher and researched are affected and build together.
- ItemAcidente de trabalho típico : uma análise da binarização da culpa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-07-31) Luz, Leonardo Del Puppo; Andrade, Angela Nobre de; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Silva, Cláudia Osório daAccidents in the workplace have been a broadly discussed topic in society. The government registered 653,090 accidents in 2007. 414,785 (80,7%) of them happened during the working hours (called typical accidents). Facing these results, several public agencies are working hard to avoid this kind of accidents using some laws and decrees based on the Brazilian constitution from 1988. Each branch of these agencies seeks for solutions to decrease these accidents.These investigations, which took place in the state of Espírito Santo Brazil, analyzed common speeches and devices, specially the ones related to operations. This methodology can be blamed for two different reasons: in some cases the investigative tools affirm or even praise the insecure acts , in other cases the lack of attention when following the working security rules. The public agencies which were part of the research were: Ministério Público do Trabalho (Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho da 17ª Região) , Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego/ES) - both dealing with working matters and the Polícia Civil (Delegacia Especializada em Acidente de Trabalho) police branch specialized in accidents in the work place. Surveys and document analysis were ways proposed as source of data.As a result, the research seeks for the reasons to be blamed as cause of the accidents. It uses the Michel Foucault s concept of biopower as theoretical basis investigating the source of this guilt. As introduced by Deleuze a cartography building will used as methodology. The creation of a method that will be able to follow the analysis of these accidents made nowadays is the main challenge. Measurements must be taken in order not to represent only the studied cases. Considering this two ended blame, it is noticed that there are subjective mechanisms which ease the responsibility of the institutions present in the typical working accidents. Following the capitalist ideas, the fact that human beings are being treated as work force and economic resources only, makes the working place and this process as simple contingencies.
- ItemAcolhimento na atenção básica : navegações e mergulhos nos discursos e práticas produzidos no cotidiano de uma unidade de saúde da família(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-19) Hoffmann, Catharina; Araújo, Maristela Dalbello de; Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros deThis research discusses the plans of health production processes, aiming the health discourses and practices related to embracement. The context for the analysis is the Primary Health Care in the city of Vitória/ES and the research field are the everyday activities of the Family Health Service in Ilha do Príncipe. As reference it was used Institutional Analysis and Collective Health. It was analyzed the way how workers embrace the users of the health service as well as listened to their conceptions and discourses produced upon embracement, in relation to their everyday practices, which includes work processes and the interaction with the users. It was used Cartography as the methodological strategy. Data was produced from February 2008 to September 2008, through field observation, field diary and interviews with the users and health workers from the Family Health Service. The results show that the process of work and its management are fragmented and bureaucratized. There is the intention, from the workers, to revise the work processes, however they find obstacles in this practice. Concerning Embracement, the requirements the workers have to fulfill to obtain a certain amount of productivity is one aspect that compromises the quality of the relation between the Family Health Teams and their relation towards the users, affecting the response to their needs and the offer of actions in health care. The everyday activities show that the needs the workers are willing to welcome are related to disease or symptoms physically expressed. It was revealed that users have conversation as a valued demand and it is embraced by some workers. It was highlighted that communication in the Family Health Teams is restricted to discussions on administrative issues and procedures. The informal hierarchy order according to the level of graduation contributes to understand Embracement as an activity or procedure attributed to a specific category (nursing assistants), which supposedly have the technical capacity to do it in the action of receiving the user in the establishment. It was noticed that there isn t a pact between the actions in health offered and the users, in a way that the Family Health Program doesn t guarantee embracement. However, the tension in the everyday relations between worker and user favor the discussion of embracement as an action that may surpass reception. It is evident the need of reorganizing the process of work and engendering subjectivities for a humanization that values the singularization processes in a way of promoting a real democracy in the access to health, in the quality of health care and in the guarantee of the principles of SUS (Public Health System)
- ItemAcompañando los procesos creativos de salud : algunas problematizaciones sobre prácticas de cuidado : hacia la afirmación de prácticas de resistencia inventiva en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial Álcool e Drogas de Vila Velha(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-10-15) Moleón Torres, Natalia Ayelén; Silva, Fábio Hebert da; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Passos, EduardoLa presente disertación se propone acceder al modo como los y las profesionales trabajan en un dispositivo sustitutivo al manicomio. Se trata de una pesquisa-intervenção que se propone cartografiar la red de prácticas dentro del servicio de cuidado, Centro de Atención Psicosocial de Alcohol y Drogas del municipio de Vila Velha, mediante la participación de lo cotidiano, junto a los trabajadores y las trabajadoras del lugar. Se presenta el proceso formativo de una pesquisadora, a través de la creación de una personaje denominada viajera, la cual se lanza a componer con intercesores intelectuales y poetas como Deleuze, Guattari, Foucault, Lazzarato, Fernando Pessoa, Clarice Lispector, entre otros. Conocer el proceso de democratización en Brasil, que da lugar a la instalación del SUS y a la Reforma Antimanicomial, le permitió a la extranjera, arribarse a un proceso de problematización sobre las implicancias que conlleva la expresión de las políticas de Salud y SM en las prácticas; y a preguntarse por las prácticas que se fugan del modelo de encierro de la vida. Si bien, el carácter universalista de la política del SUS, configura la atención de una manera diferente a la lógica de mercado; ésta no queda exenta de la intensificación de la lógica neoliberal. Así emerge la pregunta ¿cómo se expresan las políticas neoliberales en las prácticas que acompañó en su paso por el CAPS/AD de Vila Velha? No obstante, apelando a la capacidad de acción que las trabajadoras y los trabajadores presentan, surge el interrogante ¿Cómo se expresa tanto la potencia creativa como la dimensión pública de las políticas de salud, SM y políticas de drogas en esa experiencia? Asimismo, puede leerse una intervención que introduce la problematización colectiva sobre las prácticas de cuidado. A partir de allí, se arriba a una nueva mirada sobre éstas, que reconoce la necesidad de producir nuevos lazos solidarios como forma de microresistencia a las fragmentaciones producidas por una lógica individual imperante, interfiriendo en los procesos de culpabilización que opera tanto en las familias como en los usuarios y las usuarias de sustancias psicoactivas; entendiendo que dichos procesos favorecen al aislamiento y saca de foco a la salud de su dimensión pública por velar la responsabilidad colectiva. De esta forma, se evidencia que resulta importante colectivizar los procesos de sufrimiento, traspasando las fragmentaciones producidas por el especialismo, y apelando a una construcción colectiva que no abole las diferencias.
- ItemAdolescente em conflito com a lei e a lei em conflito com o adolescente : processo de criminalização da adolescência pobre(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-04-15) Miranda, Geane Uliana; Louzada, Ana Paula Figueiredo; Scheinvar, Estela; Tavares, Gilead MarcheziThis research problematize the process of criminalization of poor adolescence. It carried out a historical contextualization of children and adolescents in Brazil. It covers the guiding principles of socio-educational as well as their legal frameworks. It considers appropriate statistical from the capixaba and national scenaries, with regard to criminalization, via analysis of neo-liberal penal policy. This works for the penalty and the poverty imprisonment, compared to adolescents in conflict with the law, it has set up na outcry for reducing the age of criminal liability. It is important to bear in mind that childhood criminalization process and poor adolescence did not emerge today, it is a social, historical, ethnic, racial and cultural construction. The field of research was carried out in a Primary Municipal School of Youth Education and Adult named Professor Admardo Serafim de Oliveira (EMEF EJA ASO), which is attended by many adolescents in compliance with socio-educational measures. As a methodological perspective, it uses the work of anthropologists Jeanne Fravet-Saada and Márcio Goldman. It is thought in the social facilities, such as the referred teaching unit, designed to serve the impoverished sections of the population need, all the time, to rethink and strategize to not perform the minimum State logic in social and economic spheres, producing "poor policy for poor". It is believed the perspective of access and guarantee fundamental rights and not merely compensatory policies that end up reinforcing the scapegoating of poverty. In this work, bet in a more equal society, where everyone has access to education, health, housing and income. Fight is against reductiong of criminal liability age and all other forms of criminalization, punishment and poor adolescent imprisonment.
- ItemAgente bailarino : análise dos processos de trabalho dos agentes comunitários de saúde em Cariacica-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-28) Gonçalves, Renata Junger Delogo; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Neves, Claudia Elizabeth Abbês Baêta; Caliman, Luciana VieiraBasic attention, mainly directed to prevention and health promotion, has emerged as a strategy for organizing and expanding the effectiveness of the Unified Health System (SUS) addressed to people in well-defined territories. This dissertation brings out an experience with a group of community health agents (CHA) that work in a team of community health workers (PACS), a strategy of action of the primary care program. The research is established as an intervention study designed within the construction of a work plan built jointly with the team. The focus was on the establishment of work processes as areas of analysis in order to increase the intra-team communication factor as well as while each action could work focused on the composition of the plan that was being planned / monitored / assessed by the collective of workers. The multiplicity of ways of being an ACS emerged in the process, so it opened ways to strengthen the career and the affirmation of autonomy of the team. This movement emerged against the prospect of disinvestment in primary care in hegemonic governmental health policies in this municipality, as well as sought to assert it in a significant level of care in the health production process.
- ItemAlegorias psicotrópicas : substâncias psicoativas ilegais, drogas e as imagens contemporâneas de uma praxis milenar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-08-01) Pinto, Getulio Sérgio Souza; Caliman, Luciana Vieira; Heckert, Ana Lúcia Coelho; Rosa, Pablo OrnelasThe field of problems from which the present dissertation emerges is the “terrain” of questions on usage of illegal psychoactive substances in contemporary times and the relationship between a conception of illegal drug as a harm itself and the consequent damage causing to those who experience it. Analyzing the social apparatuses surrounding the infamous War on Drugs, which was erected throughout the twentieth century, it aims at dismantling the discursive procedural apparatus that justifies the imprisonment and exterminating of minorities. Starting from contributions of intercessors such as Nietzsche, Foucault, and Walter Benjamin, the methodology is defined as an essayist allegorism, in which breaking with logocentric and academicist logic in ethical, aesthetic and political dimensions is motor of the deconstruction of totalized images in the field in question. Allegories that are the hybridizating of events and are means used to achieve the objectives of the research. These allegories are not from a specific time, but it is imperative to say that emergence´s moment of the research regards the time when I acted as a psychologist with homeless people. At the same time, genealogical researches are used to situate the political bases of compositing of contemporary knowledge and practices on drugs. In this way, it is intended to constitute the dissertation as a provocative linguistic piece that instigates by a literary praxis the promotion of a new Pathos in this field, other than the fear and repulsion of illegal psychoactive substances. From the promoting of sensations, it is ultimately sought to disrupt the ethos that naturalizes the usage of illegal drugs as unique cause of all the social problems that plagues the cities. To this goal, the stories present in the research focus on moments in which the touching of different realities in field of drugs and the affections, has dismantled prerogatives of kidnapping and exterminating, and the wild featuring of encounters wasn´t subjugated by dictates of the poor technicist discursiveness that had been erected about drugs on twentieth century.
- ItemAlinhavando saberes e práticas, tecendo possíveis : o trabalho em rede na assistência social(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-03-23) Araujo, Vivianni Barcellos de; Tavares, Gilead Marchezi; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Bernardes, Anita Guazzelli; Moraes, Thiago DrumondAs weavers of bobbin lace, we have investigated the work in the network of social services in an attempt to highlight the various lines that form this labor plan. We intended a research-intervention study, making records in the Field Diary, dwelling institutional sheltering spaces for children and adolescents in the city of Vitória, aiming to explore experiences produced in the work of technical and social educators, and conducting conversation circles with those who live or have lived the reality of working in the network of social assistance, what we called collectivessieves. Our meetings aimed to the incarnate word on experience, allowing the emergence of affects, assemblages and recognition of the lived. We started our lace with what we called WIRE WORK: knowing the work of professionals that form the network of social assistance services, we were able to analyze the relationships that have been updated in daily life of such services. In our journey of research, we realized that many advances have been achieved and that the construction of a truly "public" policy is made collectively, in the villus that set up the network. Thus, we brought as another wire the WIRE SUAS NETWORK, tacking and questioning the implementation of the Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), their trajectories and social technologies operationalized every day. Analyzing the inventive processes of workers, we believe that the creation of work collectives can enable an increase of power of the workers and users’ life and the network of social assistance itself, thought of as a "hot network", that is, gestated in the sensitive dimension of affections and otherness, which effectively make the public.
- ItemAnálise da atividade : criações em trottoir estrelando as noivinhas do Parque Moscoso(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-03-22) Mattedi, Ana Paula da Vitoria; Carvalho, Silvia Vasconcelos; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Fonseca, Tânia Mara Galli; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Lucero, Nelson Antônio AlvesIn this research we analyse the activity of the sex workers of Parque Moscoso, ES/Vitória, Brazil. For its development, we use the concept of activity formulated by a French linage of studies on the field of labour – the Ergology and the Clinic of Activity (Clinique de l'Activité) -, and the methodology of the Instructions to the Ringer. The analyses on the technologies of power, from the readings of Michel Foucault, also permeate throughout the extent of the dissertation. Especially when we think about the spatial configuration of the cities and of these women in the cities, as well as in the construction of the female and prostitute images as being contraries. This work aims not to accept or reject prostitution, but to put forth contemporary questions that constitute it in analysis, probing them.