Doutorado em Psicologia

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2000
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.268 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Psicologia
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    "Pelo poder de Zambi e pela força de Oxalá": identidade social entre mães, pais, filhas e filhos de Santo de uma comunidade de Umbanda no estado do Rio de Janeiro
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-18) Eleotério, Isabele Santos; Bonomo, Mariana;; Freitas, Maria de Fátima Quintal de; Facundes, Marcelo Mendes; Trindade, Zeidi Araújo; Coutinho, Sabrini Mantuan dos Santos
    Based on the Social Identity Theory, this thesis aimed to investigate the group membership linked to the identity processes between members of an Umbanda Center in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The option for the study of the Umbandist community was based on the assumption that community life tends to express social identity in a dynamic and contextualized way. Thus, empirical research, of a qualitative and exploratory nature, was carried out by means of an ethnographic research. Three complementary studies were developed: (E1) participant observation in 40 sessions of the Center, involving all members of the community (n = 21); (E2) interviews with six mothers and two fathers of “santo” from the Center (n = 08), aged between 30 and 65 years; and (E3) interviews with eight daughters and five sons of “santo” from the community Center (n = 13), aged between 18 and 70 years. The observations were carried out with the support of a structured field diary and the interviews by means of a semi-structured script. The 21 interviewees were in the Center for a period ranging from two to 10 years. To refine the data for the first study, thematic Content Analysis was used, and the narratives obtained in the second and third studies were analyzed by the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), carried out with the help of Alceste software. The main results found point to the social identity of the members of the Center mainly based on religious activities and intra-family relationships. In general, the organization of the Center and the rituals integrate two systems of references for the faithful: the four matrices of Umbanda (European, Amerindian, African and Eastern) and the seven lines of work (Oxalá, Orixás, Orientais, Pretos Velhos, Caboclos, Crianças mnand Exus). In the first study (E1) were described: the physical space, with the holy and ritualistic places; the organization and preparation of the temple for the sessions; the social space, with the four types of components (priests, entities, mediums and cambonos); as well as the type, preparation and conduct of sessions and other rituals. Showing "The genesis of the composition of the group", "The identity process in the mediumistic relation" and "In- group demarcation" (according to DHC), in the second study (E2), the sense of belonging was highlighted by the fusion between everyday life, family and religion. The investigation carried out with the daughters and the sons of santo (E3), it was possible to identify, through the DHC, two main bulwarks of the dynamics of group membership: "Identity camouflage" and "Effect of assimilation". Were recognized the activities of adherents related to religious formation, self-perception resulting from comparison with catholics and evangelicals, and the prejudice directed at Umbanda. For the purpose of discussing the identity processes in the context of belonging to the Umbanda community, we followed by three main dimensions: (i) social creativity - the formation of the religious community, the Umbanda headquarters and the house lines; (ii) social identity and the two incorporations: identity and mediumship; and (iii) the group process - intergenerational transmission, religious formation and the expansion of relations. It is expected that the study developed may contribute with the body of knowledge produced on the religious phenomenon in the context of the analysis of the psychosocial processes, as well as acting as a resource to help to reduce the prejudice against Umbandist groups.
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    Reinserção no trabalho: estudo do fenômeno em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-31) Macedo, Danielle Constância Felício; Silva, Priscilla de Oliveira Martins da; Moraes, Thiago Drumond; Bianco, Mônica de Fátima; Hirochi, Tânia Lucia; Moraes, Daisy Cunha
    The present study chose as central theme the reinsertion in the work of federal public servants with some type of restriction in their work activities due to health reasons. Restricion of work permeates the complex spectrum of a person’s abilities and incapacities to perform their duties within the scope of work. The aim of this work was to investigate in the light of the theoretical references of ergology, the ergonomics of the activity and in accordance with the assumptions of the International Classification os Disability, Funcionality and Heatlh (CIF), the process of reinsertion of serves with labor restrictions. The specific objectives involved: (a) to investigate the presence and characterization of complaints related to work problems documented in the records of server of a Federal Higher Education Institution in Brazil’s Southeast Region, considering the chapters of ICD 10 that generae a greater number of leave days of work in 2015; (b) describe the profile of these servers with regard to: sex, age, marital status, schooling occupation, time of absence, working time in the institution, presence of comorbidities, presence of restrict report, reference to removal, besides number of work-related complaints; (c) describe the process of reinsertion of federal public servants with work restrictions from the perspective of servants with reports, colleagues and heads of persons in this condition; (d) explore in the light of ergology the dramatic use of self, the debates of norms, values and knowledge in the scenario of labor reintegration, identifying points of articulation and contribution of knowledge of the CIF and the ergonomics of the activity; (d) identify, in accordance with the CIF, the facilitators and perceived barriers to the process of reinsertion of federal public servants with work restrictions from the perspective of servants with reports, colleagues and heads of persons in that condition; (e) propose the from “Work Performance Analysis” for the complementary evaluation of the from “Work Performance Analysis” for the complementary evaluation of the worker’s performance against the demands of his/her work activity; (f) present the implementation of functional rehabilitation actions in a Federal Higher Education Institution in Brazil’s Southeast Region. The thematic attitudes and interpersonal relationships were the ones with the highest density found in the results of this thesis. Situations were identified in which both the health license and the request for removal revealed a complex institutional symptom of insufficient material and human resources for a resolute and early approach to the suffering processes and work-related grievances manifested by the employees. The servers with a restrictive report had a higher number of complaints related to work and a greater number of days of leave to treat their own health. In this multifaceted context of work realities, the debate about the demands of productivity and work capacity mobilizes TS professionals to analyze strategies to overcome the challenges experienced in the relevant, safe and responsible maintenance of people with some kind of work restriction in the productive system .
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    Educação em valores morais no ensino fundamental : levantamento de experiências e intervenção com educadores
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-25) Couto, Leandra Lúcia Moraes; Alencar, Heloisa Moulin de; Nascimento, Célia Regina Rangel; Herkenhoff, Luciana Souza Borges; Queiroz, Sávio Silveira de; Victor, Sonia Lopes
    In this study, we dedicated ourselves to the theme of education in moral values, that is, practices that aim to constitute autonomous individuals, from the perspective of constructivist authors. The general objective of our research was to characterize education practices in moral values developed in municipal elementary schools, as well as to get to know the conceptions of educators regarding the aforementioned education, in order to verify the educational needs of the public at hand in this field and to provide them with moments of reflection and acquisition of knowledge and skills that are necessary to carry these practices out. Therefore, we developed three studies. In study 1, we applied mail and internet survey on educational experiences in moral values through a questionnaire sent to education professionals in Espírito Santo (ES). In the second study, we conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 14 educators from a municipal public primary school in Vitória, ES, seeking to verify their conceptions and judgments about education in moral values. Finally, in study 3 we developed an intervention with education professionals aiming to provide moments of reflection and learning about such education. The intervention was carried out in the same school of Study 2 and had the participation of 14 educators. Among the results of study 1, it is important to mention the following: we obtained 46 reports of experiences, from which we infer that there are few municipal elementary schools in the ES that work on the moral education of learners. Among the reports obtained, few deal with structured projects. Regarding the conceptions of professionals about moral value, ethical value and education in moral values (study 2), we found content that draws near relativistic positions. Most of the professionals said that the family is mainly responsible for the moral education of children and young people. In the schools where they worked, there was no specific project of education in moral values. Most participants stated that they did not feel safe or able to carry out practices with the issue on focus. Regarding study 3, we highlight the low involvement of professionals in reading the chosen material and the distraction during intervention. Nevertheless, participants gained a greater understanding of the school's role in the moral education of students and in the elaboration of education projects in moral values, among other aspects. Furthermore, most of the teachers mentioned that after the intervention they began to feel assured to work with moral education in the school context. We believe that expanding the quantity and quality of educational experiences in moral values in the school context presupposes that educators receive training that comprises reflection on their conceptions and practices and acquisition of theoretical and methodological knowledge on the field.
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    Uso de pornografia e sua influência na satisfação com os relacionamentos amorosos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-23) Baumel, Cynthia Perovano Camargo; Guerra, Valeschka Martins; Nascimento, Andrea dos Santos; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de; Silva, Priscilla de Oliveira Martins da; Freire, Sandra Elisa de Assis
    This thesis, developed as 5 separate studies, used different methodological research approaches in order to verify the influence of the use of, and of the attitudes towards pornography in the evaluation of satisfaction within love relationships. Study 1 presents a systematic literature review that sought to identify the definitions of pornography used by researchers and the perceived effects of using such material on love relationships, with a final database of 45 articles. Within the sample studied, sexually explicit material was identified as the most accepted definition of pornography. Study 2 sought to identify and understand the attitudes that men and women have regarding pornography, as well as to verify the perceived advantages and disadvantages of using this type of material in love relationships. Twenty participants, equally distributed regarding gender, with an average age of 25,7 years (SD = 2,06), born in Brazil, were interviewed using a semi-structured script. The results showed that the difference between genders in the approach and in the use of pornography was identified as a significant variable. Study 3 used exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to validate two of the instruments used in the thesis: the Sexual Satisfaction Index and the Attitudes toward Pornography Scale, built specifically for this research. The instruments analysed showed favourable indicators, demonstrating the adequacy of the proposed models. Studies 4 and 5 sought to describe the use and attitudes towards pornography and characteristics of the participants' love relationship, as well as to present a model that would aid in understanding satisfaction with the love relationship and the contribution of the use and the attitudes towards pornography in this using an online questionnaire. Study 4 had 1382 participants (77,4% women) with an average age of 30,06 years (SD = 9,84). Sexual satisfaction, intimacy and commitment were the significant variables that contributed to the perception of satisfaction with the relationship, to men as well as to women. Regarding the contribution of pornography, the use of and the negative attitude towards pornography contributed significantly to the negative assessment of the satisfaction with the relationship, although the percentage of explanation for these models is small. Study 5 used 200 participants from the previous study who answered the questionnaire as members of a couple. It sought to describe the use of pornography and characteristics of the love relationships of 100 couples in hetero-affective relationships, as well as to present a model that would help understanding the satisfaction with love relationships and the contribution of the use of and the attitudes towards pornography in this evaluation, considering the interdependence of partners in the love dyad. The relationship variables appeared as significant in the evaluation of satisfaction with the relationship. Specifically, the use of pornography by men has emerged as a significant variable that has contributed to the assessment of satisfaction with the love relationship of both men and women – however small the total explanation of the model has shown to be.
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    Viver na pobreza : experiências, afetos e sentidos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-05) Santos, Mônica Nogueira dos; Menandro, Paulo Rogério Meira; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos; Rosa, Edinete Maria; Sant’ Anna, Hugo Cristo; Saquetto, Diemerson
    Poverty is now recognized as a multidimensional phenomenon of complex conceptualization and measurement. People who live in such a social condition have been confirmed as important public target of the professional performance of the psychologist in Public Policies. The objective of this research was to investigate the experience of poverty as perceived by people living in this social condition and was developed with a descriptive-analytical qualitative approach and a pluri-methodological approach. 73 high-level professionals working in the basic protection of SUAS and 112 people from poor families enrolled in the CadÚnico participated in this study. The instruments used were 1) "Free Association of Words", 2) Questionnaire with open questions and 3) Interview with semi structured script. These produced three sets of data that were treated and analyzed according to the specificity of each. The set of words evoked in the first instrument was analyzed with the help of the openEvoc program, from which the prototypical analysis of the social representation for the objects "poor person" and "rich person" and "family" for SUAS professionals and for families in a situation of poverty. The responses of the questionnaire were analyzed using the "Content Analysis" feature from which it was possible to understand the 'Affective dimension of living in the poverty condition' and the 'Metarrepresentation' of the object 'poor people' to non-poor people according to the members of poor families and finally the interviews, after being transcribed were analyzed according to a method of phenomenological inspiration for the empirical research in psychology which resulted in 18 individual and two group structures, corresponding to the first and second generation of families living in poverty . The results demonstrate that living in poverty does not only imply difficulties related to being materially poor, but also, and therein lies an important contribution of Psychology, implies in the sphere of social relations mobilizing affections / feelings and is related to a ' way of life 'corresponding to this social context that is passed from mother to child in an invisible and silent way in everyday relationships. It was also possible to broaden the understanding of the production context of the social representations studied here, as well as to exemplify social practices of maintenance or overcoming the poverty condition. Finally, this study demonstrated that it is essential to consider the structural determinations of poverty and the strategies of maintenance of social classes and not only to understand it as lack of income, that is, this problem must be understood from its relational scope, there is no space for individualization of social problems.