Mestrado em Direito Processual

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2006
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Port. MEC 946 de 29/11/2021). Publicado no DOU 30/11/2021, seç. 1, p. 63. Parecer CNE/CES nº 499/2017.
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Justiça, Processo e Constituição
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  • Item
    Desjudicialização por meio das serventias extrajudiciais e acesso à justiça : análise acerca da (im)possibilidade de tornar obrigatória a via administrativa
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-07) Dadalto, Rafael Gaburro; Rabelo, Manoel Alves; Miguel, Paula Castello; Mazzei, Rodrigo Reis
    The process proved incapable of ensuring effectiveness of the demands of today's complex and dynamic society, revealing the so-called "crisis of the process" and consequently of access to the just legal order. Faced with this, it is inevitable that procedures are dejudicialization. But the question is whether the model of dejudicialization proposed by the new Brazilian minisystem of consensual methods of conflict resolution should pass or should go through extrajudicial services and, if once removed from the judiciary certain procedure, there would be an obligation to use the administrative sphere (less in some cases), there is sight the principle of inafasability of the jurisdiction. As for the first questioning, it does not show any doubts, based on the analysis of numerous examples coming from the most diverse legislation, such as the insertion of the norms in article 175 of the new CPC and in article 42 of the Mediation Law. However, in relation to the second, even if one considers the reinterpretation of access to justice and the unfatability of the jurisdiction, as well as the evolution of the notarial function, this is not a quiet situation in the doctrine and jurisprudence. To achieve the appropriate premise, the technique of bibliographical and documentary research and the comparative method are used in order to establish the doctrinal divergences, positioning itself on the topic hereafter.
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    Impenhorabilidade e (in)efetividade da execução por expropriação : da teoria geral ao bem de família.
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-17) Giuberti, Vander Santos; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Machado, Marcelo Pacheco; Mazzei, Rodrigo Reis
    L'esecuzione civile è stato sfondo di uno dei più grandi problemi affrontati dalla magistratura. Poco rivista e perfezionata dal CPC-15, l'esecuzione civile porta l'onere di caricare alcuni istituti che sono una vera eredità obsoleta di un passato lontano. La norma generale secondo cui il debitore risponde con tutti i suoi beni per l'adempimento dei suoi obblighi, contenuti nell'art. 789 del CPC, è escluso dall'opzione politicolegislativa di limitare la responsabilità patrimoniale: L'impignorabilità. Lo studio rileva l'inefficienza dell'attuale sistema di impignorabilità del CPC e della legge 8.009/90 (beni considerati di famiglia o fondo patrimoniale) per produrre un giusto processo che allo stesso tempo rispetta i diritti fondamentali del creditore e del debitore ed è in grado di fornire efficacemente un giusto processo. Questa constatazione è rafforzata, inoltre, dai dati raccolti in una ricerca empirica che dimostra l’adempimento molto basso nell'esecuzione civile e gli impatti negativi derivanti dalle norme di impignorabilità. In questo modo, vecchi concetti di proprietà, patrimonialità, dignità umana e diritti fondamentali vengono rivisitati al fine di ristabilire, all'interno dell'esecuzione civile, l'equilibrio perduto da tempo tra il diritto fondamentale del creditore all'esecuzione forzata e la salvaguardia sproporzionata che è diventata la garanzia della dignità umana del debitore. Si propone quindi una nuova visione di questi istituti, più in sintonia con la realtà sociale, politica, economica e tecnologica che è nata con l'avvento di una società liquida, in modo che, insieme al riconoscimento del rispetto per l'autonomia privata e l'autoregolamentazione, rendono possibile rendere più efficace la protezione del diritto sostanziale riconosciuto in un titolo esecutivo. D'altra parte, riconosce la maggiore partecipazione delle parti nella regolamentazione delle procedure e dei giudici nel cercare di svolgere l'attività esecutiva attraverso l'adozione di misure atipiche. Infine, cerca di portare le conclusioni derivanti dalla proposta per rivedere e aggiornare una teoria generale delle impignorabilità per il caso specifico dei beni considerati di famiglia regolato dalla legge 8.009/90. Sulla base di questo archetipo epistemologico, è dimostrato fino a che punto l'impignorabilità dei beni considerati di famiglia è una garanzia e da che punto diventa un privilegio senza demerito per il debitore.
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    Ações de família no CPC/2015 : conceito e técnicas
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-18) Oliveira, Michelle Ivair Cavalcanti; Mazzei, Rodrigo Reis; Lima Neto, Francisco Vieira; Cabral, Trícia Navarro Xavier; Cunha, Leonardo Carneiro da
    The current Civil Procedure Code (Law 13.105/2015) established, in an unprecedented manner, specific procedure rules applicable to "family actions". However, even though it indicates the hypotheses of application, the determinative criteria for its use were not legally indicated, nor was its concept defined. Thus, based on a proposed semantic agreement, based on the relationship between Family Law and the current civil procedure paradigms, this dissertation is devoted to analyzing the mentioned special techniques, as well as whether they constitute a special procedure or deserve a different classification. Furthermore, it seeks to verify the applicability extension of the procedural rules of family actions, as well as its influence on objective material competence, adopting Chiovenda’s classification. Therefore, it observes whether the criteria of procedural rules are in line with the Brazilian civil procedure fundamental norms, especially equality and efficiency.
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    O julgamento contrário a um precedente e a execução provisória errônea como supostos fundamentos para a propositura da revisão criminal
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-30) Rezende, Mariana Soares de; Carvalho, Thiago Fabres de; Gomes, Camilla de Magalhães; Dias, Ricardo Gueiros Bernardes
    The study analyses the criminal review institute and its application in the face of the following issues brought in line with the federal rules of civil procedure of 2015: a decision that contradicts a set precedent and erroneous provisional execution would substantiate the proposition of the criminal review action. The diploma expressly regulated a system of formally related precedents, and provided, in its art. 966, item V, that the rescission action (civil) would be applicable in cases in which the final decision could be rescinded when "manifestly violates a legal rule." Such a provision does not exist in the Federal Code of Criminal Procedure. Therefore, it is investigated if a decision contrary to a precedent, erroneous, therefore, would substantiate the criminal review. In addition, by means of habeas corpus 126.292/SP, the precedent that allows the provisional execution of the convicted person in the second instance was established. Consequently, the doctrine projected the relativization of the final and unappealable decision in order to propose a criminal review before a non-final conviction. Based on the analysis of the historical-normative evolution of the revisional institute, its assumptions of appropriateness, its legal nature, its foundations, and purposes, it will be demonstrated that it is possible to handle it in the face of a final condemnatory decision incoherent with an already signed precedent. On the other hand, if there is overruling in mellius, although the rule of material law walks back, the criminal review will not prove to be a useful mean for the application of the new norm that benefits the condemned. It is also Impossible its use based on erroneous provisional execution when the agent is in possession of new evidence and the condemnatory decision has not been judged. In this hypothesis, the best method for putative-probative analysis is habeas corpus. In order to bring solutions to these issues, which involve the synchronization of the precedent model with the criminal review, it is intended to demonstrate how it can be adapted to deconstruct the decision that does not observe the precedents and its restrictions in relation to the provisional execution of criminal conviction.
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    A ratio decidendi dos precedentes judiciais : uma análise sobre a insuficiência das técnicas de identificação no constitucionalismo contemporâneo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-14) Benevides, Nauani Schades; Jeveaux, Geovany Cardoso; Pedra, Adriano Sant'Ana; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Zaneti Júnior, Hermes
    The Brazilian legal system has been gradually giving greater importance to judicial precedents. Notwithstanding this fact, there were no major theoretical concerns regarding the way of dealing with precedents, and its use is ruled, albeit unconsciously, by the theoretical common sense historically established in the country: the normativist paradigm typical of legislative law. In fact, the theoretical development regarding specifically this subject in Brazil, mainly as a result of the advent of the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015, is mostly based on concepts that are characteristic of a legislative law or is based on the simple importation of the Anglo-Saxon tradition`s institutes. It is in this context that the national doctrine defends the importation of the concept of ratio decidendi as adequate to the use of the brazilian model of precedent, which would be sufficient to overcome the failed idea of precedent as a general and abstract statement like the brazilian súmula. In this sense, the present research aims to analyze the applicability of techniques for the determination of the precedent’s ratio decidendi. For this, it examines the historic of valorization of judicial precedents in Brazilian law, the national doctrinal thoughts on the subject and how they understand it and the theories of the main exponents on ratio decidendi of common law. Once this exposition has been made, adopting the theoretical framework of Philosophical Hermeneutics conceiving Law as integrity in a systemic paradigm, each of theories and their respective techniques, is analyzed critically, evaluating its compatibility with contemporary constitutionalism. Given the insufficiency of techniques for determining the binding element of the judicial precedent, it is proposed to use the precedent from its hermeneutic force, which varies according to formal and material elements. The research was developed through a qualitative approach, through the use of historical, hermeneutical, argumentative and dogmatic methods, and is bound to the research line "Justice, means of defense and challenging judicial decisions" of the Master Program in Procedural Law of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.