Mestrado em Artes

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2006
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo:Portaria MEC nº 2.000, publicada no D.O.U. de 21/12/2006, Seção 1, pág. 35
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração:Arte e Cultura
Url do curso:


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    Da escultura tradicional à modelagem 3D: aspectos históricos, técnicos e patrimoniais da arte pública
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-04) Fernandes, João Victor Silva; Cirilo, Aparecido José;; Mello, Júlia Almeida de; Castilho, Liliana
    This dissertation investigates the relationship between techniques, the evolution of tools, and new technologies that permeate the classical and contemporary sculptural process, while exploring connections between art and cultural memory within the urban ecosystems of Espírito Santo, with an emphasis on the Centro-Oeste region. This work is rooted in the extension project "Urban Ecosystems and Culture: Between Memory, Art, and History in the Training of Basic Education Teachers in the Centro-Oeste of Espírito Santo," which, over a year, promoted various educational actions focused on preserving local history. Based on the digital recreation of monuments through 3D modeling and printing, and the adaptation of these elements into pedagogical tools, such as the thematic chessboard, the study seeks to deepen the connection between the miniatures produced and the regional cultural heritage, promoted by the practice of collecting. Moreover, the research also addresses the impact of these initiatives on the transmission of heritage values and the strengthening of regional identity, reflecting on how art, combined with objects of affection, can serve as a link between past and present, valuing the cultural diversity and collective memory of Espírito Santo.
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    Opavivará!: modos de vida na arte contemporânea
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-13) Campos, Livia Fernandes; Grando, Ângela;;;;; Guimarães, Aissa Afonso;;; Luz, Ângela Azevedo Silva Balloussier Ancora da
    OPAVIVARA! is an art collective from Rio de Janeiro that since 2005 has carried out actions in public spaces and cultural institutions. The collective presents its actions as interactive proposals that privilege the participation of groups of different people in projects in which the occupation of local spaces and the exploration of experimental forms of socialization are associated, and that become possible from relational devices elaborated by the group. These projects articulate ideas and practices, ways of life and objects, imaginaries and new forms of exchanges that always carry the signature OPAVIVARÁ!, and not the individual names of the artists that make up the collective. Based on your proposals, OPAVIVARÁ! often highlights social and political conflicts, without apparently presenting a lasting artistic project. Their actions subjectively provoke other ways of experiencing local spaces and realities and intend to propose alternative ways of interaction between individuals and between them and the urban space. In this dissertation, we will investigate how the collective's proposals are structured and how they contribute to discussions about contemporary art.
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    Mulheres negras e circulação na arte contemporânea capixaba: instituições, exposições e trajetórias
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-25) Galacha, Maria Luíza Teixeira Ramos; Cardoso, Renata Gomes;;;;; Guimarães, Aissa Afonso;;; Zago, Renata Cristina de Oliveira Maia;;
    This text presents reflections on the artistic system of Espírito Santo and the circulation of Afro-descendant artists, with a focus on women. Therefore, for this analysis, considerations about circulation systems are based on authors such as Bourdieu and Foucault, and, in the case of women, the Brazilian and Espírito Santo context, as well as the ethnic-racial issue, with authors such as Griselda Pollock, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Patricia Hill Collins, Lélia Gonzalez, Janaína Barros, among others. Characteristics and issues related to the system in the capital of Espírito Santo, more precisely in the Center of Vitória, are highlighted, using as a reference to understand the local artistic system, the studies conducted by Almerinda Lopes in her book Artes Plásticas no Espírito Santo (2012). In the analysis, four actions-exhibitions are situated that function as anti-racist devices and worked with an intersectional team, that is, black women, among them artists, educators, mediators, and curators: Projeto Raiz Forte (2012) and the exhibitions “Horizonte” (2013), “Malungas” (2018), and “Erù-Iyá” (2021). After these points, the need to think about the post-contemporary and new strategies based on the artistic and academic productions that have been carried out on Afro-Brazilian themes, which impose a process of criticism and self-criticism in institutions, is recorded at the end of this research. This last approach is debated with the help of Françoise Vergès (2023), and contemporary curators who think about the otherness of institutional relations.
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    Considerações sobre práticas artísticas integradas na Educação Básica
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-18) Coutinho, Marcelo Dutra; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Freitas, Alexandre Siqueira de ;;; Orientador2;;;;; Sanmartin, Stela Maris;;; Santos, André Domingues dos;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    In the contemporary educational context, the search for comprehensive training, which understands the human being in all its dimensions (physical, intellectual, affective, social and cultural), has become increasingly valued. We understand Art as a fundamental curricular component to achieve this ideal. The historical analysis of the implementation of the Art discipline in schools reveals major changes, in addition to significant discrepancies between the sanctioned laws and their practices. This dissertation, organized into three chapters, first addresses the historical transformations and educational policies that shaped the teaching of arts in Brazilian schools, with an emphasis on music. The second chapter explores the complexity of integrating the four artistic languages (visual arts, dance, music and theater) and the importance of continued training for educators for an effective interdisciplinary approach. The third chapter presents a case study of the Instituto Cultural das Montanhas, in Afonso Cláudio – ES, highlighting its role in promoting the integration of the arts and its impacts on the local community. Thus, this dissertation seeks to explore the complexities and challenges of teaching Arts in Brazil, highlighting the need for institutional support and interdisciplinary dialogue for holistic and meaningful art teaching in the school context
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    Corpos, enredos e perspectivas queers: olhares sobre as relações de gênero nas obras de Marcus Vinícius
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-20) Marotto, Rafael Gonçalves; Cirillo, Aparecido José;;;;; Souza, José Afonso Medeiros;;; Mello, Júlia Almeida de;;
    The text presented here proposes an investigation of the body and plots present in the performances of Marcus Vinícius (1985-2012) constructed between the years 2007 and 2008, seeking to identify in his records and process files the narrative of his creation linked to a perspective strange. The study and analysis have their theoretical-methodological approach to the aesthetics of gender and sexuality of the counterculture, associated with Genetic Criticism and studies of Marcus Vinícius' creative archives. With the analysis, we seek to highlight how archives can reveal the mechanisms of their artistic production and their conceptions of art in the Espírito Santo scenario, linked to a brief history of queer themes in works built on Espírito Santo soil. With a methodological approach in Louro (2022), Butler (2010, 2023) and Salles (1992, 2013). It is proposed to understand the nomenclature that will be posted in parallel with MV's artistic works, as well as the reading of his production and interpretation of his recording materials. It is concluded, therefore, that Marcus Vinícius was an innovative and brilliant mind in the performative construction of his time, in addition to praising that the state of Espírito Santo has artistic works that generate possibilities for queer analyses, and even though he is often not mentioned , due to the heteronormative-patriarchal pattern, readings about the fruits of Marcus Vinícius, in some way, prove the opposite.