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Submissões Recentes

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    Particles emission and transport due to wind erosion on beds and stockpiles : local and non-local aspects of turbulent fluid flow dynamics
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-03) Morais, Cristina Lima de; Furieri, Bruno ;;; Caliman, Maria Clara Schuwartz Ferreira ;;; Harion, Jean-Luc ;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Santos, Jane Meri ;;; Orientador2;;;;; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida ;;; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa ;;; Nieckele, Angela Ourivio ;;; Sartim, Rafael ;;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of particle behavior in both local and non-local contexts. We analyze the influence of different configurations of successive stockpiles on the re-emission potential of particles from their surroundings using the USEPA model. This analysis is important for industries that store granular materials in open yards, as it helps to understand the impact of stockpile arrangements on particle emission. However, the USEPA model relies on an empirical equation and has gaps in its consideration of non-erodible particles and their effects on turbulent structures. Additionally, the friction velocity distribution used in the model is derived from previous RANS numerical simulations, which may not be the most accurate. Moving from a non-local to a local perspective, we assess the influence of non erodible particles on the development of fluid flow structures at the particle level. We examine the role of turbulent structures in particle entrainment through LES simulations, which provide detailed information about the flow field. These simulations allowed us to generate probability density distributions of friction velocity for smooth and rough beds, which can be used to improve or develop more accurate environmental stochastic prediction models. Finally, we evaluate the similarity requirements of wind flow, particle entrainment, and particle transport in wind tunnel experiments to ensure they accurately represent real-scale scenarios. By addressing these similarity requirements, we discuss the conditions under which wind tunnel experiments can reliably simulate real conditions, which is essential for the future applicability of our findings
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    Recuperação de recursos de biomassa algácea cultivada com esgoto sanitário através de pré-tratamento hidrolítico para produção de biogás e carbonização da biomassa residual
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-17) Estevam, Renata; Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci;;;;; Coelho, Edumar Ramos Cabral;;; Keller, Regina de Pinho;;; Calijuri, Maria Lúcia;;; Soares, Renan Barroso;;
    This research aimed to address gaps in the sustainable valorization of algal biomass from wastewater, providing insights and innovative strategies to boost its reuse and promote sustainable development. The core objectives encompassed optimizing the reuse of algal biomass harvested from high-rate ponds, considering the presence and absence of coagulants, both organic and inorganic. The research assessed the influence of these coagulants and thermal and thermochemical pre-treatments at various stages, from biomass harvesting to the production of biogas, activated carbons, and tests for toxic dye adsorption—a critical issue for efficient wastewater disinfection. An innovative approach was adopted for algal biomass harvesting, involving an experimental pilot that enabled total solids content exceeding 2%, without the need for energy-intensive equipment. Pre-treatments were conducted under different experimental conditions, and operational parameters were obtained through a second-degree polynomial, a response surface methodology (RSM) providing high reliability to the results. Data collection involved laboratory physicochemical analyses, elemental analysis (CHNS-O), Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and DrTGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Statistical methods were applied to interpret the results, ensuring the reliability of conclusions and scalability. Results indicated that specific pre-treatments, such as 78°C for 7 hours in pure biomass, 80°C for 1.5 hours at pH 1 in Tanfloc-treated biomass, and 90°C for 3 hours at pH 11 in biomass treated with aluminum sulfate, provided efficiency in soluble COD solubilization, solid reduction, and nutrient solubilization, demonstrating the feasibility of optimized reuse from hydrolysis residues. Pre-treated biomass used in anaerobic digestion, especially algal biomass pre-treated at 90°C for 3 hours at pH 11, showed remarkable results, indicating no microbial inhibition by aluminum salts and viability for implementation in integrated systems targeting biogas production. In the context of reuse pathways, pre-treated biomass used as a precursor material in activated carbon production achieved significantly higher specific surface areas compared to untreated algal biomass. Changes in FTIR spectra indicated beneficial modifications in the composition of activated carbons produced from pretreated biomass, particularly an increase in the thermostability of activated carbons derived from pre-treated biomass, reflecting a decrease in recalcitrant compounds in the biomass. These results provided valuable insights for optimizing activated carbons in adsorption processes. Physical and chemical characteristics resulting from synergistic effects among pre-treatments, carbonization, and activation significantly contributed to conducting toxic dye adsorption tests, revealing the potential of these activated carbons as effective adsorbents for removing persistent toxic dyes in wastewater at low concentrations, indicating their viability for future modeling and applications of activated carbons in the integrated context of microalgae biorefineries. The research goes beyond a mere understanding of processes, significantly contributing to science. Key highlights include identifying new routes for waste reuse, optimizing biogas production, understanding the effects of pre-treatments on activated carbons and coagulants, both organic and inorganic and applying these materials to remove toxic dyes.
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    Evaluation of nanotechnological processes applied to the harvesting of microalgae biomass
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-23) Barizao, Ana Carolina de Lima; Cassini, Servio Tulio Alves;;;;; Keller, Regina de Pinho;;; Antunes, Paulo Wagnner Pereira;;; Oliveira, Jairo Pinto de;;; Silva, Andre Romero da;;; Pinotti, Laura Marina;;
    As microalgas têm despertado interesse significativo devido às diversas aplicações na produção de biocombustíveis, alimentos funcionais, cosméticos e produtos farmacêuticos. Porém, um dos desafios encontrados durante sua produção é a etapa de colheita, que muitas vezes é trabalhosa e ineficiente. Neste contexto, a colheita utilizando nanopartículas magnéticas surge como uma técnica promissora para superar estas dificuldades. As nanopartículas podem aderir às paredes celulares das microalgas, permitindo a sua recuperação através da aplicação de um campo magnético. Algumas partículas podem ainda ser utilizadas para funcionalizar essas nanopartículas, melhorando suas características e otimizando sua aplicação. Assim, este estudo forneceu uma visão abrangente das diversas aplicações potenciais das microalgas, enfatizando seu potencial no tratamento de águas residuais, fixação de CO2 e produção de bioprodutos, buscando resolver a etapa limitante por meio de abordagens inovadoras que incluem a seleção e análise de nanopartículas derivadas de diferentes fontes e seu uso otimizado na colheita de Chlorella sp. De acordo com os resultados da caracterização, as nanopartículas de duas fontes utilizadas foram a magnetita. Os experimentos foram otimizados por planejamento fatorial, onde as nanopartículas magnéticas (MNPs) sintetizadas em laboratório (funcionalizadas pelo tanino de Rhizophora mangle) e aplicadas na colheita de Chlorella sp, alcançaram uma eficiência de colheita (HE%) de 92,6% ((MNP-TNs concentração =1.000 mg L -1 ; qexp= 1,39 g pH=4), mantendo esta eficiência durante 5 ciclos de reaproveitamento. manter um HE%= 63% (qexp= 0,96 g. mg-1 ) De forma satisfatória, quando foram utilizadas nanopartículas obtidas de fonte alternativa (material particulado) tanto as MNPs (nuas) quanto as MNP-TAN (funcionalizadas com tanino comercial) apresentaram ótimo rendimento eficiência, sendo que as MNPs (nuas) obtiveram maior eficiência de colheita (HE%=86%; concentração de MNPs=1.250 mg. L-1 ; pH=3) do que as nanopartículas funcionalizadas (HE%=77%; concentração de MNP-TANs=1.100 mg . L -1 ; pH=3,5). Porém, para isso foi necessária uma maior concentração de MNPs em um pH mais baixo. A funcionalização contribuiu para a estabilização das partículas aumentando seus ciclos de reutilização de 3 (MNSs) para 7 ciclos (MNP-TANs). Embora neste caso as eficiências de colheita tenham sido um pouco inferiores, é interessante verificar que um material obtido de forma natural, com baixo custo e aplicado pela primeira vez para este fim também pode ser considerado altamente promissor para este fim.
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    Assessment of MSW management strategies for mid-sized metropolitan areas for developing countries
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-06-27) Ramalho, José Carlos Martins; Gama, João Luiz Calmon Nogueira da;;;;; Buarque, Diogo Costa;;; Rosa, Rodrigo de Alvarenga;;; Colvero, Diogo Appel;;; Bravo, Alencar Soares
    This goal of this thesis was to conduct an environmental and economic analysis of different MSW management strategies proposed for the municipalities of Great Vitória Metropolitan Region, in Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Even though the situation in this region is overall better than in the rest of the country, because the dumps were replaced by licensed landfills, the proposed diversion targets by the Brazilian Solid Waste Plan are a long way from being met. For that reason, the proposed technological road maps included options for biowaste treatments, namely open and closed composting, anaerobic digestion with energy recovery and biomethane production, and recycling. As for commingled waste disposal, incineration with energy recovery was put against landfilling. So, the first part of the study focused on the use of biomethane from anaerobic digestion by waste collection and transport vehicles compared to the current diesel counterparts. The results shown that using biomethane is a much better option, with about one tenth of environmental impacts of diesel. Conversely, both the second and third chapters analyzed the entire waste management system from an environmental and economic perspective, respectively. Overall, to abide the most ambitious diversion targets ensures the best results from both perspectives, i.e., to recycle and treat the biowaste as much as possible. As for the ways to achieve this, anaerobic digestion with biomethane production has the best environmental performance, even though it is more costly. However, if a social project instead of a profit-oriented one is foreseen, the service cost for the citizens increases only so slightly. The scenarios with incineration were penalized for their performance in toxicity impact categories, but were better than landfills regarding climate change. Additionally, the high investment costs may push investors away from incineration, since the current landfills are recent and one has energy recovery. Nonetheless, the service fees can actually decrease with incineration, again if no profit is sought in the investments. Finally, the focus of management should follow the waste hierarchy instead being sent directly to final disposal, because the fraction of biowaste represents half of the total municipal solid waste in the studies area, and recycling creates opportunities for including pickers in the materials recovery facilities.
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    Relação entre parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e segregação de fases em floculadores tubulares helicoidais
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-03-22) Vaneli, Bruno Peterle; Teixeira, Edmilson Costa;;;;; Libanio, Marcelo;;; Pires, Eduardo Cleto;;; Moreira, Davidson Martins;;; Coelho, Edumar Ramos Cabral;;; Reis, Jose Antonio Tosta dos;
    Models for estimation of Efficiency of Turbidity Removal (ETR) in Helically Coiled Tube Flocculators (Portuguese acronym: FTHs) have been developed to support the understanding of the relationship between hydrodynamics and flocculation efficiency in FTHs. Nevertheless, in the context of developing such models there were no biphasic flow modelling, and, therefore, it was not possible visualizing and analyzing the solid-liquid flow behavior and phase segregation in the FTHs, generating scarcity of information about what is occurring inside of these units in terms of fluid-particle and particle-particle interaction. This scarcity leaves ETR estimation models with “black box” aspects regarding flocculation. In this context, this study sought to clarify the relationship between hydrodynamic parameters and phase segregation in FTHs, aiming to advance the understanding of flocculation in these units. For this, several configurations of FTHs were evaluated through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling. In total, there were modeled 84 configurations considering single-phase flow and 54 configurations considering biphasic flow (solid-liquid). The hydrodynamic parameters studied were the Mean Velocity Gradient, the Mean Pressure Gradient and the Mean Specific Kinetic Energy. The solid phase was evaluated through the distribution of its volumetric concentration in the FTHs. Among the results, existing relationships between the hydrodynamic parameters, the volumetric concentration distribution of the solid phase and the ETR in the studied flocculators were identified and evaluated; it was verified a tendency that the greater the intensity of the secondary flow in the FTH, the greater the magnitude of the maximum volumetric concentration of the solid phase (CMax), which is close to the internal side of the curvature. Regarding the hydrodynamic parameters, there was a positive relationship between them and CMax; for the FTHs studied, it was verified that lower values of ETR were associated with higher values of the CMax. As a result of the acquired knowledge, it was proposed a new model for ETR estimative in FTHs. This model, in addition to producing fit statistics similar to the best performance available models, it is more parsimonious and all its parameters can be obtained through physical modeling, among other advantages.