Mestrado Interinstitucional em Administração – Minter
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- ItemOs fatores sociodemográficos e o desempenho escolar: uma análise a partir do processo de expansão do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-29) Ramos, Anderson Chagas; Vilela, Bruno de Almeida;; Lacruz, Adonai José; Menezes, João Paulo Calembo BatistaThe present study analyzes the results of large-scale evaluations of federal education in Espírito Santo between 2009 and 2022. Based on indicators from the cities where the schools are located, the aim is to identify the sociodemographic factors that are most related to the average performance of students. students. Considering that federal public education has a good impact in terms of quality and is recognized inside and outside Brazil, a significant increase in students has been observed over the last 15 years due to the federal network expansion program. As a result, the increase in enrollments, through the creation of new teaching units, expanded its physical structure, providing greater access to technical education, linked to secondary education, mainly in interior locations. All this effort was aimed at expanding the right to education and better training Brazilian society in a school network recognized for its quality. From this, this research analyzed how this expansion occurred, demonstrating the criteria for establishing new units and evaluated the average performance of students in this process based on the analysis of large-scale assessments promoted by INEP through ENEM. From the results found, it was possible to identify that there are sociodemographic factors in the municipalities that are related to the average performance of students' grades through the application of statistical methods. This made it possible to develop a model that allows municipalities to be evaluated for the construction of new school units based on a performance projection based on the results of current schools. The research was limited to the state of Espírito Santo in the period from 2009 to 2022. Thus, through the information obtained, the research makes it possible to improve the processes for choosing the best locations for installing new schools.
- ItemJogos de empresas e percepção de aprendizagem de discentes de cursos técnicos integrados ao ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-15) Sofiate, Eduardo; Lacruz, Adonai José ;;;;; Zanquetto Filho, Helio ;;; Bouzada, Marco Aurélio Carino ;; aim of this dissertation is to investigate the use of business games as a teaching-learning tool in technical level courses integrated into secondary education. To achieve this objective, the study is structured in two articles. Article 1 aimed to explore the production of knowledge on business games applied to secondary and technical education, using literature review techniques. From the bibliometric analysis, a thematic map of the field emerged and the narrative review demonstrated the low density of publications on the subject of business games applied to secondary and technical education and divergences between the findings of these studies. Article 2 aimed to investigate the effect of business games on the perception of learning and satisfaction of students on technical level courses integrated into secondary education. To this end, a study was carried out with a sample made up of graduating students from the technical level courses in Administration integrated into secondary education at the Barra de São Francisco and Montanha campuses and graduating students from the technical level course in Logistics integrated into secondary education at the Viana campus of Ifes. The data was collected using a self-administered online questionnaire and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results showed a positive effect of the game experience on the students' perception of learning and satisfaction and the hypothesis of the existence of a halo effect was rejected.
- ItemArticulação de competências coletivas: estudo descritivo sobre o fórum de gestão de pessoas do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – IFES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-29) Santos, Fabrício Ramos dos; Teixeira, Juliana Cristina;;; Silva, Priscilla de Oliveira Martins da;;; Rezende, Vânia Aparecida;; the reviews that occur in the understanding of competencies, the need arises to investigate this phenomenon in the context of group and collective practices within organizations, in contrast to traditional approaches that prioritize the individual and organizational dimension of competencies. From an interpretative theoretical perspective, collective competencies are characterized by the influence of the organizational context and social arrangements in which collective action overlaps with individual action, being marked by a polysemy of concepts and methodologies. In the context of public administration in Brazil, the perception of competencies is considered complex and there are few scientific studies that seek to understand the phenomenon in its collective dimension. In this sense, the present study focused on the FGP-Ifes (Fórum de Gestão de Pessoas) of Ifes (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo) and its main objective was to analyze the articulation of collective competencies in the FGP-Ifes, through reports from subjects who work in their work groups. The analysis revealed the possible collective competencies of FGP-Ifes, highlighting the exchange of ideas, effective communication, diversity of perspectives, commitment to collective work, the construction of interpersonal relationships and the ability to establish consensus. However, some factors can hinder the articulation of these skills, such as the lack of subjective commitment, resistance to divergent opinions and communication problems. The main reflection of the study focuses on the relationship between the results obtained in the field and the guiding policy on competencies in public management. It could be seen that this relationship is permeated by differences that arise from a possible coexistence of functionalist and interpretivist approaches to competencies in organizational practice. As a main contribution, the study raises the possibility of innovating in the application of the PNDP (Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoas), suggesting a broader and more interpretative approach. In this way, the importance of considering collective competencies in public management is highlighted, in addition to proposing flexibility and adaptation to emerging work needs.