Mestrado em Ciências Sociais

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019). Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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    História de vida de uma trabalhadora do cuidado
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-30) Santos, Lorena Vedekin Bernardo dos; Dadalto, Maria Cristina ;; ; ; ; Paveis, Patrícia Pereira ; ; ; Silva, Adélia Verônica da ; ;
    The activities and responsibilities from care work received invisibility layers through a long socio-historical process, which made it less understood as work and more understood as a family obligation, mainly attributed to women. This research was guided by the question: how is the life of a care worker woman? The main objective of this research was to present Marciele’s life story, a woman who worked for fifteen years as a nanny, caregiver and cleaner, showing how she interpreted her own reality and situations in her life; and at the same time, investigate and comprehend conditions and forms of care work through the experiences reported. The research was in an exploratory field with a qualitative approach. In addition, it was grounded in a the theoretical-methodological proposal of oral history combining two genres: life history and thematic oral history. The studies from Helena Hirata were the main theoretical reference; the author defines care work as a technical, material, and emotional work, shaped by a social relationship, and that contributes for the promotion of well-being. In-depth interviews with Marciele were realized using a semi-structured script of questions, and her reports were transcribed with the aim of preserving orality as a spontaneous manifestation, strengthening Marciele as an active individual and, also preserving her as a narrator. Furthermore, her reports were also a start point for descriptive analyses and comprehensive interpretative analyses, trying to show what made sense and how it made sense. To turn care work visible is essential to show its importance for the sustainability of people’s lives. In that way, this dissertation sought to contribute to its visibility: first, more broadly, by instigating debate and contextualizing the theme; and second, more specifically, by focusing on Marciele’s life through interviews and analyses that were carried out. Marciele has faced many difficulties so far; she had a life scarred by long working hours, informal scenarios of work, driven by the need to survive and the desire to achieve her goals and objectives
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    “DENTRO E FORA DA COMUNIDADE DO ATALHO”: uma Etnografia Quilombola na Mesorregião do Triângulo Mineiro e Alto-Paranaíba
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-24) Feitosa, Felipe de Melo Gomes; Soares-Pinto, Nicole;;;;; Silva, Sandro José da;;; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar;;
    Esta dissertação é o resultado de uma pesquisa etnográfica que se realizou na Comunidade Quilombola do Atalho, Monte Carmelo – MG. Entre os primeiros contatos que realizei com as lideranças da comunidade, eles não se autodenominavam enquanto quilombolas, mas ao decorrer do processo de pesquisa, eles resolveram adotar o uso dessa identidade enquanto uma ferramenta política. O processo de requerimento da identidade quilombola, que foi realizado junto ao poder público, e as relações de parentesco, que configuram a comunidade, serão descritos simultaneamente. O fio condutor de toda a discussão será baseado nos modos “nativos” de estabelecer aquilo que está “dentro” ou “fora” da comunidade. Os três capítulos que compõem essa dissertação se esforçam em traçar um esboço de três teorias nativas que se atravessam mutuamente, elas dizem respeito às ideias de "Política", "Conhecimento" e "Raça". No primeiro capítulo busquei descrever as relações de parentesco e sua operação política, que traz vários elementos epistemológicos para a discussão. No segundo capítulo, as descrições das relações com seres outros-que-humanos trazem ao centro da questão uma teoria do conhecimento que nomeei por "epistemologia da sensibilidade", que em sua dimensão prática demonstra as composições cosmopolíticas dos meus interlocutores. Por fim, ao trazer uma ideia nativa de "Raça" busquei articulações entre as discussões acerca da religião, do parentesco, da política, dos outros-que-humanos e do conhecimento que se apresentaram constantemente em minhas relações com os membros da comunidade.
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    Quando os Heróis São Elas: Fanfics Gender-Bender e a Saga Harry Potter
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-12) Mageski, Poliane de Souza; Sarandy, Andrea Barbosa Osório;;;;; Pavesi, Patrícia Pereira;;; Adelman, Meryl;;
    This dissertation is dedicated to the study of fanfictions produced from the Harry Potter saga, the world-famous book series written by British author J.K Rowling. Fanfics, as they are also called, are fictional narratives, inspired by books and/or other literary products, written by fans. Currently, these narratives are disseminated on digital platforms. The website spiritfanfiction is dedicated to self-publishing these stories. It can be considered one of the largest digital platforms to host this literary genre in Brazil, which is why it was chosen as the field of this research. The main aim of this work is to analyze two fanfictions produced by the Harry Potter fan community and made available on this virtual social network. It's worth mentioning that, unlike the work from which these fanfictions were inspired, the ones dealt with here draw attention by bringing up the identity debate, more specifically, gender stereotypes, based on the concept of performativity. By changing the gender of the title character of the saga, Harry Potter, to female. This movement has been referred to in the literary field as gender-bender, which can include other forms of gender expression. The starting point for understanding is that fanfictions are an event of significant importance to consider social relations and identity constructions, as they are formed through a relationship with the community, both within and outside the global network. Writing is taken as a constitutive element of society, influenced by a long history of transformations and continuities up to the internet era. Therefore, the study of fanfictions is relevant to comprehend how internet mass culture affects textual production and the way society relates to fiction.
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    A comissão nacional da verdade e a produção da “verdade” do sujeito indígena
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-24) Colins, Carlos Eduardo da Silva; Silva, Sandro José da;;;;; Rodrigues, Márcia Barros Ferreira;;; Ferraz, Joana Darc Fernandes;;
    This dissertation is part of the line of research “socio-environmental studies, cultures and identities” of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Espírito Santo and is linked to the research project of Professor Sandro José da Silva “Anthropology, Human Rights and participation policy". This work focuses on the meanings of “truth” produced during the work of the National Truth Commission (CNV), with special interest in the effects on indigenous peoples. I try to describe the performance of the public authorities in response to the CNV recommendations, regarding indigenous peoples, after completing ten years of creation, in November 2021. I focus on the problems that the CNV actions raised for the recognition and guarantees of indigenous peoples. victimized by authoritarian state abuses, thus advocating the promotion of transitional rights. First, in the light of concepts from political/power anthropology and an ethnography of documents, I describe the production of a state discourse by the CNV for the pretense of national integration/unity and reparation through the revelation of a national “truth” used to national reconciliation. For this set of reflections, I use the analysis of power proposed by Michel Foucault (1979, 2004, 2005, 2008) and Agamben (2008), related to memory and testimony as a focus on the production of subjectivities. Secondly, I carry out a bibliographical analysis on the condition of truth after the Report, based on the evaluations of scholars and activists about the precariousness of the production of “truth”. Finally, I critically consider the legal conditions of reparation and their limits in their processes of producing truth through memories and the manifestation and resistance of civil society, the academy, and the indigenous peoples themselves regarding the truths consigned as evidence for reparation policies, this in turn, which can basically configure continuities of the arbitrariness of governmentality.
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    “Botaram a raposa pra tomar conta do galinheiro”: Conflito e reparação de comunidades tradicionais no desastre da Samarco, Vale de BHP Billiton
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-05) Santos, Arthur Augusto Silva; Silva, Sandro José da;;;;; Oliveira, Osvaldo Martins de;;; Machado, Cauê Fraga;;
    This dissertation is part of the ethnographic studies of the Research Line of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences: Socio-environmental Studies, Cultures and Identities. It seeks to describe the incorporation of traditional peoples and communities in the reparation system established as a result of the Samarco/Vale/BHP disaster, which occurred in 2015. The research uses participant observation in the Technical Chamber of Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities (CTIPCT) and adopts the methodology of "document ethnography" to analyze the field material. Traditional communities have different forms of association and seek to assert their ethnic identity to ensure adequate compensation. However, recognition of this identity is often denied by the entities responsible for repairs. In this way, some groups managed to advance in recognition, while others did not. Ethnic affirmation emerges as a tool to bring visibility to communities and ensure a reparation process consistent with their way of life. The dissertation investigates the strategies developed to repair those affected by the disaster and highlights the fragility of the mining companies' social responsibility. The text presents the historical scenario that allowed the disaster to occur, the regions structured by the disaster field and the established repair agreements and structures. It also explores the concept of traditional peoples and communities and the formation of the CTIPCT. The dissertation aims to elucidate the events that occurred in the seven years of the disaster, including the reparation of traditional peoples and communities, their struggle for recognition and inclusion in the reparation programs destined for them. The research demonstrates the tensions and unresolved issues related to ethnic affirmation as a reparation strategy and highlights the difficulties faced by those affected to obtain justice in the face of powerful corporations and the justice system that protects them.