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Submissões Recentes

Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 186
  • Item
    Pelas lentes Eliasianas: a dinâmica constitutiva de ser professora de educação especial na área da deficiência visual
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-01-01) Kautsky, Giselle Lemos Schmidel; Sobrinho, Reginaldo Célio;;; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles de; Pinel, Hiran; Nozu, Washington Cesar Shioti; Navarro, José Cláudio Carrillo
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    Povo tradicional pomerano: culturas, memórias e educação
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-01-01) Koeler, Edineia; Jungbluth, Konstanze;; Foerste, Erineu;;; Oliveira, Edna Castro; Savedra, Mônica Maria M.; Rosemberg, Peter
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    Os discursos da UNESCO e a avaliação da alfabetização infantil na America Latina e Caribe (1980-2012) : diálogo com contexto brasileiro
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-19) Endlich, Ana Paula Rocha; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Valle, Maria Teresa Esteban do; Côco, Dilza; Araújo, Vânia Carvalho; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria
    The work is a research report which general goal is to understand, actively and responsively, the UNESCO speeches, in the period of 1980-2012, on behalf of the literacy evaluation, and how they dialogue with the Brazilian context. It is based on the Bakhtinian theoretical referential and considers the assertions as links of a discursive chain that can only be comprehended in its concreteness, within an immediate production situation and a broader production context. The corpus is composed of documents published by the Education United Nations Organization (Unesco) in the period of choice, specially the Education Principal Project for Latin America and Caribbean (PPE) bulletins, the Education Regional Project for Latin America and the Caribbean Islands (Prelac) text and the magazines in connection. The research develops the thesis that all the speeches published by UNESCO, are mostly based on an education conception as financial and literacy investment as fundamental competence for the formation of citizens desired by the market. The most efficient propagation strategies of these speeches were the events promoted by UNESCO in which the participant member Estates made a compromise around goals aligned with ideas of international organisms that defend the capitalist order. Besides those goals, the PPE and Prelac projects aimed at assisting the countries regarding their educational policies adequacy and at keeping the educative speech in circulation, mainly with those having a strategic role in the countries’ decision making. The actions taken in Brazil in terms of literacy assessment, from its specific context, dialogued with the UNESCO assertions that praised it as management tool. This is observed by the implementation of evaluations with periodicity each time less in order to assess the children’s performance. Moreover, the dialogue between the Brazilian programs with the conceptions defended by this organization is also revealed in the reduction carried out by the exams concerning literacy to mechanic aspects of reading and writing, with basis on a technical and functional perspective that goes beyond its critical and dialogical potential.
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    Um estudo de combinatória com alunos de 5º ano do ensino fundamental
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-25) Silva, Jose Carlos Thompson; Santos-Wagner, Vânia Maria Pereira dos; Lopes, Celi Espasandin; Lorenzoni, Luciano Lessa; Silva, Sandra Aparecida Fraga da; Pinel, Hiran; Foerste, Erineu
    This thesis consists of a study focusing on mathematics education. The field research work took place in a fifth grade class of a municipal public school in Vitória, Espírito Santo. The central research question was: What strategies do fifth-graders use to solve and elaborate tasks involving combinatorial reasoning? It was based on the implicit combinatorial model, from the point of view of problem solving. It used a qualitative, interpretative and naturalistic perspective as methodological approach. In order to collect and produce data in 2018, a teaching experiment with seven tasks was carried out with this fifth grade class. For the choice of tasks for the teaching experiment, it was done a documentary study of a collection of didactic books and of masters and doctoral studies with a combinatorial focus. At the same time, it was done a research of historical-bibliographic character of combinatorial. Data collected and produced from 15 students in the class in the teaching experiment were analyzed. The results showed that the students used differentiated strategies in a nonsystematic and systematic way. It was concluded that it was necessary to work gradually and to explore problems of the same structure of combinatorial reasoning. In this context, it was necessary to ask intermediate questions that would aid in the comprehension of the statement and would draw the students' attention to the established parameters. We defend, in this thesis, that fifth year elementary students participating in this research use problem solving strategies that involve combinatorial reasoning. However, this reasoning needs to be explored and approached in an integrated and intentional way with other mathematical topics or concepts. In this way, it is possible to contribute to the students recognizing and amplifying these strategies in enumeration and counting procedures. In addition, they recognize the relationships between tasks involving the same structure from the point of view of combinatorial reasoning and are able to elaborating and solving similar ones.
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    Inclusão escolar e direito à educação de crianças público alvo da educação especial na educação infantil : o que dizem os professores especializados
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-01-30) Hernandez-Piloto, Sumika Soares de Freitas; Victor, Sonia Lopes; Silva, Angela Maria Caulyt Santos da; Prieto, Rosângela Gavioli; Côco, Valdete; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles de
    but also from the part of other professionals in schools. There are huge investments of the municipality, in the process of continuous training, but developed with the specialized teachers. This way, we consider that the formative processes need to expand to all professionals of the institution of preschool which work in the perspective of inclusion for children of special education. We still need to intensify the fight for the recognition of the right of these children who are the target audience of the special education. Another point which is discovered with the research is that about 70% of the teachers who participate of the study show an eclectic theory-methodological approach when they tell their conceptions regarding children development of special education. This data can reveal the fragility of the conception of the right to education and of the inclusion in school of these children, when emphasizing more organic causes rather than cultural ones to de development of this group. Thus, we conclude that the municipality norms of special education policies need to observe more closely of the formative processes of the professionals, considering the advances displayed related to the conceptions of the right to education and the inclusion in school of children of special education in the nursery schools of the municipality and the need that these processes can correspond to these advances.