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Submissões Recentes

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    O curso promotores de cidadania no contexto das políticas públicas de educação em direitos humanos no município de Vitória-ES : possibilidades e limites
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-07-06) Silva, Margareth Aparecida e; Araújo, Gilda Cardoso de; Araújo, Vania Carvalho de; Camacho, Luiza Mitiko Yshiguro; Silva, Aida Maria Monteiro
    Based on the experience of the Promoters of Citizenship Course, this study aims to investigate and identify the possibilities and limits of development of education policy on human rights in Vitória (ES) in order to understand to what extent the prospect of integrated policy is in these practices, taking into consideration the principies of universality, indivisibility and interdependence that make a case study in the manner ethnographic trying to understand the formation of the Citizenship Course promoters, identifying the possibilities and limits for constitute a Public Policy on Human Rights Education. In addition to observations and analysis documents, procedures are also individual interviews with managers involved and participants of the course, promoters of citizenship and informal with some leaders who did the course. It was identified that, if for a given, there are great possibilities for constructing a public sphere conducive to dialogue and try to participate in the sphere of management and in its relationship with communities, and this is reflected in the formation of various Instruments of participation managers, such as: Management Councils, Teams Expanded, Social Policy Committees, Administration of Urban Planning, Technical Councils territorial; there, on the other hand, major constraints to the development of these policies, the most important in this regard, the identification of absence and the necessity of creating a consensus around a common project capable of generating integrated policies, thus ensuring the universality, without however disregarding the plurality of different demands and agendas. Identified in this study only the impossibility of distinguishing the possibilities and limitations as dualistic terms but relate them so that each one can find the germ of another.
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    A língua própria do surdo : a defesa da língua a partir de uma subjetividade surda resistente
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-12) Nascimento, Gabriel Silva; Vieira-Machado, Lucyenne Matos da Costa; Lunardi-Lazzarin, Márcia Lise; Witchs, Pedro Henrique; Célio Sobrinho, Reginaldo; Oliveira, Edna Castro
    “The deaf own language: language advocacy based on a resistant deaf subjectivity” forthcoming, addresses a research embracing deaf education and sign language, whose overall objective aims to investigate what has been taken as “language status” and sign language in a national context. The work assumes an archeological envisioning investigation of the Libras as a property of a specific group. It embodies a documental-bibliographical research, taking as basic sources, the analysis of historical documents, specially the recordings of the Deaf Congress in Paris (1900) along with classic books the underlid the Brazilian researches for the past two decades in two lines: sign language and deaf culture. The theoretical framework grounds the work of Michel Foucault, deploying the experience matrix as the theoretical-methodologic tool and the axes of knowledge, power and ethics as analytical lenses. Reviewing the past through an archaeological approach, presents as a valid quest to understand the discursive practices taking shapes nowadays. It seems necessary to consider the historical and economic contexts that produces this wisdom, understand their national, cultural and linguistic ties, as well as the investments towards education regarding both deaf and hearing people. Given the competition arena where Libras and Portuguese create boundary relations, we intend to discuss how much reducing a language to a specific community property makes it vulnerable or strengthened, when the goal is to achieve a bilingual social organization. The considerations allow us to uncover a third way to advocate language, parallel to the Linguistics and Cultural studies, entailing a resistant deaf subjectivity demeanor that may risk suggesting monolingual life ways unlike the intentions of the bilingual movements and its claim for the social recognition of Libras.
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    Por dentro de uma escola pública campesina em tempos de resistência : o caso da escola do Xuri
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-27) Cunha, Eduardo Carlos Souza; Foerste, Erineu; Oliveira, Eduardo Augusto Moscon; Andrade, Patrícia Gomes Rufino; Oliveira, Edna Castro de
    The research investigated how the cultures of the Reverendo Waldomiro Martins Ferreira Municipal Elementary School (UMEF), located in the rural area of the Municipality of Vila Velha / ES and known as the "School of the Xúri", dialogue with the Field Education in times of resistance . It was held in the Research Group (CNPq) "Cultures, Partnerships and Field Education" of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of the Education Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo - PPGE / CE / UFES. This is a qualitative casestudy research. He benefited from the use of instruments such as questionnaires, conversation wheels, focus group, semi-structured interviews, reflective field diary, as well as bibliographical and documentary survey and analysis (Ludue & André, 1986; 2010). It analyzed aspects of teaching practices, dimensions of the Pedagogical Political Project and its identity with the Field Education, the spatial location of the school and the various contexts that are intertwined with this territory, be they social, economic, political or cultural. As a theoretical contribution, he benefited from dialogues with Paro (2000), Arroyo (2011), Fávero (1995), Nóvoa (1992,1995), Moreira (2001), Forquin (1993), Bakhtin (2017), Gramsci ), Fornet-Betancourt (2004), Freire (1996,2005), Libâneo (2004), Schön (2000), Alarcão (2004), Foerste (2005) and Giroux (1986). The "School of the Xúri" characterizes itself like educational space of intercultural resistances. It has suffered from the vertical and impositional implementation of neoliberal education policies. Therefore, there are successive official attempts to erase Field Education practices, which in the history of the school were presented as possibilities for the collective construction of a curriculum in which dialogue between cultures establishes concrete intercultural practices of human emancipation.
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    As fabuloinvenções das crianças nos agenciamentos dos currículos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-16) Gonçalves, Camilla Borini Vazzoler; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Prates, Maria Riziane Costa; Delboni, Tânia Mara Zanotti Guerra Frizzera; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo
    This dissertation is an invitation, or rather, an (un)invitation to a walk through a schoolmaze. It is a path in which mishaps, bifurcations and trails produced by children indicate possible ways to think about the curriculum produced at a school located in the city of Vitória-ES. It aims, therefore, to map knowledge, affection languages and affections potentiated by the teaching of the teachers and the fableinventions of the children in the daily life of a school. To do so, we use some conceptual tools produced by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, David Lapoujade and many others. These authors help us think about life and the production of knowledge and learning from the philosophy of difference, being interlocutors to problematize the child, childhood, curriculum and differential processes of education. Cartography is thus used as a methodological pathway in which, together with the children, the folds they produce in the curriculum thought by the teachers are examined. To do this, we immerse in the school with the field notebook and photographic camera in the desire to record the intensities that have passed through the body of the cartographer. Therefore, we defend that immanent processes of learning that do not fit into universal and total procedures or that can be defined, as suggested by the National Curricular Common Base, in alphanumeric codes. We bet that children on immanent processes of creation do not fit into codes, which leads the labyrinth to become rhizomatic, putting in suspension the Cartesian labyrinth of prescriptive curriculum. This text evidence how children's fableinventions have become a power of curriculum research, so that in the process of fabulate and invent, children create learning processes that do not fit into codes, but which fold into possible worlds that tend to infinity.
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    Ser criança com câncer na brinquedoteca hospitalar : um estudo em Merleau-Ponty
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-15) Furley, Ana Karyne Loureiro Gonçalves Willcox; Pinel, Hiran; Trugilho, Silva Moreira; Gomes, Vitor; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles de
    This qualitative study through a phenomenological-existential perspective entails the theme Special Education in its wide and strict sense, as well as the hospital playroom. Those who collaborate with this research were children and/or teenagers with cancer housed by the ACACCI facility, which treats patients within this pathologic board. The objectives lead towards comprehending what it means to be a child with cancer, thus far being a person with special education needs inside the walls of a hospital playroom, as well as depict how “corporeality, experience and perception unveil in these individuals when they are put before the toy and the playing role. To this end, we set the theoretical grounds by taking as milestone, Merleau Ponty (1984, 1999, and 2006), and how this discourse production caused stances to unfold in the researcher. As research tool, we deploy the field journal through which we put down comprehensive descriptions, posted drawings, photographs, dialogs etc. The registered records concerning adult people remained under the condition of strict relation to the research objective. The whole process longed eighteen (18) meetings inside the hospital playroom of the institution portrayed. By analyzing the concepts of “corporeality, experience and perception” (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999), experienced as intertwined movements, the child was “inserted” in the world, and the toy and the playing role, all within the walls of a hospital playroom and ended up meaning the existential being of communication. The silence that also arose might have been the absence of speaking, but unveiled through the gestures – those are among the several forms of language to the child being and or teenager. Therefore, we felt the child as a whole: the body, through noticing the objects (toys) given to them and their positioning before it, marking off the “playing phenomenology”. The experience, the perception of themselves and the others – in the world. Regarding the study implications, we sought to demonstrate possible ways for the educationalists in general, volunteers, etc. Those are the professionals in charge of these space-times where the child is unleashed to his own existence, before life finitude, whether in a hospital environment, home, school or community.