Doutorado em História

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2011
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 1585 de 20/06/2003).
Publicado no DOU em 23/05/203.
Parecer CNE/CES 083/2003.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: História Social das Relações Políticas
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  • Item
    Doença(s) e mortalidade de escravos em Victoria, província do Espírito Santo (1849 - 1880)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-25) Felipe, José Mauriene Araújo; Franco, Sebastião Pimentel; Nogueira, André Luís Lima; Barreto, Sônia Maria da Costa; Merlo, Patrícia Maria Silva; Fagundes, Pedro Ernesto
    It investigates rates of illness and mortality incidences of slave population living in Vitoria, capital of the province of Espírito Santo, along the period from 1849 to 1880. To enter this local and unknown universe, initially it was necessary to develop an introductory study on the slavery's multiple faces in Espírito Santo, starting by the narration of some everyday biases, permeating life conditions involving heavy lifting, revolts, punishments, leaks, prisons, the illness in prisons, even the extreme act of suicide. To this end, data collection on such particularities, aimed itself to elaboration of statistical maps that allow knowledge of care provided to the slave health, types of relationships between lord and captives, as well as allow to have more idea of the causes which forced captives to commit suicide in the form of ultimatum. With the results obtained from these first elements, studies were guided to know the disease incidence and mortality rates of slaves in the Vitoria of the second half of the 19th century. It was aimed to facilitate data collection around specific topics such as: urban slave life, their mobility, types of work, housing, food and hygiene. Confronting these data, it might have better perception about living conditions, health related to the types of illnesses acquired and, when it was an extreme situation, to death. The final results point out to high levels of slaves death, and also for the high levels of captives' children mortality in the Vitoria of the abovementioned period. For the development of this research, the following sources were taken: book of obits, reports and speeches of provincial presidents, providers of public health reports, newspapers, memoirs and books produced in the course of the 19th century. The theoretical intake had the basement of recent studies directed to the interfacial dialogue between history and health sciences. In the context of historical demography, it was elected the methodology of demographic system of slave populations. With regard to this study, the goal is to contribute for the production of research on the history of health and disease in general; lead studies on slavery and, first of all, encourage the research directed to health, disease and mortality of slaves in Espírito Santo of colonial and provincial periods.
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    Multiculturalismo, lucha por la tierra y violencia: la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (1975-1998)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-13) Diaz Uribe, Mauricio Alejandro; Gil, Antonio Carlos Amador; Apolinário, Juciene Ricarte; Silva, Sandro; Dadalto, Maria Cristina; Fagundes, Pedro Ernesto
    The aim of this thesis is to analyze the transformations and tensions in the forms, discourses, claims and demands of the modern Colombian indigenous movement (MIC) through its most representative organization at the national level: The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) since its appearance the 80s to the year 1998. After recognition of Colombia as a social state of ethnic and cultural plural right in the 90s, many of the MIC's discourses and concepts were transformed; for some researchers, this is due to the stagnation of the leaderships and forms of representation of the organizations that have become political parties. For others, rather than a setback, it is due to the emergence of new discourses on autonomy, territoriality, ethnic affirmation; and a permanent tension between the state, the ethnic identity and the multiculturalism. In the case of Colombia, this tension manifests itself in a social context of permanent conflict of generalized violence. The territories of indigenous communities must coexist with war between armed, legal and illegal actors, and the threatening presence of multinational corporations interested in environmental goods and mineral resources. Faced with this situation, indigenous leaders, especially the ONIC, try to cope by maintaining their cultural practices based on their worldviews, their own development plans, maintaining the unity in the diversity of interethnic relations. In this way, the research problematize this tension from three aspects: The concept of territory, the practice of the multiculturalism and the scenario of violence, as themes that project the discourse and actions of its leaders, in the last decades facing the dilemmas of the multicultural State.
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    Entre a escravidão e a liberdade em Vitória/ES (1871-1920)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-14) Nunes, Rafaela Domingos Lago; Campos, Adriana Pereira; Costa, Carlos Eduardo Coutinho da; Castiglioni, Aurélia Hermínia; Dadalto, Maria Cristina; Merlo, Patrícia Maria da Silva
    The thesis consists of the study of the problem of the after-abolition, with emphasis in the social relations of captives and egresses of the captivity in the region of Vitória, during the years of 1871 and 1920. The objective of the study was to understand the socioeconomics changes, responsible in great length for the demographic drawing of the central and southern regions of the state of Espirito Santo, in the period been screen. A research to sea liberation of the slaves with the advent of the emancipationist laws (1871 and 1885), and the abolitionist (1888) transformed the consolidated constructed communities for generations in the captivity, on between itself for extensive nets of kinship. The temporal landmarks are delimited by the year in which the Law of the Free Womb was promulgated in 1871, and the year of 1920, which ended the height of the racist thought in Brazil, reflecting the consequenc es of the crisis in the coffee bean prices that occurred in the two previous decades. Responsible to speed up the process of constitution in the agrarian structure of small small properties in the State of Espirito Santo. They utilized baptisms and birth certificates, a known source of research in the region. Emancipate letters, provincial reports of directors of the State, funds of government and newspapers published in Espirito Santo are added it the document body. The comparative analysis with the previous period to the one of 1871 allowed observing an intensification in the social relations of the captives with non-captives from the Law Rio Branco. That is, slave families took advantage of the ritual kinship established in the Catholic Church to stablish themselves in the free universe of the region. With respect to the immediate after-abolition, it is understood that a significant migration from the rural areas of Espirito Santo to the city did not happen, neither for other states of Brazil. However, it was notice in newspaper analyses that the meanings of freedom and citizenship in the immediate posterior years to the abolition in Espirito Santo were found in dispute. Between renewed alliances, constructed or breached between ex-gentlemen and exslaves, many egresses of the captivity seemed to live a time between slavery and freedom. The social relations revealed conflicting, with arbitrary acts of ex-owners of slaves and local authorities that evidenced the difficulty part of society to accept the slaves as equal in rights and accept them in the free universe.
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    A representação do lugar social do poeta no Principado de Augusto a partir das Epístolas de Horácio
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-28) Silva, Camilla Ferreira Paulino da; Leite, Leni Ribeiro; Lima Neto, Belchior Monteiro; Silva, Gilvan Ventura da; Martins, Paulo; Harrison, Stephen John
    The overall objective of this thesis is to consider the way the epistolary persona set up by Horace in his Epistles relates to his position within Roman society, taking into account the image of the poet as a guide in the process of the establishment of the Augustan Principate. In this way, we seek to analyze the mode through which Horace stands in literary tradition, reflecting on his option to the epistolary genre, its circulation in the Roman world and with which discourses he deals in these works. It is also our aim to discuss how, in the construction of epistolary éthos, Horace presents himself as a model to be followed by the new members of the Roman elite. He appropriates the epistolary scenography to self-represent as someone successful, who, from that point forward, would begin to deliver advice about the best way to behave in the Roman social life. Also, we aim to identify the social role and function that Horace assigns to poets and writers, connecting this to the shaping of a new regime, the Principate, as well as to patronage. For such study, we use, as methodology, the assumptions from Discourse Analysis, as well as the concepts of social place of Michel Pêcheux, representation of Roger Chartier and discoursive practices and éthos of Dominique Maingueneau
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    Veículo de sonhos e ilusões: a Revista Americana e a circulação de representações de pan-americanismo (1909-1919)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-21) Caprara, Larissa Milanezi Fabriz; Leite, Juçara Luzia; Becalli, Fernanda Zanetti; Pirola, André Luiz Bis; Gil, Antonio Carlos Amador; Bentivoglio, Julio César
    This doctorate thesis explores the publication Revista Americana, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a space of public opinion and interpretative community carrier of a set of standards which allowed the publication of articles. It released on a non-continuous basis between the years of 1909 and 1919 and became a field to disseminate several aspects of politics, culture and history of Brazil and others southAmerican republics. It aimed to understand its implicit and explicit goals, as well as analyze the role expected from the diplomatic corps in the intention to allow a panamericanism project. We assumed that the Revista was a strategic instrument used by Itamaraty to think and promote the bringing together between Brazil and South America. In addition, from reading the issues off the publication, explored which would be the position of the Brazilian diplomacy in the dissemination of a possible leader of the continent. Also, identified the main representations discussed about the concerns of the American continent and its possible solutions. The intellectuals were not only Brazilians, but also native from other countries of the continent. Analyzed which representation of future were supported at the periodic aiming to symbolize Brazil as a pacific and civilized country, as well as of American continent as modern and solidary relations among the nations. We based our investigation in the concepts of representation, circulation, appropriation and cultural practice of Chartier; intellectuals of Sirinelli and cultural diplomacy of Ribeiro (1989). Our conclusions indicate that those intellectuals appreciated the elements of a cultural diplomacy, through a pan-american rhetoric, which should be appropriated in the constitution of new identities, characterized by its own qualities. The pan-americanism, designed in this direction, underlain the existence of a generation of intellectuals who have published projects of future that represented America not only as a space, but above all, as a sentiment.