Mestrado em Engenharia Química

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2014
Conceito atual na CAPES: 3
Ato normativo: Homologado no Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018, da Câmara de Educação Superior do Conselho Nacional de Educação, e no Parecer nº 00049/2019/CONJURMEC/CGU/AGU, da Consultoria Jurídica junto ao Ministério da Educação, proferidos nos autos do Processo nº 23001.000335/2018-51. Divulgado na portaria 609 (14/03/2019) e publicada no DOU (18/03/2019- Edição 52/Seção 1/pg 63).
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Engenharia Química
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  • Item
    Análise da cinética de decomposição térmica da casca de urucum (bixa orellana l.)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-28) Breciani, João Guilherme Fraga; Sousa, Robson Costa de; Costa, Ariany Binda Silva;;;; Carvalho, Romero Florentino de;;; Alves, Rejane Costa;;; Perazzini, Maisa Tonon Bitti
    This study aims to investigate the drying kinetics and thermal decomposition of annatto husks (Bixa orellana L.) in a nitrogen atmosphere. The analysis was performed through physical-chemical, thermal, and thermodynamic characterizations of the residue. Based the data obtained from the physico-chemical characterization, the residue's energy potential was verified, showing a low ash content and high calorific value. The thermal characterization was carried out using thermogravimetric analysis of the residues at different heating rates, which allowed for the determination of the material's peak, ignition, and burnout temperatures during the pyrolysis process. From this data, a drying kinetics study was performed, where the Page model provided the best fit to the experimental data. Additionally, the thermal decomposition kinetics of the material was studied using global and multicomponent models. Among the global models, Friedman, FWO, KAS, and Vyazovkin models were analyzed, but none were suitable for experimental representation. For the multicomponent models, consecutive reactions and independent parallel reactions were analyzed, both showing excellent fits, with TG deviations below 2.6% for all heating rates analyzed. Finally, in the thermodynamic characterization, the values of enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, and entropy indicate that the thermal decomposition of annatto husks in a nitrogen atmosphere is an endothermic and non-spontaneous process.
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    Estudo numérico da aplicação do sistema gerador de nitrogênio para remoção de depósitos de parafina
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-24) Cavalcante, Rafael Ferreira; Dutra, Julio Cesar Sampaio ;;; Silva, Wellington Betencurte da ;; ; ; ; Estumano, Diego Cardoso ;;; Abreu, Luiz Alberto da Silva ;;
    Offshore oil exploration has significant challenges, including the formation of hydrate and paraffin wax deposits, causing billionaire losses to the oil and natural gas industry. The nitrogen generating system (SGN) is a thermal and chemical technique applied to remove these deposits, employing an exothermic chemical reaction that promotes paraffin wax melting. Pipe-in-pipe (PIP) systems with thermal insulation layers are common in this scenario, aiming to optimize the system’s thermal efficiency. This dissertation conducts to a numerical study of an SGN application in a multilayer PIP system with paraffin wax blockage, to investigate the efficiency and feasibility of the technique in removing the deposit without compromising the PIP’s insulation materials. The mathematical formulation yields to a nonlinear transient two dimensional heat conduction model with chemical reaction and phase change. The solution of the transient problem employs the explicit Euler method for time integration, with spatial derivatives computed directly from the temperature nodal values. The results demonstrate that the SGN’s chemical reagents are quickly consumed, generating a high amount of heat, sufficient to remove the paraffin wax deposit. The simulation reaches a liquid fraction of 0.95. The results also show that the temperature of the thermal insulation layers exceeds their ideal working temperature, but remains below their melting point, reaching 140 ◦C in the innermost insulation layer. Additionally, the results indicate that the released heat is strongly dependent on the pH at which the reaction occur
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    Caracterização da fibra da planta Agave angustifolia var. marginata para aplicação em compósitos de poliéster
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-28) Silva, Rosemeri Barbosa dos Santos da; Oliveira, Michel Picanco;;;;; Candido, Veronica Scarpini;;; Moulin, Jordao Cabral;;
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    Desenvolvimento de filamentos de celulose microfibrilada com gomas xantana e guar
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-22) Menini, Poliana Dariva; Oliveira, Michel Picanco;;;;; Tonoli, Gustavo Henrique Denzin;;; Silva, Danillo Wisky;;
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    Aproveitamento de resíduos da biomassa da laranjeira (Citrus sinensis) para geração de bioenergia
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-03) Dias, Luciano da Costa; Oliveira, Michel Picanco;;;; Dias, Josinaldo de Oliveira;;; Protásio, Thiago de Paula;;
    In the culture of orange (Citrus sinensis), the focus is the production of the fruit, which, when in decline in connection with renewal of the orchards, results in the generation of waste, especially wood, which is not in the roll of biomasses for use in bioenergy. In this sense, the objective was to chemically and energetically analyze the orange wood, produce compacted solid biofuels (briquettes) and verify the quality produced briquettes. In the chemical and energetic characterization were used three compositions, 100% trunk (100T), 90% trunk + 10% bark (90T10B) and 100% bark (100B). The first two compositions were used in the production of briquettes with pressures of 10 and 12 MPa, totaling four types of briquettes named as 100T10P, 100T12P, 90T10B10P and 90T10B12P. The compaction temperature was 90ºC. The 100T composition presented lower extractives value (6.66%), higher lignin and holocellulose content (24.01% and 72.19%) and higher useful calorific value (17.51 -1 ) and the composition 100B presented higher ash content (10.35%). In relation to briquettes produced, apparent density and density by densitometry of xrays was higher in the type of briquette 90T10B12P, 1218 and 1194 kg.m-3 respectively. The briquette 100T10P obtained greater volumetric retraction (3.83%) and the lowest moisture absorption occurred in the 90T10B12P. The briquette 100T12P obtained higher value in the compressive strength test (3.12 MPa), but lower combustion index (0.16). The densification between the pressures used in briquetting was evidenced in scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The orange wood presented chemical and energy composition similar to the biomass for energy purposes and the briquettes produced showed low moisture, mechanical strength and combustibility within the appropriate levels according to the literature.