Doutorado em Geografia
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2015
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
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Submissões Recentes
- ItemA atuação do poder público na provisão habitacional para os grupos sociais excluídos : as multifaces de um problema permanente e histórico em Vitória/ES/Brasil (Séc. XIX-XXI)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-03) Muniz, Andreia Fernandes; Mendonça, Eneida Maria Souza ;;;;; Zanotelli, Cláudio Luiz;;; Miranda, Clara Luiza;;; Ferreira, João Sette Whitaker;;; Maia, Doralice Sátyro; central issue of the thesis is to highlight the provision of and access to housing as a historical and permanent problem faced by the low-income population, excluded from formal access to housing, and which manifests itself, materializes, and reproduces itself in urban space under different forms of living, for more than a century of similar Housing Policies that are implemented by the Public Authorities. Based on the premise that the housing issue depends on the relationship and articulation of the agents and actors involved and that housing is a complex and multifaceted problem interrelated to structural issues, the thesis addresses the actions of the State (represented by the Federal, State, and Municipal Public Authorities) and of the excluded Social Groups based on the analysis and discussion of the role, interests, initiatives, strategies, and practices of these two agents in the process of providing adequate housing in the city of Vitória/ES/Brazil in the period between the 19th and 21st centuries, with an emphasis on the discussions of the hypotheses formulated in the period between 1979 and 2018, approximately four decades of intense political, social, economic, urban and regulatory transformations, both in the Brazilian scenario and in the capital of Espírito Santo, impacting the production of its informal urban space. To this end, the thesis follows the path of the policies, programs, projects, and works carried out by the State in the scope of social housing, including the manifestations of the excluded social groups about these actions. Based on documentary research and critical theoretical foundations of discussions based on authors from the fields of Geography, Sociology, and Architecture on the role of the State and excluded social groups; the formation of informal territories and urban spoliation; social struggles for land and housing, seen as commodities in Capitalism and the right to property as a hegemonic form of politics, the thesis concluded that how the two agents act impacts the results of housing provision and that the mobilization of demands by excluded social groups influences public initiatives for housing provision, but that neither of the two agents is devoid of interests in actions involving access to housing, land and urban infrastructure. In Vitória/ES, the State's actions prioritized the execution of infrastructure works and the urbanization of precarious settlements to the detriment of the production of residential units, with land legalization being the greatest obstacle to the effectiveness of the programs. On the other hand, excluded social groups have made few demands for housing, with land being the main object of dispute, followed by urban infrastructure works, community facilities, and services. Therefore, in the context of the history of housing in Vitória, what occurred were social mobilizations fighting for land and not for housing, understood in its broad definition. Thus, the housing problem is part of yesterday and today and will continue to be part of tomorrow as long as the land “knot” is not resolved outside the limitations of private property imposed by Capitalism
- ItemZoneamento climático local: a geografia do clima em Vila Velha (ES, Brasil) como subsídio ao planejamento e ordenamento do território(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-09) Nascimento, Fabricio Holanda do; Catão, Rafael de Castro;;;; Coelho, André Luiz Nascentes; Araújo Júnior, Aramis Cortes de; Galvani, Emerson; Ugeda Júnior, José CarlosThe evolution of society, due to the development of technology and science, as well as population growth, leads to an increase in urban areas and, consequently, to the problems associated with urbanization, both social and environmental, particularly regarding the climate of a given location. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance that research be developed with the aim of understanding this society-nature relationship. Both urban and rural areas benefit from climate studies from a geographical perspective, as these studies make it possible to perceive climate patterns that help in the development of public policies, with a view to developing more sustainable and resilient cities and rural areas. In this context, this research had the main objective of identifying and mapping the Local Climate Zones (LCZ) in the municipality of Vila Velha, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. To this end, a mapping of the LCZs was developed, according to the methodology of Stewart; Oke (2012), Demuzere et al. (2021), with the aid of the LCZ Generator, a web application for mapping LCZ. To this end, several maps derived from satellite images (Remote Sensing) were prepared, including Earth's surface temperature (TST) models, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Built-up Area Index (NDBI), considering a historical series from 2018-2022, Landsat-8 satellite images, available on the USGS website. As secondary objectives, we sought to understand the main atmospheric systems that influence the weather and climate conditions of the study area, through the analysis of synoptic charts and meteorological satellite images, available on the websites of the Marinha do Brasil and CPTEC, respectively, as well as the rhythmic analysis of the climate and to prepare scientific material that can support the municipality's decision-makers in municipal urban planning and organization. In order to achieve the objectives adequately, readings were also carried out on the main theories that guided this research, namely: climate theories – both those that define it as a static factor (Köppen) and those that understand it as dynamic (Max Sorre) –, climate geography and the methodology of Local Climate Zones (Stewart; Oke). In addition, field work was carried out using the mobile transect technique to record air temperature and relative humidity data using measuring instruments, the Minipa Thermo-hygrometer, model MT-241, which was attached to a PVC pipe, during hot days, between February and May 2024. This research is important because Vila Velha lacks scientific studies on the subject in question and, therefore, fills a gap in knowledge of the local climate from a geographical perspective. The results were satisfactory and allowed us to draw a series of conclusions. Vila Velha, as it is a typically tropical municipality, has distinct local climate zones, notwithstanding the specificities of the municipality; the remote sensing derivatives (TST, NDVI and NDBI) allowed us to perceive a strong correlation between urbanization and the absence of green spaces with the increase in surface temperature over the period evaluated (2018-2022); the mobile transect contributed significantly to the understanding of the local climate and perception of the correlation between the typologies of land use and cover and the thermal and humidity field in Vila Velha. Thus, it is expected that, through this theoretical and methodological material, managers and society will be able to understand the local climate of Vila Velha and the relationship between urbanization and the elements of the local atmosphere, and perceive them as key elements in defining planning and land use planning that considers the quality of life of the population that lives there and the natural environment.
- ItemSuperfícies e subsolos no mundo mercadoria: neoextrativismo, conflitos, r-existências e territórios livres de mineração na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-16) Vieira, Luiz Henrique; Zanotelli, Claudio Luiz;;;;; Scarim, Paulo Cesar;;; Maracci, Marilda Teles;;; Magno, Lucas;;; Oliveira, Leandro Dias de;; neoexractivism and its consequences in the 21st century provoke us to think about the mining activity present in the state of Minas Gerais for centuries, always expanding across new frontiers, causing major complications and accumulation of problems in the current Anthropocene/Capitalocene period. In view of this, we seek, in this thesis, to carry out a study on the Zona da Mata, a mesoregion of the state of Minas Gerais, through a critical and geographical analysis surrounding the mineral issue. To this end, we discuss the conflicts arising from the territorialization of three mining companies that extract bauxite and magnetite from the ground. Mining companies operate in different phases, however, they are all permeated by conflicts and popular r-existences that have been organized for more than two decades in unique contexts. We analyze permissiveness and flexibility through environmental licensing procedures, together with public policies that encourage and authorize the advancement and operation of extractive activities in new territories. Finally, we demonstrate how the articulations in search of the creation of Mining-Free Territories are going through experiences that took place between 2015 and 2023.
- ItemGeografia e Fenomenologia: da Epistemologização da Ontologia À “Questão da Técnica” em Martin Heidegger(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-01) Santos, Josimar Monteiro; Reis, Luis Carlos Tosta dos;;;;; Robaina, Igor Martins Medeiros;;; Nogueira, Carlo Eugênio;;; Silva, Aldo Aloísio Dantas da;;; Bassani, Izabela Dolores Cebin;; thesis concerns the relationship between ontology and epistemology in Geography. The issue within this relationship resides in a critical examination of how ontology has been assimilated into geographical science. This reading is based on the distinction, established by Martin Heidegger, between ontology and epistemology because, for the philosopher, one should not be confused with the other. Based on this distinction, it is argued that the difference between the two was not taken into account by geographers when starting in the 1970s, they began to discuss the issue of the ontological foundation of Geography. These debates began in the context of the epistemological renewal of this science, promoted by critical geography and humanistic geography. For this thesis, ontological reflection, both in critical geography and humanistic geography, depended on the epistemological renewal in geographical sciences. This indicates that ontology was assimilated into Geography to substantiate previously established theoretical positions. This pattern of ontological assimilation in geographical science, guided by an epistemological interpretation, is termed in this thesis as the 'epistemologization of ontology,' signifying the subordination of ontological questions to epistemological issues. Therefore, this thesis aims to contribute to the 'rehabilitation' of the ontological inquiry of Geography. In these terms, the need to revisit the question of the ontological foundation of Geography becomes imperative, much as Heidegger sought to revisit the question of being in “Being and Time”. This reexamination corresponds, within the narrower scope of geographical science, to the project of “rehabilitating” the issue of the ontological foundation of Geography, specifically designating the investigation of its “ontological-existential foundations”. This charges the geographer with the task of adopting the guidelines of the phenomenological method, as expressed by Heidegger through the analysis of Dasein, as a means of accessing the question of being. In this sense, the investigation of the “ontologicalexistential foundations” of Geography is directed towards the existential being-in and the existential spatiality of Dasein, leading the thesis to inquire into the manner in which Dasein, this being that we all are, is immediately and most of the time, in its fallen everydayness (our historical world). In turn, this question prompted an “ontological turn” in the thesis, as it directed the research toward Heidegger's reflection on the “question of technique”. At this juncture, the work proposed a phenomenological interpretation of the technical phenomenon as an alternative to broaden the philosophical foundation of technology in geographical science and, consequently, the understanding of geographical space.
- ItemClassificação climática da bacia hidrográfica do rio doce(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-08-18) Allocca, Rodson de Andrade; Fialho, Edson Soares;;;;; Galvani, Emerson;;; Sanches, Fabio de Oliveira;;; Novais, Giuliano Tostes;;; Marchioro, Eberval; of environmental conditions is an element of great importance for the establishment and development of societies. In this sense, among the approaches related to natural dynamics, the understanding of climatic characteristics is a way to better direct and establish the relationship between society and nature. Proposals for climate classification prepared for the Brazilian territory, due to their generalism, often do not provide detailed information in relation to smaller geographic areas. For this reason and the direct influence of climate on health, well-being and even on the development of various economic activities in human societies, a systematization of classification of the dynamics of climate elements is necessary that can provide greater subsidies for planning and the management of anthropic actions on a more detailed scale. The objective of this work is to elaborate the climatic classification of the Rio Doce Hydrographic Basin and the choice of the study area is justified by its national importance in the context of the use of water resources to meet the population demands in its different uses, covering several cities both in the state of Minas Gerais, as in the state of Espírito Santo. This classification is based on the Novais Climate Classification method (2019), adapting the use of the Dinamica EGO environmental modeling software as an intermediate tool in the processing and spatialization of data. For the delimitation of climatic units, reanalysis data from the Climatologies at high resolution for the earth's land surface areas (CHELSA) algorithm, prepared by Karger et al. (2017), were used. The use of reanalysis data is a technical resource that allows obtaining information on the climatic characteristics of areas without official stations, optimizing the provision of data on the national territory. The adopted method is still under construction, as some areas of the Brazilian territory have not yet been classified at all hierarchical levels. As a research hypothesis, we have the perspective that it is possible to refine the climate classification in the study area, since the Novais (2019) classification system is structured in hierarchies, allowing, following defined criteria, a variation in scalar levels, allowing smaller areas can be classified in greater detail. In this system, the classification can be divided into Climatic Zones, Zonal Climates, Climatic Domains, Climatic Subdomains, Climatic Types, Climatic Subtypes, Mesoclimates and Topoclimates. The establishment of climate units according to Novais (2019) has as criteria the average temperature of the coldest month (ATCM), the number of dry months, the influence and performance of atmospheric systems on the rainfall regime and the passage of cold fronts allowing the occurrence of frosts. With the application of the method, the choice of which is related to its great approach potential, it was possible to delimit 76 climatic subtypes at the basin level, in addition to representing an advance in climate analysis at lower geographic scales, as it established 6 Mesoclimates and 5 Topoclimates in the municipality of Ponte Nova, MG. The information generated through the classification, as it contemplates different levels of scalar approach, can, therefore, be used in decision-making regarding the planning and environmental management of the area, in addition to being a contribution to the construction and application of the method for the entire Brazil.