Aplicação de meta-heurísticas para otimização de redes de trocadores de calor

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Oliveira, Gustavo dos Santos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work proposes the application of two metaheuristics to optimize a heat exchangers network. The network consists of combining heat exchangers among different stream increasing the overall value. In this work, two different cases were considered for a network in which the non-equivalent division of current and mixture between stages is allowed or not. Despite the existence of several metaheuristics, some considered classical have not been widely applied for this type of problem. Thus, in this work we propose a Simulated Annealing algorithm and a GRASP algorithm to optimize the two cases of a heat exchangers network. Both algorithms were able to obtain good solutions for the two cases within small computational time. For the first case, a direct comparison with a work presented in the literature was performed, and solutions similar to the best known so far were obtained in a considerably smaller computational time. For the second case, there was no direct comparison with the literature due to the lack of works that deal with the network with the same characteristics. However, the obtained solutions demonstrated the possibility of a considerable gain when the division and mixing of currents in the network is applied. The values of the best solutions obtained are presented for further comparisons.
Meta-heuristics , Otimização , Heat exchangers network , Meta-heurísticas , Optimization , Rede de trocadores de calor