Resíduos finos da indústria de rochas ornamentais : os materiais depositados e os segregados

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Chicon, Marcello Ciciliote
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The market for dimension stones is extremely important for the country, mainly for the State of Espírito Santo, the main Brazilian producer and responsible for a large portion of the revenue from exports of Brazilian stone sheets. However, this practice can cause serious environmental consequences due to the improper disposal of the generated solid waste, making it an environmental liability of these industries. Therefore, an option would be the study and characterization of these wastes in order to know its characteristics and properties, determined mainly by its chemical composition. Through this information, the best suitable destination for the residue in question can be determined. This paper consists in characterize and classify the waste from four old deposits of abrasive sludge, located in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (ES), besides comparing them statistically. In addition, the results obtained on the collected residues were analyzed and compared, that is, the segregated residues according to the lithological types. Regarding the results, the classification of wastes deposited as Inertes, that is, waste that does not have any of its solubilized constituents at concentrations higher than water potability standards, offering no risk to the population and the environment. As for the segregated residues it is noticed that the presence of its constituents does not occur homogeneously and that the solubilization of its elements are influenced by certain inputs used during the processing of the stones.
Characterization , Caracterização , Classification of wastes , Classificação de resíduos , Environmental liability , Passivo ambiental