Os vídeos das câmeras de segurança no telejornal ESTV 1ª edição : do monitoramento à notícia
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Oliveira, William Silva de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research analyzed security video images that were shown by the broadcast ESTV First Edition News from Gazeta TV Station, an affiliated of Globo TV Station located in Espirito Santo State. For a period of two months it was watched and cataloged 955 pieces of the broadcast shows. The video tapes produced from video monitoring
cameras were identified and categorized as well. Catching a crime, an accident or an unusual imagine during a TV news broadcast may be one of the biggest conquers to
crown the journalist's work in his/her search for an unique image, as well as to satisfy the audience. With the development of security cameras spreaded all over the city, the videos provided by these instruments became part of the narrative of TV broadcasting news all over the world. In this particular analysis, the criteria of what is news and what
is not presented in this type of images was discussed with examples of how news can be transformed when these images are incorporated in the broadcast. It was also
presented the origins of video monitoring systems and society control from the perspective of the panoptic. The changes that have occurred in the information
environment and the network images that are used to understand the circulation of security cameras that were then used to integrate news broadcasting. The reterritoriality of security images that are part of this discussion have also been used to analyze the shift of a specific territory that happens in the shift of these videos that leave the security universe and become narratives of a TV news broadcast.
Videomonitoramento , Jornalismo participativo , Noticiabilidade , Câmeras de vigilância