Mestrado em Comunicação e Territorialidades

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2014
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo:CNE/CES nº 154/2014
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração:Comunicação e Territorialidades
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    Duas décadas de resistência : o jornalismo autoenunciado independente do digital Século Diário contra silenciamentos no Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-10-29) Sarmento, Priscila Bueker; Gentilli, Victor Israel;;; Reis, Ruth; Peruzzo, Cicília Krohling
    With a newsroom installed in Vitória, capital of the State of Espírito Santo, with strictly regional journalistic agendas and regional competition, that is, with a marked physical-geographical territorial link, but with circulation, consumption and recirculation in the symbolic territory of the network society's communication, the digital newspaper Século Diário from Espírito Santo self-titled “independent with a focus on the interpretative view of facts” is the theme of this study. Initially, from the epistemological discussion about the alternative / popular / independent aspects, this work aims, under the critical-dialectical view, to provide clues about the place of meaning construction that, in this first scientific work breaking with the culture of silence in the academy, it is verified by a brief analysis of the structural aspects together with the news production of the newspaper giving the tone of “independence” to the Daily Century newspaper in the scene of regional socio-discursive disputes. Founded in March 2000, originated from the discontinued SÉCULO magazine, a printed vehicle with predominant characteristics of traditional media, both Revista Século and Século Diário, were idealized by the first photojournalist from ES, Rogério Medeiros, whose performance with a progressive vision in different intervention spaces politics, such as the founding of Sindijornalistas-ES, PTES and as a mentor of the Rubem Braga Law to encourage culture in Vitória, is confused with the own identity of the independent Século Diário. The agendas on the Environment (analyzed editorial), the "flagship" of both vehicles that symbolize the struggle for respect for life and mother-earth, converge in the trajectory of the founder himself with popular social movements. Editorially, as an alternative to the silencing of declaratory journalism by the mainstream traditional regional media, Século Diário presents itself as interpretive, humanistic critical journalism, which enables and problematizes the reality of the margins based on banners to fight in a positive representation of ethnic minorities and traditional peoples, retelling history from the narrative on the side of the overcomed and/or forgotten, as outlined by the frankfurtian Walter Benjamin, and in the defense of human rights. Symbol of resistance, Daily Century survives in the confrontation of legal violence due to the number of lawsuits, attempts to silence (censorship) by the State apparatus against the digital newspaper, which, ending in financial violence (asphyxiation with escape of advertisers), inevitably affected sustainability and resulted in the departure of the “hard core” of the newsroom in 2017 and changes in the journalistic business model.
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    À margem dos jornais: uma análise de representação das áreas de vulnerabilidade social da Grande Vitória na imprensa capixaba
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-24) Ronchi, Ana Carolina; Rebouças, José Edgard; Zanotelli, Cláudio Luiz; Souza, Rafael Bellan Rodrigues de
    This dissertation aims to understand how the printed newspapers A Gazeta and A Tribuna represent the areas of social vulnerability of the Metropolitan Region of Grande Vitória, in Espírito Santo. As a snippet of the localities to be analyzed, the Government of the State of Espírito Santo program called “Ocupação Social” was used. Of the 26 localities contemplated by project 18 are located in the Metropolitan Region, being also those analyzed in this research. At first, it starts off from the discussions around the press as a social institution authorized to narrate about the quotidian. Journalism is understood as a producer of content governed by its own dynamics and routines. Then there is the discussion about the formation of territories and territorialities understanding them in this research both physically - with vulnerable neighborhoods - and symbolically - journalism as social narrator. The reflection on territories culminates in the discussion about violence and how the press is responsible for presenting it (and representing it). Lastly, the information obtained through a Content Analysis on the coverage of the newspapers A Gazeta and A Tribuna around the vulnerable neighborhoods in the year 2016 is evidenced. The research indicates that the neighborhoods of social vulnerability are protagonists in the contents about violence in Espírito Santo and that cultural contents about them are almost non-existent. There is also the discussion around the approach of the two newspapers, their similarities and differences in reporting these facts.
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    A cobertura do jornal A Gazeta sobre a titulação de comunidades remanescentes de quilombos (1988-2017)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-07) Silva, Girley Vieira da; Zanetti, Daniela; Andrade, Patrícia Gomes Rufino; Oliveira, Osvaldo Martins; Souza, Rafael Bellan Rodrigues de
    This research, carried out within the scope of the Post-Graduate Program in Communication and Territorialities of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, is part of the Research and Communication Research Line. It is a study in the area of Communication and Politics with the purpose of analyzing the participation of the newspaper A Gazeta, a company belonging to the largest communication group of Espírito Santo, in the dynamics of social power around the dispute for quilombola areas in the interior of the state. Although the demarcation of quilombolas territories is a guaranteed right to quilombo remnants since the enactment of the Federal Constitution in 1988, no area was destined in this state until the conclusion of this research. However, only the beginning of the processes aimed at the realization of this right was sufficient to generate a reaction from ideologically opposed groups, who began to occupy and mobilize important instruments of exercise of social power, such as the State and the press, to guarantee the preservation of their interests . And it was to this reaction that this work directed his look, especially to the news and reports published by A Gazeta in the year of 2007 and interviews with representatives of the ethnic group approached as counterpoint to the discourse of the media. For the accomplishment of the analyzes of this corpus composed by 12 occurrences we are supported, mainly, in the theoretical-methodological framework of the framing analysis. For this, for example, we have observed the assumptions of Stuart Hall in his cultural studies and analyzes of the media and of Robert Entman and his contributions in relation to the framing analysis paradigm. From the analysis of these journalistic texts it was possible to perceive that the space of media visibility built around this theme privileged ideas and subjects contrary to the demarcation of quilombolas territories, mainly by means of the production and placement of economist-type frameworks that attribute to the execution of this policy possible social and financial damages and portray in a discriminatory and racist way the way of life of these communities. In addition, while highlighting the frameworks favorable to the members of the hegemonic group involved in the dispute (landowners and agribusiness multinationals), the newspaper also silenced the arguments of the quilombolas fundamental for understanding the importance of titling, such as those related to cultural aspects , the ancestry and the dynamics of land use as a space for the production of identities and subjectivities of the communities.
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    Jornalismo, narrativas e discursos : um estudo sobre feminicídio no jornal A Gazeta
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-23) Mariano, Isabella Silva de Freitas; Reis, Ruth de Cássia dos; Ribeiro, Renata Rezende; Zanetti, Daniela
    This research has as object the narratives built by the newspaper A Gazet about cases of feminicide in Espirito Santo and intend to answer the following questions: what are the discourses produced by the newspaper A Gazeta’s narrative statements about feminicide? How are the victim's different subject positions narrated by the vehicle? We start from the notion that journalism is an important piece for overcoming the problem, since such confrontation requires redefinitions at symbolic and cognitive levels. With this, we seek, first of all, to understand how journalism contributes to the constitution of feminicide as a social problem and, secondly, to collaborate in defining strategies that can reduce the rates of violence against women. Based on the conceptualization of “feminicide”, “narrative” and “discourse” and on the historical contextualization of actions to combat violence against women, we intend to analyze the statements about this issue present in the newspaper A Gazeta. To do so, we take into account the understanding that the media do not mirror what is happening in society, but rather, through their narratives, they focus on the constitution of the social event. Were chosen four narratives on cases of feminicide occurred in Espírito Santo in 2017 and 2018, involving women in different positions of class, gender and race. This analysis was based on Thompson (2011) depth hermeneutics, which defines three main phases for the investigation: socio-historical analysis, discursive analysis and interpretation/reinterpretation. The empirical analysis occurred in the last two phases of this study, in which it was possible to identify the narrative structures of the selected cases, strongly dramatic and closely related to elements present in the literature; and the discourses produced by A Gazeta journalism, very connected to punitive tendencies and criminal law.
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    Marcas de uma escrita de si no cinema de Lucia Murat
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-16) Nascimento, Ursula Dart Bottrel do; Alves, Gabriela Santos; Vieira Junior, Erly Milton; Veiga, Roberta Oliveira