Olhares sobre jongos e caxambus : processos educativos na práticas religiosas afro-brasileiras

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Andrade, Patricia Gomes Rufino
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
From the proposal to fortify the community relations between the Espírito Santo State Federal University and the Jongueiras communities, this study was elaborated, aiming at presenting the research held in black territories under the inspiration on the Jongo and Caxumbu cultures, acknowledged as Brazilian Immaterial Patrimony by the Institute of Historical Patrimony and National Artistic, (IPHAN). The research was developed in the north of the Espírito Santo State and it has as analytical and conceptual resource studies about ethnicity in the education field. Its goal is to enlarge and be constituted as basis for the implementation of the Law 10.639/2003, considering the description of the following characteristics: religiosity, territoriality, memories, black culture, popular culture and tradition based on the subjects narratives. It relates the Jongo’s and Caxambu’s cultural practices as an important element for the reconstruction of the Black people history in the southeast of Brazil. The theme and investigation objects were built through the theoretical inspiration of the cultural studies mentioned in Stuart Hall (2008), Canclini (1997), Santos (2008, 2009), Certeau (2005) and in the symbolic production of social interpretations, ethnic boundaries in order to describe differences observed by subjects. To describe and contextualize several social mobilizations faces that produce, identity and territorial rights, we basically work proposing multiple interpretations from what was experienced. This study reinforces the importance of Africanness in teacher’s continuing formation regarding the theme Ethnic-racial and discussion of this patrimony as possibilities of “know-do” in school curriculum field, besides the construction of other opportunities about ethnic-racial issues. Actually, this research origins from an ethnographic basis, conjugating methodology of thematic oral history unveiling subjects’ memories, their narrative and experiences, interlinking them to pedagogical doing in the community everyday life, we stand out the community relation that identifies people from the Jongo and Caxambu. The results describe these practices conditions, the visibility of the cultural policies, the production of Jongueiras identities in the north of Espírito Santo State from the point of view of the parts listed.
Jongo (Dance) , African-Brazilian culture - Education , Human territoriality , Race relations - Brazil - Education , History- Brazil - Study and teaching - Law , Territorialidade humana , Afro-brasileiros , Relações raciais - Brasil - Educação