O agir cotidiano dos gestores da Estratégia Saúde da Família em um município do Espírito Santo

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Gomes, Fernanda Nascimento
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Single Health System (SUS) can be considered one of the greatest social achievements enshrined in the 1988 Constitution, representing the embodiment of a new conception of health in Brazil. SUS guidelines are important inducers instruments of change and modernization of management, including aspects related to the organization of care, as its humanization and also the pursuit of higher levels of performance and institutional accountability for the results achieved. Several authors have been addressing the issue management, but which management model that could combine an active role in leadership and coordination for managers with autonomy? This study assesses the practice of management in health services in the municipality of Itapemirim / ES, seeking to understand the multiple and complex dimensions that guide this practice, consisting mainly of interviews with their managers. The council adopts a policy of participatory management in health with various formal bodies and practicing an investment in health above the recommended by the Federal Constitution which allows structuring and investment in public services. From a methodological point of view, the study adopts a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews, focusing on management as a social world and an expression of processes in organizations and crossing the interviewees. Three managers were interviewed these, Municipal Secretary of Health, Director of Primary Health Care and Coordinator of the Family Health Strategy of the municipality of Itapemirim. The analysis of the empirical material had as one of its principles study of the career paths of managers, especially the processes that led to the management function. The contingency brand these trajectories that unfold in a context in which, in some cases, it can be seen that there is no requirement as to management training. Another aspect addressed are the management practices which are examined senses that the exercise of the function of manager is to the subjects, as well as their strategies work, planning and use of tools. The examination of management practices is guided by the analysis of the possibilities and limits for triggering processes of change. The statements show the characteristics of these management experiences, seeking to build conditions for change processes, either through previous experience of these managers or work strategies and management system articulated seeking to develop. Professionals interviewed managers of projects will clearly defining the scope of management: see themselves, not as professionals in their area of original training (nurse, dentist or pharmaceutical), but above all as managers, fueled by the recognition of their capacities for mobilization and development-related changes to other achievements in the field of management.
Work process , Subjectivity , Family health strategy , Health management , Saúde da família , Atenção primária à saúde , Processo de trabalho , Subjetividade , Estratégia Saúde da Família , Gestão em saúde