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    A interprofissionalidade na residência multiprofissional em saúde da família
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-27) Soares, Lilian Bertanda; Esposti, Carolina Dutra Degli ;;;;; Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti ;;; Contarato, Priscilla Caran ;;; Carvalho, Raquel Baroni de ;;; Freitas, Grace Kelly Filgueiras;;
    Objective: To identify and map the literature on Interprofessional Education in Multiprofessional Residencies within the context of Primary Health Care in Brazil, highlighting its practices and the factors influencing its development. Method: The selection of articles was carried out in libraries and databases, including Medline/Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, SciELO, Lilacs and BDENF via Virtual Health Library, in addition to the CAPES Catalog of Theses and Dissertations, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and Google Scholar, between September 2023 and January 2024. Two researchers conducted the selection independently, using the Rayyan® software. For data analysis, thematic content analysis was used, with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ software in the final stage. Results: The processing resulted in six classes addressing the favorable conditions for developing Interprofessional Education, the competencies involved, obstacles faced, relationships among professionals, work processes, and the outcomes achieved. Conclusion: The study contributes by demonstrating that Interprofessional Education in Multiprofessional Residencies improves collaboration between professionals, strengthens assistance in Primary Care and provides ideas to optimize policies and practices in the Unified Health System
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    Suicídio de pessoas LGBTQIAPN+: uma análise sobre os modos de (r)e(s)xistência
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-18) Avelar, Luís Felipe Dutra; Coqueiro, Jandesson Mendes;; Navasconi, Paulo Vitor Palma; Oliveira, Daniel Canavese de; Duarte, Rita de Cássia Lima
    Introduction: Suicide is a global phenomenon, characterized by its complexity and multifactorial nature, affecting over 700,000 people annually around the world. Suicidal behavior has been confirmed to be prevalent among sexual and gender minority groups, with more cases reported when compared to cis-heterosexual population, especially among teenagers and young adults, between ages of 15 and 29. LGBTQIAPN+ suicide is a phenomenon underreported and underrecorded, often overlooked in self-harm notification and death certificates, making it extremely difficult to access official statistics and highlighting negligence in public policies. Objective: Analyze the discourse of LGBTQIAPN+ individuals about suicide, their experiences and identities, as well as social, cultural and psychological factors influence the discursive construction regarding this theme. Methods: This qualitative study in public health was conducted with 12 self-identified LGBTQIAPN+ individuals residing in four municipalities in the Grande Vitória region of Espírito Santo, identified through the snowball sampling technique. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the researcher’s field journal. The data analysis was conducted in light of the theoretical framework of Schizoanalysis by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Findings: The LGBTQIAPN+ population exhibits some health vulnerabilities, which are specific to this social demographic, however, social exclusion, silencing, the violence and discrimination emerge as predominant factors in the development of mental disorders, which can lead to suicidal behavior. As a way to strengthen themselves in society today, the participants indicated escape routes that enhance their life potential, such as art and friendship, social support, being among other LGBTQIAPN+ individuals and being involved in social movements, as well as work and access to formal education. The health needs identified for the LGBTQIAPN+ population that require investment and promotion include humanized care, basic sexual health services, the expansion of transgender processes, and psychological assistance.
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    Álbum seriado sobre amamentação baseado na teoria interativa de amamentação: estudo de validação e intervenção
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-07) Cantalejo, Thamires Fontoura; Primo, Cândida Caniçali;; Lima, Eliane de Fátima Almeida; Christoffel, Marialda Moreira; Barbosa, Miriam;;
    Introduction: Breastfeeding is a natural physiological process, but it is influenced by numerous factors that make it difficult to adhere to and continue breastfeeding. In Brazil, the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding has a median duration of only three months, which reinforces the need to employ strategies and strengthen public policies in favor of a return to the practice of breastfeeding. Objective: To validate the appearance of the serial album on breastfeeding; to assess the knowledge of pregnant women in relation to breastfeeding; to assess the effect of the application of the serial album on the knowledge of pregnant women about breastfeeding. Method: In the first stage, an appearance evaluation study was carried out and, in the second stage, a quasi-experimental, longitudinal study, in which a single group was evaluated in terms of their knowledge of breastfeeding before and after an intervention using the serial album. The study was carried out at a university hospital run by the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (EBSERH). The evaluation of the appearance of the serial album was carried out with pregnant and postpartum women admitted to the hospital's maternity ward and the intervention stage used the serial album with pregnant women undergoing prenatal care at the outpatient clinic attached to the hospital. Results: In the appearance evaluation stage with the target audience, the sample consisted of 101 participants including puerperal and pregnant women, who evaluated the album in terms of its objective, organization, writing style, appearance and motivation, obtaining an Appearance-Total Validity Index of 0.94, considered excellent. A total of 26 pregnant women undergoing prenatal care took part in the intervention using the serial album on breastfeeding. The knowledge analysis carried out with the study participants revealed that the level of knowledge ranged from intermediate to adequate before the intervention and 30 days after the intervention the number of correct answers increased, with most of the pregnant women reaching an adequate level of knowledge. Conclusion: The serialized breastfeeding album based on the Interactive Breastfeeding Theory was validated in terms of its appearance by pregnant and postpartum women and contributed positively to increasing the level of knowledge about breastfeeding.
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    Tradução e adaptação transcultural do instrumento de transtornos alimentares : Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire Short (EDE-QS)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-03) Pedrosa, Maria Amália Accari; Viana, Maria Carmen Moldes ;;; Sarti, Thiago Dias;;;;; Appolinario, José Carlos Carlos Borges ;;; Almeida, Ana Paula Santana Coelho ;;
    Eating disorders (ED) are conditions that represent a great impairment in the quality of life of the subject, both due to psychosocial repercussions and associated clinical complications. Primary Health Care (PHC) is an important mental health care center of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), where comprehensive and longitudinal care of the user is recommended. However, in the context of ED, the international literature points out some difficulties related to primary care, such as: low recognition of symptoms, either due to the knowledge of professionals or due to the user's resistance to seeking help, late diagnosis in the face of complications, insecurity in management due to the complexity of the conditions, however, studies show that training and the provision of professional tools help in the diagnosis and coordination of the Care. Brazil is a continental country, considered to be middle-income, but with significant social inequality and access to care, including health, therefore, a clinical review of the instruments available for ED screening in PHC was carried out, considering the particularities of care in our country. In view of the search and critical analysis, an instrument with the desired characteristics was identified: application by the non specialist, fast and practical, good discriminatory power, record of applicability in different samples. Thus, the objective of this study was to translate and cross culturally adapt the EDE-QS "Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire Short (EDE-QS)". A semantic equivalence study was carried out, based on the following steps: 1: translation by two bilingual translators with Portuguese mother tongue, 2: reconciliation between the versions by a third translator, 3: reverse translation of the final preliminary version 4: validation and reconciliation of the back translation by the original authors, 5: cultural validation of the final version of the translation by a panel of six experts 6: Pre-test in a non-clinical sample to assess the understanding of the questions; and, finally, the elaboration of the final version of the instrument The above translation steps were completed according to the protocol described. In the analysis of content validity by experts, equivalences were analyzed at the item and scale level, and S-CVI was reached: 0.93 (semantics), 0.98 (idiomatic), 0.98 (experiential), 0.98 (conceptual) (minimum acceptable of 0.83). In the comprehension assessment, all items received more than 80% of understanding, and the application time was approximately 10 minutes. The Portuguese version of the EDE-QS showed adequate semantic equivalence compared to the original. In the target population, it demonstrated good verbal comprehension and practicality related to the time of application. The availability of tools with applicability in PHC is extremely relevant for early diagnosis and coordination of levels of care, thus enabling comprehensive care for users in line with SUS principles.
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    Violência contra a mulher e utilização de serviços de saúde no Brasil : Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2019
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-20) Quaresma, Camila Rocha Ataíde; Almeida, Ana Paula Santana Coelho ;;; Sarti, Thiago Dias ;;;;; Leite, Franciéle Marabotti Costa ;;; Rocha, Erika Maria Sampaio ;;
    Introduction: Based on the 2019 National Health Survey (PNS), carried out in partnership between IBGE, the Ministry of Health and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, this dissertation analyzes module V (Violence) experienced by women between 18 and 60 years of age or older and contextualizes the relationship between violence and the use of health services among women in Brazil. Objectives: analyze the relationship between violence and the use of health services among women in Brazil, and specific objectives: measure the prevalence of violence and its subtypes; measure the prevalence of use of medical consultations, hospital admissions, home emergency services and integrative and complementary practices by women in situations of violence in Brazil; identify the pattern of use of medical consultations, hospital admissions, home emergency services and integrative and complementary practices by women in situations of violence in Brazil; verify the association between violence, including its subtypes, and the use of health services. Methods: This is a population based cross-sectional study using data from the PNS 2019. Crude and adjusted prevalence rates and prevalence ratios for the use of health services were calculated by type of violence and according to sociodemographic characteristics. Results: A higher prevalence of psychological, physical and sexual violence was observed among younger black women, belonging to the single group, with poor/very poor self-rated health, with lower family income, without health insurance and no occupation. In general, women who suffered violence used health services more when compared to those who did not suffer. The services most used by women who suffered psychological, physical and sexual violence were medical consultations, followed by hospital admission and Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICs). The use of home emergency services among women who suffered physical and sexual violence reached more than double the prevalence. Final considerations: These results show that the consequence resulting from the act of violence significantly influences the place where women seek care after an episode of violence