A invenção do pastor político: imaginários de poder político construídos a partir da história das bancadas evangélicas

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Saquetto, Diemerson
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The contemporary political world has shown to be symbiotic in its formative management processes concerning social elements typical of religious manifestations. It absorbed a matricial heritage existing in the constitution of its development, but remained political, based on a re-meant tradition. This study aims at presenting a typical post-modern leadership model, but also based on cultural contents. Religions have introduced new models of belief, theological and ecclesiastic postures, in order to be backed institutions, generators of human sense and social inherence. Pentecostalism is the religious model studied here. Its world hermeneutics and typologies, its social projects and political interests, its basic configuration, updated by the Neo-Pentecostalism, by the new Prosperity and Domination Theology, by the creation of a framework that sought the effectiveness and effervescence of its members’ participation. Not only spiritual participation, but secular and rich of imaginary constructions linked to symbolism. The vitality of liturgical inebriation sought representation and “social salvation” in a community that grows elegantly in the global and Brazilian settings as well as in the Capixaba outskirts. Its churches and its leaders, iconized by the success of Universal do Reino de Deus, show more than just a few leaders as Macedo, R.R. Soares or Crivella, but several others who besides masters of religious language, are also political masters, social articulators. The way religions introduced themselves excelled sociological, philosophical and psychological expectations because they changed the way their members are inserted in society. The immaterial values of belief reality have based social relations, ethics, esthetics, and relations believing groups on the world of political power. Vow and consumption became sacred, and subjectivity was linked to imaginary formation. The search for values and space resulted in economic, political and social development; in the hope that their leaders in Evangelical committees; in manifestos made by political pastors invented as a product of religious heritage; in syncretism disguised as sectarianism; in the demolition of the other as alterity necessary for a self identity, allied to divinity. Invented as political heritage in client networks and the patronage that has already been so present in the coronel’s1 construction of political imagination, now re-meant.
Neo-pentecostalism , Coronelism , Evangélicos , Religion and politics , Neopentecostalismo
SAQUETTO, Diemerson. A invenção do pastor político: imaginários de poder político construídos a partir da história das bancadas evangélicas. 2007. 317 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2007.