Mestrado em História

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2003
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 1585 de 20/06/2003).
Publicado no DOU em 23/05/203.
Parecer CNE/CES 083/2003.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: História Social das Relações Políticas
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    O projeto católico antimoderno: reflexos no Brasil na obra de Alceu Amoroso Lima (1930-1940)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-09-01) Loss, Bruno Zottele; Fagundes, Pedro Ernesto;;;;; Costa, Marco Aurelio Borges;;; Oliveira, Ueber Jose de;;
    The crucial objective of the present work is to investigate the intellectual Alceu Amoroso Lima’s thought within the thoughtsystem linked to the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical centralization initiated in the 19th century as a reaction to the changes brought about by the French Revolution and known as ultramontanism. It will also address the performance of the prior mentioned writer in Brazilian society in the 1930s, in which he radically assumed the traditionalist perspective. Born in 1893 to a wealthy family in Rio de Janeiro, Alceu Amoroso Lima was initially influenced by the secularism and agnosticism of the First Republic. In 1924, his correspondence with Jackson de Figueiredo begun, which led him to convert to Catholicism in 1928. After Jackson de Figueiredo's death, in the same year, at the request of Dom SebastiãoLeme, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, he took over the management of the Dom Vital Center and the magazine A Ordem. Alceu Amoroso Lima would cause immense influence on the Brazilian Catholic intellectuals, actively participating in the Catholic project of penetrating social institutions to instill in them the principles of Catholicism. Concerning the Church, he was elected president of the National Board of Brazilian Catholic Action in 1934, remaining in office until 1945. In addition, he played an important role in founding the Catholic Electoral League, writing its initial project and becoming its first general secretary. In 1932, he also participated in the foundation of the Catholic Coalition of Higher Studies (embryo of the current Pontifical Catholic University) and the National Confederation of Catholic Workers. The object of this research isAlceu Amoroso Lima’s thoughts in the 1930s, using the books he published during that period as a source. The chosen approach values the New Political History, in JeanFrançois Sirinelli’s perspective, who presents the history of intellectuals as an autonomous field, located at the intersection of political, social and cultural histories. The revival of political history is part of a movement back to the agent subject, breaking with socioeconomic determinism.
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    Teatro, anfiteatro e circo: heterotopias e estigmas acerca do ambiente construído de Cartago, segundo Tertuliano (séc. II e III)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-10-06) Silva, Igor Pereira da; Lima Neto, Belchior Monteiro;;;;; Silva, Gilvan Ventura da;;; Campos, Ludimila Caliman;; Silva, Erica Cristhyane Morais da;;
    In this dissertation, we analyze the construction of Tertullian's Christian representation, in De Spectaculis and Ad Martyras, between the centuries. II-III E.C, considering the spaces of the shows, the circus, the theater and the amphitheater, as objects of social and religious discourse. We aim to understand the symbols used by Tertullian to build a stigmatizing representation of civic spectacles organized in Carthage, differentiating them from the space of martyrdom, a fact that we believe to be crucial in the very construction of an excellent Christian identity. Facing the Roman stadia, the spaces of the shows, as heterotopic, we observe how Tertullian gives meaning to the spectacles, denoting them as prohibiting the presence of Christians, while characterizing the space of martyrdom as a place of privileged access to the sacred. To conduct the research, we used the concepts of representation, identity, stigma, space, fixed and flows, and heterotopy, and we will employ the Content Analysis methodology developed by Laurence Bardin to analyze the primary source.
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    Projeto nazista de desumanização: análise das relações sociopolíticas no campo de concentração na obra É isto um homem? de Primo Levi (1947)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-08-25) Calheiros, Leticia Martins; Oliveira, Josemar Machado de;;;;; Leite, Augusto Bruno de Carvalho Dias;;; Bentivoglio, Julio Cesar;;
    This research aims to carry out an analysis of sociopolitical relations in the concentration camp from the testimony of experience of the Italian Jew Primo Levi (1919-1987) in the work Is this a man? of 1947. The accounts produced by the author during his time in the Auschwitz-Monowitz labor camp, between 1944 and 1945, will be used as a source to identify the possible sociopolitical relations reported by Levi in his confinement. From what the author brings as a Nazi plan of dehumanization of its prisoners, it is intended to relate the execution of the purpose of the Germans with interpersonal bonds found in his book, to produce an analysis about how the daily relations between the prisoners contributed or not to the process of dehumanization. In this way, Primo Levi in Is this a man? realizes in its course a reflection on the human condition within that new reality, which is the concentration camp - in his case, Auschwitz. Within this consideration, the author questions what they, as prisoners, lost, or rather, was taken from them: their possessions, their families, their homes, their dreams, their rights, their lives, their identities and even their names. In view of this, this work proposes to answer the following questions: 1) what is the Nazi objective with the dehumanization plan? 2) What are the types of socio-political relations reported by Primo Levi in his work? 3) how did the socio-political relations in the concentration camp narrated in Primo Levi's work, Is this a man? hindered or contributed to the dehumanization of those persecuted by the Nazi regime? To answer these questions, the main analysis bias chosen was that of Emotions, both through the History of Emotions and through the Anthropology and Sociology of Emotions. These allowed us to analyze the sociopolitical relations reported by Levi and to understand the way in which they were important for the partial failure of the Nazi regime's dehumanization plan.
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    Sofistas e filósofos como rectores urbis: espaço, identidade e ordem pública nos discursos cívicos de Dion de Prusa (sécs. I-II)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-07) Erlacher, Esdra; Silva, Gilvan Ventura da;;;;; Lima Neto, Belchior Monteiro;;; Silva, Erica Cristhyane Morais da;;; Clímaco, Joana Campos;;
    In this dissertation, we propose to discuss the political performance of the sophist and philosopher Dion de Prusa as an instructor of eastern urban communities, in the 1st and 2nd centuries. In the first centuries of the Christian Era, the Greek city, the main scene of the author's performance, was a space for disputes over power and the affirmation of identities, because of the context of Roman domination. Given this scenario, our focus of study is to analyze the way in which Dion de Prusa educates the inhabitants of the poleis of Rhodes, Alexandria, Nicaea, Nicomedia, Tarsus and Apamea. In this sense, the city is the main aspect mobilized by the author in his civic prayers. Based on these ideas, we could infer the central hypothesis of this work: Dion de Prusa, in his civic prayers, instructed urban communities with the purpose of integrating them into the Roman imperial order, which characterized his political action in the context of Roman domination over the póleis. In addition, the author's representation of the ideal pólis has urban space as its stand, insofar as the good use of the built environment is used as an element capable of evoke pride in citizens, while the bad use must be corrected. As a theoretical contribution we use the concepts of Representation, by Roger Chartier (1990), Identity, according to Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (2004), Space, according to Navarro (2007), City, as proposed by Lacaze (1999) and Public Order, according to Vergottini (2000). As a methodology for the treatment of sources, we use Content Analysis, as proposed by Laurence Bardin (2011).
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    Domingos Vandelli (1735-1816): História Natural e utilitarismo ilustrado em fins do Antigo Regime português
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-06) Braga, Lucas Onorato; Merlo, Patricia Maria da Silva;;;;; Franco, Sebastiao Pimentel;;; Faria, Miguel Filipe Ferreira Figueira de;;