Mestrado em História

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2003
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 1585 de 20/06/2003).
Publicado no DOU em 23/05/203.
Parecer CNE/CES 083/2003.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: História Social das Relações Políticas
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    Pantheon das victorias litterarias da mocidade: o Atheneu e o ensino secundário na província do Espírito Santo (1873-1892)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-02) Quiuqui, Meryhelen Alves da Cruz; Motta, Kátia Sausen da; Campos, Adriana Pereira; Franco, Sebastião Pimentel; Ferreira, Tânia Maria Tavares Bessone da Cruz
    This paper assays the creation of the secondary school, Atheneu, located in Vitória, in the state of Espírito Santo, and its operation from 1873 to 1892. It was perceived, from the analysis of official documents, such as government reports and correspondence, that the creation of this institution was related to the political proposal which aimed to consolidate the male education in the secondary level in the country as a preparatory step to join the Universities of the Empire. This conception was strongly influenced by the French teaching model which contributed to the deliberation of public policies in Brazil in the final decades of the nineteenth century. The investigation of periodicals of the time showed the mobilization and expectations of the Capixaba society around the building of the Atheneu Provincial. It was possible to analyze the socio-economic profile of the student body, the faculty and the ones in charge of management due to enrollment records and the press once the establishment was already in operation. The trajectories of the students who were part of Atheneu's history throughout their 19 years of operation revealed the institution's role in the shaping of members of the Capixaba political elite who would contribute to the implementation of the new republican regime.
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    Poder e moda: vestindo-se bem, que mal tem?: a Mesbla Magazine e o consumo feminino capixaba, na cidade de Vitória ES, 1952 a 1972
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-04) Ferreira, Louise Maestri; Nader, Maria Beatriz; Rangel, Lívia; Sant'anna, Mara Rúbia
    This dissertation deals with the fashionable consumption power of upper middle class capixaba and the historical development of Mesbla Magazine, the first large department store, object of this study, which established its economic and social power in the city of Vitoria, capital of Espírito Santo, located on Princesa Isabel Avenue, promoting new habits of behavior to the Vitorian society in 1952 to 1972. The objective of this work was to analyze the changes in the fashion consumption sense of women belonging to the upper middle class of the city. The time-cut of the research began in 1952, when the store was opened, and its important milestone was the 1960s, when the process of industrialization and modernization of the urban space of Vitória gained sharper outlines, due to the changes in the spheres of commerce, sociability and fashion consumption in the city. As a methodology, we used the monographic study of exploratory nature, a case study, based on discourse analysis based on interviews with people who attended the trade in the neighborhood Centro de Vitória before the arrival of Mesbla and after the arrival of the store, such as seamstresses, consumers, owners and store owners. In order to do this, we tried to demonstrate the importance of the triad: fashion consumption, department store and female behavior, in the construction of the urban space and in the lifestyle of the women of the city, analyzing the social development of the city center. Documentary research proved that, through normative discourses, the center of Vitória was established as a space of sociability and status quo. Moreover, on the arrival of the Mesbla Store, because it is a public space of this sociability, the sense of consumption, in cultural terms, is reinterpreted by women, in relation to the use of women's fashion and the use of goods to construct the archetype of consumers capixaba´s.
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    Indígenas no Espírito Santo: de sujeitos anônimos a agentes ativos nas disputas de poder entre os séculos XVI-XVII
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-14) Ghidetti, Gabriel Angra; Ribeiro, Luiz Cláudio Moisés; Bentivoglio, Julio César; Cunha, Maria José Santos; Moreira, Vânia Maria Losada
    From 1549, the social, cultural, economic and power relations that were constituted in Portuguese Brazil underwent significant modifications, beginning with the inauguration of the general government by Tomé de Sousa and the process of founding the administrative center in Bahia. At the same time, the arrival of the first Jesuit priests to the Brazilian lands. This was the case, similarly, in the Espírito Santo captaincy, a space that belonged to captaindonate Vasco Fernandes Coutinho. Thanks to the retrieval of letters, circulars and other information that was circulating within the Society of Jesus, a Catholic order also arrived that year with the first governor-general, Tomé de Sousa, we were able to carry out a reinterpretation of the sources that mentioned the contacts and the relationship between colonists, religious and the main characters of this dissertation: the Brazilian natives or, more specifically, the natives who lived in what was defined as the captaincy of Espírito Santo. This dissertation intends to raise new perspectives on the indigenous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, beginning with the arrival of the Company's priests until the time that is usually defined as sugar wars, marked by strong tensions between Portugal and the nations of the after-sea, perceived by the Indians, who found themselves in the middle of a conflict that overflowed borders. To get from one end to the other, we carry out an analysis that wants to get away from traditional and factual history in order to establish itself as a narrative that praises not only the power relations that resulted from the struggle for the indigenous captive labor, but mainly to place the Indians in the center of the historical stage, where they could carry out moments of resistance of diverse natures.
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    Crise na temporalidade moderna: a distopia em Laranja Mecânica (1962) e 1985 (1978) e a consciência histórica pós-moderna
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-28) Pereira, Aline Lima; Bentivoglio, Julio Cesar; Pereira, Antonio Marcos da Silva; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Oliveira, Josemar Machado de
    The present work consists, in a general way, of thinking about the occurrence of a different temporal conception in the so-called postmodernity through the analysis of dystopias. The aim of the research is to associate the discussion of temporality in the twentieth century with the theme of dystopia in contemporary times, since we understand this concept as an interpretive key to problematize historical time. We seek, therefore, to find a turning point in the relationship between history, dystopia and literature, in an attempt to understand the possible emergence of a new historical consciousness. We use the contribution of intellectuals such as Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger in relation to the crisis of the present time, and other philosophers and historians who attest to the mark of the change in the modern chronotope from the limit events of the last century, carrying out a discussion about presentism. Our object of analysis was the dystopic narrative of A Clockwork Orange, by the english writer Anthony Burgess (1917-1993), and the investigation came under the light of the temporal conception of the work. In addition, another dystopia by the same author was contemplated - 1985, written in a later period -, with the purpose of explaining increasingly pessimistic symptoms in this temporality, allowing us to identify the problem of the crisis of the modern historical consciousness and of the history itself while subject.
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    Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin e a ciência de saber viver: política, hedonismo e gastronomia, França (1755-1873)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-27) Loss, Jeterson da Silva; Merlo, Patrícia Maria da Silva; Oliveira, Josemar Machado de; Soubbotnik, Michael Alain; Abrahão, Eliane Morelli
    La présente dissertation de master est destiné à la trajectoire de vie du français Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) qui, à travers son ouvrage « Physiologie du goût » (1826), était vénéré comme l'un des créateurs de la gastronomie moderne, un phénomène historique a commencé dans le premier quart du dix-neuvième siècle, en France. Diplômé en droit, il était maire de sa commune, Belley; il a été député aux États généraux du Royaume de France au début de la Révolution française; s'est échappé de la guillotine, a émigré aux États-Unis et, à son retour, a assumé pendant trente ans le poste de conseiller à la Cour de cassation de France. La même année de sa mort, il publia la « Physiologie du goût », un ouvrage dans lequel il propose une théorie scientifique de la gastronomie sans avoir produit ni publié de matériel lie à ce thème auparavant dans sa vie. Ainsi, à travers sa trajectoire de vie, nous cherchons ce qui a permis à Brillat-Savarin d’écrire sur la gastronomie et quelles étaient ses connaissances intellectuelles pour étayer ses idées gastronomiques. En outre, nous sommes entrés dans la période qui a suivi sa mort et la publication de la « Physiologie du goût », afin de percevoir la réception et la consécration que ses écrits avaient jusqu’aux années soixante-dix du dixneuvième siècle. Afin de développer nos recherches, nous trouvons un soutien dans le genre biographique et nous analysons une diversité de documents - documents administratifs et judiciaires, archives parlementaires, dictionnaires, journaux, discours, magazines, mémoires, listes, ainsi que des ouvrages littéraires et médicaux - qui se rapportent à la nom de BrillatSavarin et son ouvrage gastronomique. Nous divisons le travail en trois parties: dans le premier chapitre, nous faisons sortir Brillat-Savarin de l'image d'un gastronome en vérifiant son capital social accumulé grâce à son origine familiale bourgeoise et anoblie, sa participation politique et sa qualité de jurisconsulte de la Cour de cassation française - avec ceci, nous constatons sa haute position dans la société française et comment les coutumes de cette haute société ont influencé sa théorie; dans le deuxième chapitre, nous avons examiné son capital intellectuel e scientifique lié à la production de son œuvre « Physiologie du goût », afin de comprendre les fondements philosophiques et scientifiques de Brillat-Savarin dans la construction de son concept de gastronomie. Enfin, dans notre troisième et dernier chapitre, nous avons examiné la réception de son travail et les effets qu’il a produits jusqu’en 1873 pour comprendre la consécration monumentale que Brillat-Savarin a reçue en tant que gastronome estimé, considéré comme l’un des initiateurs de cette pratique moderne.