A "crise" do café e a ideologia desenvolvimentista no Espírito Santo

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Daré, Raquel
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work investigates the process of construction and circulation of the coffee “crisis” idea in the Espírito Santo state, Brazil, in the 1960s, looking for comprehension of how this idea got power and legitimacy, being reported until the present day. It starts with the understanding that the idea of "crisis" is part of a larger ideological construction, which sought to insert the developmental ideas in the Espírito Santo state. Thus, it first looks for identify and analyze the political articulations, the formulated instruments and the documents and studies produced in the 1960s which sought to insert the developmentalist ideology in the Espírito Santo state. It was seen that besides the political articulations and formulated instruments several ideas were produced during this period as a strategy to insert the developmentalist ideology in the Espírito Santo state. The strongest of these ideas was that the Espírito Santo state was in "crisis" and agriculture based in small familiar rural properties was the cause of this “crisis”. The small familiar rural properties were also identified as the cause of state’s "backwardness" and Espírito Santo was located at the periphery of national development. The "diversification" of the productive structure has been appointed as the solution for the "crisis". Then, it was analyzed academic papers written at that time and later, looking for the understanding of how the idea of "crisis" was inserted in the academic debate. It was found that the authors of these academic researches used as main references the studies and documents produced at that time. So their papers use the angle of the official discourse and just reinforce this discourse, expanding the political debate for the academic debate. As it was inserted in the academic debate, through theses and dissertations from major universities of Brazil, the idea of the "crisis" got legitimacy, still being repeated in many interpretations of the Espírito Santo state. Finally, it was done a historical overview of the Espírito Santo agrarian space, contrasting it with the ideas contained in the documents and studies analyzed. It tries to show evidences of the existence or not of the "crisis" in the Espírito Santo coffee production structure during the 1960s. Following it was presented an interpretation of the "crisis" idea, pointing out the elements that led to its construction.
Coffee crisis , Crise do café , Development and family farming , Desenvolvimento e agricultura familiar