Histórias do trabalho em um restaurante universitário : entre conversas, panelas e temperos

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Fernandes, Cynthia Perovano
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
.It is a research developed at the University Restaurant of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo aiming to konow the history and the work of the UR inthe UR. Not an official history,but the stories show up in the process,narrated in the daily work of those in the Restaurant. We also use some newspapers(Informa)and magazines(Revista Cultural da Ufes)to assist in organizing and outline for a history of the UR. This research has developed along with servants and outsourced employees during working hours,in conversations a mapmaker s attetion to the issues raised in this open trial.The authors were invited as intercessors are Certeau (1996,2009), Clot(2001,2006,2010), Kastrup( 1999,2007,2008), Lourau (1993)and Cora Coralina(1983,2001).The work in the Restaurant seems to appear as essentially female task, most workes on UR are women . How main issues highlighted during the research are: the rapid pace of work,the divisions in the kitchen, among workers with higher education and between servants and outsourced employees,health and ability to invent ways to work and also wear promoted by years of arduous work in a function, and the issue of care, to public property, with co-workers,with food provided and the users of the UR.As we point out the possible effects of these rescue talks that are germane tho the work, as well as closer tho the restaurant, wich will serve as a grant in the formulation of new projects for the UR and also on the development of other studies in UR.
University restaurant , Kitchen , Women , Restaurante universitário , Work , Cozinha