A leitura nas aulas de inglês : problematizações por meio do Teatro Lido

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Reder, Jackson Gomes
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Overall, in public schools in Brazil, we observe a certain absence of literacy practices and events that may be beneficial to students as readers of English. Along with other pedagogical methods, there is a need for motivational and ludic practices that may lead the students to an understanding of the text and relate it critically to the social situation in which they live. This study comes to meet such needs. It is an action research involving the use of Readers Theater as a multiliteracy practice. It aims at generating reflections about literacy events and at revealing how reading practices can be beneficial to students. As an action research, this study comprises two main parts: a pedagogical project and a research project in which the results and findings are discussed and analyzed. The pedagogical project was carried out in a State School (in the municipality of Cariacica, ES), and engaged high school students in oral reading practices. Segmental and suprasegmental aspects of orality (prosodic aspects) were presented to students during the rehearsal step to guide them in the oral reading of the scripts. However, the most important aspects were related to the unique experiences of the pupils involved in the project, as well as the dialogical relations constituted from the multiliteracy practices around the Readers Theater. To mitigate the limitation of the few hours of instruction, the project included the creation of a closed group in a social network that provided students with autonomy in extra-class practices and allowed access to videos, scripts and guidelines posted by the teacher. The pedagogical project also followed a critical perspective of education problematizing the power relations present in the speeches and the attitudes of the characters of the plays. On the other hand, the research project followed qualitative parameters to investigate the data collected through an interview, a recorded round of conversation with the participants and their postings on social media.
English language teaching , Readers theater , Teatro Lido , Reading in additional language , Leitura em língua adicional