Mestrado em Estudos Linguísticos

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2006
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019). Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.135 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Teoria e Análise Linguística
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    Discursos testemunhais midiatizados da Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-20) Vilhagra, Leonardo Teixeira de Freitas Ribeiro; Nascimento, Jarbas Vargas; Vidon, Luciano Novaes; Carreira, Rosângela Aparecida Ribeiro
    This work is concerned with the study of testimonial discourses that were published on the website of the World Church of the Power of God. For this purpose, we aim to examine what are the effects of meaning presented in these discourses within a context of institutional dispute in the current Brazilian religious scene. Therefore, we adopted the French Discourse Analysis (AD), as the theoretical-methodological basis, considering the enunciative-discursive perspective proposed by Dominique Maingueneau. In addition, the contributions of Sciences of Religion and Media studies were used in order to support the selected theoretical bases. It’s important to consider that the justification of this work is clear once the resignification of the Neo-Pentecostal doctrine influenced countless churches, among them, the IMPD, which is one of the fastest growing in the last decade, increasing even more its members inside and outside the country. As a result of our analytical course, we found that instead of glorifying God through an account of a person touched by a supernatural event, these new discursive practices end up promoting for the IMPD a marketing based in miracle.
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    Além do que se vê : educação crítica e letramentos, formação de professores e prática docente no ensino de inglês com crianças de 2 a 5 anos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Malta, Liliane Salera; Ferraz, Daniel de Mello; Kawachi-Furlan, Cláudia Jotto; Perobelli, Roberto de Oliveira; Marques, Sandra Mari Kaneko
    This qualitative interpretative research with autoetnographic characteristics aims to understand how English teachers for children from 2 to 5 years-old dialogue with Critical Education and Critical Literacies – especially Visual Literacies and Multiliteracies – in a context of continuous education, exploring the mediation between theory and practice in the English teaching for Early Childhood Education, helping us to understand our educational praxis. In addition, this research is justified not only by the notable expansion of the English learning scenario for children, but also by its contribution to teacher education and to the teaching-learning process. Thus, we created a teacher education course focused on discussions related to Critical Education and Literacies, encompassing both theories and teaching practices with this vision, which led us to reflections (personal and related to the group) explored in the theoretical-analytical chapters of this research. Finally, we understand that the course was valid not only for our education as educators – and this author’s education as a teacher trainer – but for the creation of a support network with professionals working in similar contexts that felt sheltered when discussing challenges common to all.
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    Diferença e coletividade : a produção discursivo-literária de sujeitos transgêneros
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-20) Cossetti, Rafael; Nascimento, Jarbas Vargas; Tomazi, Micheline Mattedi; Carreira, Rosângela Aparecida Ribeiro
    This dissertation examines the discursive-literary production by transgender subjects and the constitution of its paratopia. According to Dominique Maingueneau (2016a), paratopia is the paradoxical character of self-constituting discourses, such as religious, philosophical, scientific and literary discourses, which operate as founding discourses that validate themselves through their scenes of enunciation. For this purpose, we employed the theoretical-methodological framework of the French Discourse Analysis (DA), in its enunciative-discursive perspective developed by Maingueneau (2008a, 2008b, 2013, 2015a, 2015b, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c). In order to account for the interdisciplinary nature of this research, we establish a dialogue with Michel Foucault (1983, 1999) and Judith Butler (2004, 2011, 2016), who deal with sexuality and the concept of social gender from a perspective of criticism of compulsory cisgenderism. Gender becomes a set of performative acts, that is, a norm that materializes discursively. This research is analytic-descriptive and turns to a corpus of literary discourses that constitute the collection Nós, trans: escrevivências de resistência by Grupo Transcritas Coletivas. From this perspective, we first analyzed the category interdiscourse and, from it, we focused on the three dimensions upon which paratopia falls: the scenography, the discursive ethos and the linguist code. The interdisciplinary character of DA enables the research on the creation of identities, through the literary discourse, in a 21st century context. The results of the analysis confirmed that the discursive-literary production by transgender subjects are constituted in a paratopic form in the levels of scenography, discursive ethos and linguist code. These literary discourses seek to create a place for these subjects and do so in resistance to the cisgender matrix.
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    "Mulher nega sexo e mata marido" : da notícia jornalística ao discurso machista no Facebook
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-29) Demoner, Tamiris; Tomazi, Micheline Mattedi; Cabral, Ana Lúcia Tinoco; Casotti, Janayna Bertollo Cozer
    Considering the scenario of violence against women in Espírito Santo, we found relevant to work with this theme, since, according to the Map of Violence (WAISELFISZ, 2015), the city of Vitória is considered the capital where there are more cases of aggression against women. In addition to this negative image of the violence that capixaba woman experience the news media, as a propagator of news, has not contributed to minimize this image. Proof of this, on May 1, 2016, the newspaper A Tribuna, veiled the news with the following headline: "Woman denies sex and kills husband". The news had national repercussion, being published on the page Não me kahlo of social network facebook and generated, approximately, a thousand of comments. Therefore, we aim, in this research, to analyze the discursive construction on the victim and on the aggressor in the page post comments “Não me Kahlo”, verifying which are the strategies of discursive polarization that occur in the users comments and how they manifest themselves discursively in the description of these social actors. Based on the data collection, we adopted the methodology of qualitative analysis, since we selected a corpus with 817 (eight hundred and seventeen) comments and, later, we made a clipping of 40 (forty). In this perspective, we adopt as a theoretical apparatus the sociocognitive theory coined by Teun van Dijk (2001; 2002; 2003; 2006; 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2015; 2016a; 2016b), the gender studies of Beauvoir (1970), Butler (2003), Scott (1986), Cavalcanti (2006), Almeida (2006), Lessa and Souza (2006), Louro (1997), Pinto (2010), Montenegro (2015), Tomazi (2014a; 2014b), Tomazi and Natale (2015), Natale (2015) and Nader (2006). Furthermore, in what concerns the studies on the media and on the social network, we adopted the works of Recuero (2016), Cardoso and Vieira (2014), Charaudeau (2010), Carvalho and Kramer (2013), Hernandes (2012) and Paiva (2016). The results demonstrate that the analyzed comments, from the news post on the page Não me Khalo, describe the social actors, reinforcing the construction of a macho and patriarchal capixaba culture focused on a sexist ideology wich objectifies and disparages women.
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    Metamorfoses do eu : a alteridade na (re)construção da subjetividade no discurso do adolescente em conflito com a lei
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-12-11) Rozário Júnior, Ivan Almeida; Vidon, Luciano Novaes; DePaula, Lillian Virginia Franklin; Fiad, Raquel Salek
    The dissertation aims to understand, according to The Bakhtin’s Circle thinking, the otherness that is revealed by the statement of adolescents in conflict with the law along with their language relation, and how the dialogical relationship can contribute to the (re)construction of subjectivity and the redefinition of principles and values from a dialogical process of intervention. Looking for the answers to the question unveiled, a methodological path of investigation that could uncover traces of subjectivity has been traced in order to identify the enunciate tensions, intonations and judgments of values in the statement produced by the teenager, from both the dialogical perspective and the constituted relationship to alterity in the process of socio-educational intervention, that culminates in a process of reflection about exotopy. As a theoretical apparatus, some bakhtinian categories considered relevant to the understanding of speech produced by adolescents in conflict with the law, such as dialogism, style, process of evaluation, voices of others, subjectivity / otherness, exotopy, responsibility / responsiveness were drawn in order to build a methodological basis that could support the analysis of the corpus, as well as to understand the role of the gender Autobiography on the construction of the that other subject from a socio-educational context. Effectively, it brings back established analysis, so one can say that the relation of the otherness is capable of causing the teenagers an axiological posture, which leads to the resumption of their own consciousness, by recognizing themselves as subjects consisting of / on dialogical relationships, enabling them to reframe themselves as responsible / responsive ones.