Mestrado em Estudos Linguísticos
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2006
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).
Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.135 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Teoria e Análise Linguística
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- ItemAspectos argumentativos e polifônicos do operador discursivo ainda(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-02-21) Costa, Ilioni Augusta da; Carvalho, José Augusto; Olímpio, Hilda de Oliveira; Koch, Ingedore Grunfeld VillaçaThe research aims at analyzing and describing headlines of the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, 2006-2007, constituted by the argumentative operator still. Through a linguistic description of a structural perspective, the study is based on the Argumentative Semantics theory (or Enunciation Semantics), having Oswald Ducrot as precursory, which principal function of the language is the argumentation. The language, in this way, is conceived as a game of voices that the announcer either agrees or identifies with or disagrees. The treatment given by NGB is presented and, at length, by the Traditional Grammars (GTs) related to the morpheme still – morphologically classified as adverb, and syntactically considered as an accessory term, and such morpheme is analyzed, from the Theory of Argumentation in the Language (TAL), as discursive operator, linguistic mark that is presented as a strategy which the announcer seizes upon, aiming at the interlocutor adhesion to the announcer’s ideas. The research goal is showing that, although traditionally relegated to a marginal condition by traditional grammars, in studies of the language that operator is recovered by the Argumentative Semantics that acknowledges it as a possessor of great argumentative power, which function in the headlines is fundamental in the construction of senses.
- ItemA rotulação no discurso : uma estratégia sociocognitivo-interacional no fazer textual(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-02-22) Saib, Arlene de Araújo; Olímpio, Hilda de Oliveira; Koch, Ingedore Grunfeld Villaça; Vidon, Luciano NovaesThis research Discusses the notion of reference as an extentional representation of the referents seen as world categories and, based on a social-cognitive-interactional conception of the language, it also considers the referentiation as a discursive activity aimed at the creation of speech objects engaged in the enunciative context and produced in the text. The theorical-methodological frame proposed focuses on the strategies of labelling (creation of referential nominal forms) that create a conceptual field for the supporting information present in a source text, usually a proposition or a sequence of propositions which are enunciatively independent. This analysis is based on a certain degree of language indetermination and the dynamics of (re) categorization as an index of sppeech strategy in which labels have an important role in the sequence of the informative units of the text as well as in the global semantic-argumentative organization of speech. From this point of view, labelling constitutes synthetic paraphrases with a cohesive role defined on the textual surface. However, the choice of the nominal construction (of the nucleus, as well as the determinants) depends much more on the interaction between the subjects involved in the process rather than on a relation of co-reference found in the semantics of the objects or the enunciated facts. The exam of the corpus, composed of opinative texts present in the Brazilian printed midia, and selected from December 2005 to December 2007, pointed to the necessity to overcome the level of the anaphoric relations, and integrate the function of labelling in a deitic-enunciative referential of language.
- ItemO discurso feminista no pós-guerra : uma análise da construção de face em Simone de Beauvoir e Valerie Solanas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-02-28) Antunes, Emanuely Carneiro; Lins, Maria da Penha Pereira; Bastos, Liliana Cabral; Paula, Lilian deThis paper approaches the modeling of the social image of the authors Simone de Beauvoir and Valerie Solanas in their respectives books “The Second Sex” and “SCUM Manifesto”, using Goffman’s (1980) and Brown & Levinson (1987) approache of the notion of interaction as in his studies about a theory of face modeling and that is also in the Tannen & Wallat’s (1998) theory of interactional frames. It is taken in account, nonetheless, that each individual brings with theirselves previous knowledge which help in the choices in relation to the interactive moment, as well as it evaluates and project intentions for future meetings. This way, it is necessary to observe the context that surrounds the statements and the communication participants themselves. As the corpus used in this paper is made of text with social meaning on issues related to gender, it is important to also think about sociological made characters on the language use. Larkoff’s (1975) studies are taking as model as they are about that that the author defines as masculine and feminine’s languages. This thesis searchs not only define the result of the choices made by Simone de Beauvoir and Valerie Solanas in the modeling of theirs social images, but also understand the process that is used for that modeling.
- ItemA tradução da tradição brasileira : a representação do Brasil em textos turísticos como fonte de construção identitária(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-02-29) Dalben, Tatiany Pertel Sabaini; Filgueiras, Lillian Virginia DePaula; Currie, Karen Lois; Barbosa, Heloisa GonçalvesThis research investigates issues related to the building of identities and social practices that take place in the English foreign language classroom environment in Brazil . To achieve such an objective, a set of tourist texts related to the State of Espírito Santo, originally written in Portuguese and translated into English, made up the corpus in which we carried out contrastive analyses, relying on Translation Procedures. Themes related to translation processes, practices, and theories, intercultural studies and contrastive analysis were discussed and problematized, mainly through deconstructive and post-colonial perspectives. The objective of this research is to present data for the training of English teachers so as to demonstrate that, while considering a set of theoretical references, educators may present linguistic contents related to the language under study, as they participate in the building of the identities that occur as the result of the acquisition of knowledge within an interdisciplinary perspective.
- ItemA ironia como produção de humor e crítica social : uma análise pragmática das tiras de Mafalda(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-03-07) Oliveira, Mônica Lopes Smiderle de; Lins, Maria da Penha Pereira; Koch, Ingedore; Vidon, Luciano NovaesThis dissertation aims to analyze the humor and the irony conveyed through Mafalda’s language, Quino’s comic strips personage. Setting out from the notion of irony as a statement of something different from what one wishes to communicate, in which the emitter lets a hint of a contrary statement by the situational context or by the intonation, and observing the three Pragmatic theories: the conversational maxims of the Cooperative Principle (Grice, 1975), the Relevance theory (Sperber e Wilson, 1986, 2005) and Speech Acts theory (Austin 1990, e Searle 1969), to analyse sixteen comic strips, protagonized by Mafalda, to show how the irony strategic produces humor and social critique.
- ItemPosposição de sujeito em manchetes jornalísticas : uma abordagem funcional(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-03-10) Rosa, Enoch Tótola Vieira; Rocha, Lúcia Helena Peyroton da; Olímpio, Hilda de Oliveira; Abraçado, JussaraThe present research aims to investigate the discursive behavior of the reversal of word order VS (verb+subject) and SV (subject+verb) in modern Portuguese. The data for this study were taken from headlines collected daily from “A TRIBUNA” and “A GAZETA” newspapers over a period of four months (from March to July, 2007). First, it is observed how the word order phenomenon is treated in the literature by grammarians, and linguistic studies which specifically focus on post-verbal subject position is then considered. In addition, because the current study supports the view that language is a phenomenon resulting from the interaction between its users, rather than an aseptic organization in which linguistic categories are discreetly installed, considerations about Functionalism in language are made. In this sense, the VS word order is investigated under the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic perspectives. Thus, the functional sentence perspective is also mentioned. According to this theory, utterances are usually articulated under topic/comment, theme/rheme. These have been rendered as a distinction between old/given information (topic/theme) and new information (comment/rheme) respectively. The theme/rheme dichotomy seems not to apply to an analysis which considers language as a discursive activity since old/given information may be found either in the sentential topic or in the comment. It is also evidenced that in newspaper headlines the VS word order not always functions as a presentation strategy, one of the main characteristics of the “post-verbal subject”. On the other hand, it is common that in newspaper headlines the “post-verbal subject” be (re)introduced in discourse as an object – a syntactic function which presents new information. Finally, the verb “to leave” (“sair”) is analyzed. Results indicate that when this verb requires a NP as subject (person) it usually occurs in sentences in which the word order is SV, whereas when a NP as subject (thing) is required, the VS word order occurs. In this situation, this verb presents an abstract trait thus having a fixed position in the sentence.
- ItemEntrecruzamento de vozes na constituição do discurso : um diálogo possível entre Bakhtin e Ducrot(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-03-11) Frossard, Elaine Cristina Medeiros; Olímpio, Hilda de Oliveira; Fiad, Raquel Salek; Vidon, Luciano NovaesThis research, included in a socio-enunciative language perspective, has as its general aim to put into discussion the subject of enunciation unicity and to investigate the voice crossing in the speech constitution. Benveniste is taken as a starting point to direct the theoretical formulation based on Bakhtin’s Dialogism Theory, in association with Ducrot’s Polyphonic Theory, this one deriving from the Argumentative Semantics. It is proposed, in this way, an approach between Bakhtin and Ducrot, admitting that, although situated in different theoretical places – the first one reflecting on the social-historical-ideological dialogue between utterances, in the speech; and the second investigating marks of polyphony present in the utterances internal structure – these two authors prioritize the speech in the determination of the meaning, so they can be called, without theoretical incoherence, to explain the enunciative heterogeneity. In order to proceed with an analysis sample, it was selected a news article about the civil crisis in Brazilian aviation, expecting that the social-historical forces which act in the determination of the news article genre would favor the expression of an enunciative polyphony. The parameters proposed to the analysis allowed to show the speech dialogic constitution as a whole, as well as to identify marks of polyphony in the utterances present in the argumentative link of the text.
- ItemO editorial na situação de redação de vestibular(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-03-11) Franco, Kátia Regina; Vidon, Luciano Novaes; Olimpio, Hilda de Oliveira; Fiad, Raquel SalekThe central proposal of this dissertation is to analyze how the Editorial genre discursive worked in the enunciative situation of the university entrance exam. Since it is a discursive process that involves a complex activity, a range of theories were convoked (textuals, enunciative, discursive, interactionism), for to discuss and to prove in evidence elements that could substantiate the analysis of the insertion and adaptation of the Editorial genre on the university exam context. From the presupposed that the university exam writing constitutes a textual-discursive genre thereafter, it was investigated how this genre was developed in a different place from its acting sphere. The comprehension of the dialogic-discursive movements for the generic adaptation used by the subject candidates was investigated from the writing constituted corpus produced in university exam UFES 2006. The analysis indicated that the majority of the candidates, in the adaptation process, the candidates used the opinative genres organization, which led them to structure their texts in the argumentative–dissertative way.
- ItemAnálise discursiva da metáfora : revisitando o estruturalismo saussuriano(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-03-14) Marques, Luciana Moraes Barcelos; Abrahão, Virgínia Beatriz Baesse; Mari, Hugo; Filgueiras, Lillian Virginia DePaulaThis research revisits Sausurre’s structuralism in order to analyze, in a deeper level, his theoretical positioning as far as language, sign, linguistic value, subject, discourse, and reference are concerned, aiming at getting the concept of metaphor in such a way as to undo the stereotype created about Saussure and present his discursive side facing the linguistic analysis. Based on such discursive perspective, this work sees the metaphor as part of the language, anchored on the conception of Saussure’s linguistic value, which was ratified by Ricouer (2000) and Barthes (1979). The proposed theoretical-methodological approach focuses on the conception of metaphor as a construction of reality, based on the social-historical-cultural context of discourse. The analysis adopts Saussure’s positioning – from a parallel between the Lectures on General Linguistics and Writings in General Linguistics – alongside with the propositions of Barthes (Elements of Semiology) and Ricouer (Metaphor Alive). The examination of the corpus “Discursos da Vitória” (Discourses of Victory) – 2002 and 2006 – by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva confirmed the necessity to surpass the linguistic level, and integrate the discursive aspect. Thus, this work corroborates Saussure’s proposition that “language is a social fact”, propitiating an analysis according to the historical-cultural demands that involve the discourse and support the variability of the linguistic values, in which the metaphor is a possibility of signification.
- ItemA gramaticalização do verbo ir e a variação de formas para expressar o futuro do presente : uma fotografia capixaba(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-04-29) Bragança, Marcela Langa Lacerda; Yacovenco, Lilian Coutinho; Lopes, Célia Regina dos Santos; Olímpio, Hilda de OliveiraThis research verifies the process of gramaticalization of the verb TO GO, that has assumed the function of auxiliary in periphrastic constructions to express time. For that, the variation between the synthetic and periphrastic forms with TO GO to express future is investigated. As a hypothesis, we assume that the periphrastic form already reaches all the text genres of the two modalities of the language, once it has already been specialized to codify time. Two genres are examined, taking them as prototypical of the verbal/written continuum: interviews with university informers and editorials. Relying on a Functionalist theoretical orientation, in a more general picture, language is conceived as flexible to the use, liable to receiving cognitive, social and also individual influences, even though it has in it forces that act to regulate its structure. Following some research projects that have seemed to be fruitful, the functionalist model will be in dialogue with another model that deals with the structuralized heterogeneity of the language and its processes of change: the Variation Theory. In a more specific picture, this research relies on the Gramaticalization Theory. The data collected from the selected genres will be analysed with the help of the computacional program GOLDVARB and, after that, interpreted in the light of the linguistic theories that form the basis of this research.
- ItemDificuldade no domínio de fonemas do português por crianças bilíngües de português e pomerano(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-13) Benincá, Ludimilla Rupf; Rodrigues, Catarina Vaz; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Tressmann, IsmaelDespite the fact that Brazil has Portuguese as its only official language it is still a multilingual country. Throughout the country there are speakers who acquire languages other than Portuguese in the home and learn the official language as if it were a foreign language, often only when they start school. This is what happens with the Pomeranian descendents who speak Pomeranian – an immigration language of the now extinct Pomerania – still widely used by the remaining groups of descendants of those immigrants who originally brought the language to Brazil This language is normally learned in the context of the home, and is used socially within the community, during religious rituals, in the domestic environment and when farming. The Portuguese spoken by these children is full of the characteristics of their mother tongue, which often causes prejudice and can interfere with the learning of Portuguese. Therefore, this work describes the Portuguese spoken by these descendants and identifies the characteristics which interfere with the learning of Portuguese, as well as the typical misspellings produced by this population. The objective is to create a reference work which can be used as a basis for subsequent educational proposals that consider the peculiarities of the group. For this, two corpora of analysis were used: oral data, obtained through recorded interviews, and written data, consisting of written texts produced by informants, both collected from fifth grade students of elementary schools in the community of Alto Rio Possmoser, Santa Maria de Jetibá, in the state of Espírito Santo. Among the occurrences found in the oral corpus, one important finding is related to the variation in syllable structure, which occurs mainly through the phenomenon of unblocking, caused by the erasure of the tap in coda position, a phenomenon which is also frequent in monolingual speakers. Problematic changes of the syllabic pattern itself were also identified. One very common process, which does not occur systematically in monolingual speakers and which can therefore be considered a specific characteristic of the speakers in question, was a distortion of the voicing value, whereby voiced consonants are substituted by the corresponding unvoiced ones. This characteristic was also present in the written texts. The most common errors in the written data involved syllabic structuring and the exchange of phonemes, characterized by the graphic representation of a different phoneme from that which formed the word in question. These exchanges were mainly generated by the oral influence of consonant voicing, and the difficulty in controlling the different phonemes represented by each letter. These problems demonstrate the necessity for education based on specific needs.
- ItemPor uma abordagem cognitiva da pressuposição : modelos cognitivos idealizados e propagandas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-20) Feriguetti, Karen Muniz; Grenfell, Adrete Terezinha Matias; Leitão, Maria Lúcia de Almeida; Carvalho, José AugustoThis work presents two approaches of presupposition: The formal and the cognitivist ones. Initially, a paper was done taking the authors of both segments, focusing and underlining names such as Frege (1982), Russel (1905), Strawson (1950) and Austin (1962), in the philosophy, Ducrot (1977, 1981, 1987), in the linguistic, concerning to formalism; also Lakoff and Fauconier, concerning to the experiential realism. Connected to this proposal we have the discussion of the semantic or pragmatic character of the presupposition, always present in the formal linguistic thought. In relation to the formalism, postulates that guide the studies of the langue/language in its immanence, in its more restrict sense, will be presented. In turn, concerning to the cognitivism of existential realistic basis, which defend a procedure that takes into account the language cognitive process in its use, we took the hypothesis brought by Lakoff and Fauconnier that the presupposition triggers cognitive models thoughts and introduces mental spaces, as also proposes Marmaridou. In a second moment, we applied the theoretical postulates to the propaganda of the 58 SBPC, of the scientific magazine entitled “Science Today”, in a representative example of a definite description, showing, through a contrastive analysis, the theoretical possibilities of the approaches presented here. We provided not only the hypothesis defended by Marmaridou but also the possibility of a third via to the vicissitudes of a formalist study, the unified treatment, according to Fauconnier, facing the formalism that quarrels with the semantic and pragmatic character of the presupposition.
- Item(Des)enquadres interativos nos quadrinhos de Dik Browne e Zappa : um estudo sobre os (des)alinhamentos de Helga e Jandira(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-06-20) Pereira, Joseane Serra Lazarini; Lins, Maria da Penha Pereira; Pereira, Maria das Graças Dias; Rocha, Lúcia Helena Peyroton da
- ItemParáfrase : uma questão de discurso e de sujeito(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-07-04) Santos, Ruth Léa; Abrahão, Virginia Beatriz Baesse; Gonçalves, José Carlos; Oliveira, Hilda Olímpio deThis research investigated the paraphrase as an argumentative activity that differs from the point of view of the classical conception, which sees it as an attempt to a simple translation/reproduction of a same context, expressed in different words. In our conception, the paraphrase is, characteristically, a reformulating strategy, where the subject/author intentionally retakes a statement from a different communicative context, causing a displacement of meaning in which the paraphrase takes over an important role in the argumentative activity of the text. These shifts in meaning occur even in situations in which the paraphrase is contingent, as in the selected corpus for this work, i. e. essays from the university entrance examination, in which a selection of texts is presented as the base to the structuring of the text. So, a comprehension of the argumentativity caused by the paraphrase was researched. The central inquiry in this paper is: What’s the effective participation of the subject/author in paraphrastic when building a textual structure for the construction/production of meaning? In other words, which meaning displacement is triggered by the paraphrase in the argumentative process? As a methodological strategy, with the purpose of highlighting the role that the paraphrase takes over in the discourse/text, we used the paraphrase categories postulated by Ribeiro (2001), modeling, intensifying or emphatic, gradual, referential, explanatory, exemplifying, eliciting. The results led us to defend that the paraphrase is argumentatively produced according to the subject/author’s speech project which, by taking the ‘already said’ and saying it in other way, adds new meanings to the text.
- ItemDiscursos escolares sobre a escrita : a escrita em questão(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-07-10) Souza, Celi Maria de; Abrahão, Virginia Beatriz Baesse; Oliveira, Almir Leal de; Vidon, Luciano Novaes
- ItemUm estudo sobre o verbo-suporte na construção dar+SN(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-07) Davel, Alzira da Penha Costa; Smarsaro, Aucione das Dores; Laporte, Eric Guy Claude; Rocha, Lúcia Helena Peyroton daThis dissertation has the aim of presenting a study on the structures with supporting verb TO GIVE+NS DAR+SN of portuguese in Brazil, based on the Lexical Theory and on the principles of Lexicon-Grammar. The distributive properties of this structure are examined throughout the usage of language by means of formal criteria that consider the morphosyntatic-semantic aspects, distinguishing the full-verb structure from the ones of supporting verb and crystallized expressions. The full-verb structures are of denominal and deverbal nature. As a whole, the denominals present of stroke actions, for example, to give a stoneness (dar uma pedrada) and the deverbals present an attenuation and sortness of actions, for example, to give an eyeness (dar uma olhada). Studies show that structures to gine + a(n) X ness (DAR uma X ada) are also used as modalizing forms in language, and it constitutes a source of expression for native speakers.
- ItemDescrição de formalização de verbos de ação-processo para elaboração de parser(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-07) Rodrigues, Carlos Roberto de Souza; Smarsaro, Aucione das Dores; Laporte, Eric Guy Claude; Rocha, Lúcia Helena Peyroton daChafe (1970) developed a research program that led to six semantic subcategories for the classification of verbs, one of them being action-process verbs. However, literature on this matter provides a very concise theoretical and methodological framework with respect to both the semantic and syntactic properties of the subcategory in question. In order to make available more syntactic-semantic information on action-process verbs, the present research was designed on the basis of a program of identification of verbal valence proposed by Borba (1996) and Welker (2005). Therefore, we investigated four types of verbal valence: logical (Tesnière, 1959; Helbig and Schenkel, 1975), syntactic (Borba, 1996; Ignácio, 2001), and semantic or syntactic-semantic valence (Fillmore, 1968; Travaglia, 1985; Dik, 1989; Dowty, 1989). At the end of this stage of linguistic research, we confirm the heterogeneity of the subcategory of action-process verbs, which we divided into ten subgroups. Furthermore, we specified the argument structures belonging to subgroups, as well as the contents of the syntactic arguments that compose such syntactic configurations. Eventually, the linguistic knowledge obtained during this study allowed us to construct three language resources that provide the basis for the elaboration of computational resources for natural language processing: (i) a lexicon-grammar table, containing the morphosyntactic-semantic properties of verbs and of their syntactic arguments, (ii) a lexical data base, with the morphosyntacticsemantic properties of the verbs in question, and (iii) the argument structures identified in each subgroup.
- ItemA constituição da subjetividade em raps dos Racionais MC's(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-20) Moreira, Tatiana Aparecida; Vidon, Luciano Novaes; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Almeida, Júlia Maria CostaThe objective of this dissertation is to investigate the composition of subjectivity in “Nothing like a day after another” (“Nada como um dia após o outro dia”), the 2002 Rational Mc’s group double-CD (grupo Racionais MC’s). In order to reveal this subjectivity by means of analysis of the rap discourse genre, some concepts proposed by Bakhtin (1976[1926], 1995[1929], 2003[1979]) are methodologically used: dialogism, active responsive attitude, intonation (tune). Besides these bakhtinian conceptions, which represent the theoretical basis for this research, other notions are also evoked as Maingueneau’s (1997[1987], 2004[1998], 2005, 2006, 2008) and Amossy’s (2005) proposal of discursive ethos, together with the notion of style adopted by Granger (1974[1968]) and Possenti (2001a[1988], 2001b), as well as the articulations between style and ethos discussed by Discini (2003, 2008) and Mussalin (2008). Thus, the analysis focuses on the dialogic responsive position of the speakers in relation to themselves and to their interlocutors, specially the “trout” (o “truta”) and the “lands” (“senhor de engenho”). Subjectivity may be found within the rap-songs by means of indicators (GINZBURG, 2002[1989]) presented when data is analysed. These initial data show that subjectivity shows up in the dialogic process in which the “I” maintains with the “other”, the “brother” and the “master of property”. Thus, the “I” becomes the “other” – of which it is composed, and vice versa.
- ItemIndícios de autoria em narrativas de estudantes de ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-23) Monteiro, Isaura Maria de Carvalho; Vidon, Luciano Novaes; Filgueiras, Lillian de Paula; Miotello, ValdemirThis dissertation analyses five narratives written by high-school students. The analysis applies concepts of discursive analysis; the theme involves aspects about the author and authorship. The choice of the corpus reflects an interest on “the writing of an author”, the one that presents peculiar traces. The writings of those “student authors”, in spite of having been produced in an institution – a school -, reveal characteristics of a literary text. The study begins with a general proposal to discuss alterity, reflecting on Amorim (2004), Bakhtin (1976), Benveniste (1995) and Authier-Revuz (2004). Then, the problem concerning the author – in the present and in the past – as well as Barthes’ (1984), Foucault’s (1997, 2001, 2006) and Bakhtin’s (1976, 1981, 1995, 1998, 2003) ideas are discussed. The theme reveals various aspects. Authorship is widely discussed, and Bakhtin is pointed out as the theoretic conductor of the study. The bakhtinian analysis relies on the “indiciary methodology” (GINZBURG, 1989), a qualitative procedure which is considered adequate for the proposed analysis. The ways discourse is organized (CHARAUDEAU, 2008), as well as the composition of enunciations as architectonic (BAKHTIN, 1998) are also discussed. The texts are analysed through bakhtinian concepts in connection with authorship, genders and style: at first, the composition of the theme, its valuation and signification in the narrative context (BAKHTIN, 1976, 1995, 1998) are discussed. Then, it’s the turn of alterity and authorship. Thus, the question is: Were traces of authorship detected inside the students’ narratives? Through the analysis based on bakhtinian concepts of esthetic creation, it is possible to affirm that the “work of authorship” has been shown throughout the students’ written production.
- ItemTradução & cognição : interfaces(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-31) Dutra, Elaine Cristina Pereira; DePaula, Lilian; Grenfell, Adrete Terezinha Matias; Raso, TommasoThis research attempts to relate translation studies to psychology, anthropology, biology, cognitive linguistics and literature. Our objective is to demonstrate the relationship between the theory of prototype and translation. To do so, we discuss the current theoretical focus on the acquisition and learning of the first and second languages, bilingualism, the training of the translator, types of translation, and the linguistic competence related to translation. We also present the psychological cognitive processes in the act of translate: introspection, perception, abstraction, memory, thought, conceptualizing. We present the role of the prototype effect and of equivalence in translation, relating them and evaluating them, concluding that there are levels of equivalence more or less acceptable (gradient effect/prototypical) according to the judgment of the translator and that there are invariable lines (prototypes) that are perceived and perpetuated by readers and translators. So as to corroborate with the hypothesis, we analyze translated texts, seeking the effect and the presence of the prototype and we conclude that the basic level is of the highest occurrence, and reflects the net of constructions that guide the translator’s thought and memory.