Participação pública no processo de avaliação de impacto ambiental no Estado do Espírito Santo

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Faria, Giulianna Calmon
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The process of environmental impact assessment has been a current, recurring and controversial theme, practiced in various ways in different countries. The exercise of public participation in this evaluation offers population knowledge and the opportunity to be part of the decision-making process of projects that may cause changes in the quality of life in a given region. With this approach, this research analyzes public participation instruments employed in the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of projects for licensing in the state of Espírito Santo within the framework of the State Institute of Environmental and Water Resources (Iema) from January 2007 through May 2016. It is developed through documentary and exploratory research, aiming to promote identification of instruments of public participation employed and forecasted by Espírito Santo ́s legislation of. It collects the data within the scope of action of the state environmental authority. It analyzes all physical and digital documents related to public participation in 44 environmental licensing processes between January 2007 and May 2016. It notes that Iema has been complying with the legal requirements for public participation in the EIA throughout five stages, creating opportunities for society to act through the publication of the license application in newspapers, public consultation for a reference term for the preparation of a study, public hearing, participation in councils and committees to monitor environmental licenses. It concludes that, even taking into account the current norms, the state of Espírito Santo, through Iema, has not fulfilled the effective exercise of social participation.
Environmental impact assessment , Public participation , Procedures and practices , Sustainability , Práticas e procedimentos , Avaliação de impacto ambiental , Participação pública