Acurácia da autofluorescência para diagnóstico precoce de desordens orais potencialmente malignas: revisão sistemática

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Freitas, Lara Weinert de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Studies involving new tests and diagnostic methods used to screen for lesions that precede oral cancer are carried out, however, it becomes necessary to investigate the diagnostic accuracy index for its application. The objective of this Systematic Review (RS) was to collect the accuracy of autofluorescence in the early diagnosis of oral disorders with malignant potential (ODMPs). The search was carried out in nine electronic databases, three of which were gray literature, with no language or time restrictions. The studies included patients with ODMPs with microscopic examination – standard reference – obligatorily as a comparison to the autofluorescence method (test index). In selecting the two-phase studies, 17 of 3429 studies were included. The QUADAS-2 tool was used for risk of bias analysis with support from the Review Manager 5.0 tool for risk of bias analysis. The sensitivity and specificity of the studies varied considerably, with a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 100% for sensitivity, and a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 100% for specificity, which demonstrates exceptional accuracy within the studies. The risk of bias was low in most studies in domain 1 (patient selection) and unclear in most studies in domains 2 (index test), 3 (reference standard) and 4 (flow and time). The sensitivity and specificity of the studies varied considerably, with a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 100 for sensitivity and a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 100 for specificity, which demonstrates intellectual accuracy within the studies. The risk of bias was low in most studies in domain 1 (patient selection) and it was not clear in domains 2 (index test), 3 (reference standard) and 4 (flow and time). The autofluorescence of the selected studies showed moderate to uncertain accuracy due to the heterogeneity of the results and raises an alert for the development of more primary studies consistent in design and conduct.The applicability of autofluorescence in aiding the diagnosis of ODMPs should prosper ecause it is a non-invasive method, easy to handle, accessible in the dentist's routine, despite the variable cost, ubject to the standardization of protocols and the physician's experience., more studies are necessary due to the analysis of the risk of bias and the asymmetry of the sensitivity and specificity of the results.
Autofluorescência , Câncer oral , Biópsia