Retenção discente nos cursos de graduação presencial da Ufes

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Pereira, Alexandre Severino
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Retention in higher education was defined as the condition in which the student requires a period longer than the fixed in the curriculum for course completion. This phenomenon acts against the purpose of the institution affecting the success rate, generating idleness human and material resources and can lead to dropout. The main objectives of this research was to identify factors associated with to retention of undergraduate students in classroom course of the Federal University of Espírito Santo and propose institutional actions focused on reducing these rates. Thus an applied research of a quantitative approach was conducted using secondary data. The information obtained from the reviewed literature articulated with resources of descriptive statistics, contingency tables, chi-square test and logistic regression were used for data analysis. The area of Linguistics, Letters and Arts had the highest percentage of student retention, while the lowest level was observed in the area of Health Sciences. The main factors involved in the process of retention were accumulated coefficient, number of failures, the ratio of applicants per vacancy in vestibular, area of knowledge, performance in the second part of entrance exam and the locking of the course. Thus it was confirmed that academic performance is the vital component for student success. The indicator Level of retention based on rhythm of the student proved to be a good alternative for monitoring the retention. The institutional actions proposed were the conduction of researches on academic performance and the locking of the course, the structuring of academic support programs, the union of the University and High Schools, the utilization of the indicator tested and the creation of an unified academic database
Educação superior , Retenção discente , Permanência prolongada , Indicador , Intervenções institucionais , Intervenções institucionais , Cursos de graduação presencial