Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Profissional
Ano de início: 2011
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Administração Pública
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    Proposta de uma fábrica de software acadêmica na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-25) Peixoto, Bruno Meleipe; Carneiro, Teresa Cristina Janes;; Coelho Júnior, Thalmo de Paiva; Dias, Taciana de Lemos; Mendonça, Jane Corrêa Alves
    The Information Technology (IT) market has a high demand for skilled professionals. On the other hand, the computing courses at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) have a high dropout rate and a predominantly academic teaching profile. In this context, Software Factories (SFs) are agile software production companies that have been implemented in higher education institutions due to the benefits they bring to students and the institution itself. They enhance the quality of education, improve student retention, and reduce the gap between academic knowledge and the job market. Additionally, they can develop solutions to streamline institutional processes. However, although Ufes utilizes laboratories that contribute to the professional training of students, it is believed that an Academic Software Factory can further enhance education, promoting a greater positive impact on regional technological development. Based on this premise and aiming to support the potential implementation of an Academic Software Factory at Ufes, this research seeks to answer the following question: What characteristics should an Academic Software Factory have in a federal education institution? Thus, this work aims to contribute to the implementation of a Software Factory at the Goiabeiras campus of Ufes, using academic references on the functioning of Academic Software Factories (ASFs) and interviews with professionals from higher education institutions who work or have worked in such programs and projects. The goal is to compare solutions and profiles and propose a model for an Academic Software Factory that best suits Ufes’s structure and objectives. The results allowed for the production of a technical report presenting the characteristics of an ASF designed based on solutions to various challenges faced by other institutions. This robust model, typically developed over years of operation, can be adopted by other universities with necessary adjustments.
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    Reversão de recursos obtidos de irregularidades trabalhistas : um olhar sobre as externalidades positivas
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-25) Pinheiro, Silvio Simplicio; Pascuci, Lucilaine Maria ;;;;; Costa, Caio Cesar de Medeiros ;;; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de ;;
    In addition to its role of preventing and correcting labor irregularities committed by employers, the Labor Prosecutor's Office (MPT) can also play an important social role in society. This is due to the possibility of reversing resources resulting from public civil actions or conduct adjustment terms, which allows the direct allocation of resources to local entities and projects, benefiting the community where the labor damages occurred, instead of being directed to the federal government. The reversal of resources by the MPT is a practice that can, as a means of investment, generate positive impacts in communities affected by labor irregularities. This research examines how the Labor Prosecutor's Office can enhance the positive externalities generated by reversing resources obtained from labor irregularities. Conceptually, concepts related to economic and social development, law and externalities were used, focusing on a public service. Regarding the methods, this is qualitative research, of a descriptive and exploratory nature through a case study. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observation and documents and analyzed using narrative analysis and document analysis techniques. Results indicated that the local resource reversion has been consolidated as a relevant practice in the MPT/ES, by directing resources to projects in the areas of health, education, social inclusion, among others. In addition to identifying the common challenges in the resource reversion process, the main criteria adopted in the allocation of resources were also identified. Based on the characteristics identified, a set of proposals are presented aiming at improving the process and overcoming the identified challenges, aiming at enhancing this practice in order to maximize positive externalities. The main technical product generated from this research was a didactic and instructional material (Training Course) aimed at optimizing the direction of resource reversion to locations affected by labor damages, through awareness and process improvement. The proposed Course can be applied to the MPT throughout the national territory, strengthening and enhancing the relevant role of this public agency in generating positive externalities through resource reversion
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    Conformidade das universidades federais da região sudeste do brasil no tocante à divulgação de seus conjuntos de dados abertos às leis e normas pertinentes
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-24) Vaz, Keicyanne Moreira Machado; Gama, Janyluce Rezende;; Dias, Taciana de Lemos; Martins, Pablo Luiz
    There is a growing concern among society regarding the improvement of public services and the control of public resource management. Within this context, the Brazilian government committed to releasing its data in open format. Thus, this research aims to verify to what extent the federal universities in the Southeast region of Brazil are disclosing their open data sets in compliance with the relevant legal standards. To provide a basis for the research, the Agency Theory was used, demonstrating the informational asymmetry that exists between agent-principal and the use of measures such as transparency and accountability to minimize this problem. A general study was conducted at federal universities in the Southeast region through documentary and bibliographic research. Regarding the methodology, this work is classified, according to its purpose, as applied research. Regarding its objectives, it is classified as descriptive research, and in terms of the nature of the data, as qualitative. The investigation's results showed that eight out of the 19 evaluated universities did not present current Open Data Plans; one did not catalog the data on the Brazilian Open Data Portal, and four did not comply with all the mandatory items of the Open Data Plans. Moreover, for the most part, they do not follow the suggestions of the Open Data Plan Preparation Manual for datasets to be released in open format. It was found that the least available topics in the aforementioned Manual were those dealing with information about the weekly activity schedule of teachers, scientific production, and the list of properties for rent, respectively. The most discussed topics were about the courses offered by the universities and their respective subjects. Furthermore, it was highlighted that the Federal University of ABC and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro did not address 13 out of the 14 topics, while the Federal University of Uberlândia and the Federal University of Viçosa were the institutions that addressed the most suggested topics. Thus, it is concluded that the studied institutions have difficulty complying with the Open Data Policy and being in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
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    A configuração subjetiva e a psicodinâmica no trabalho dos servidores em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-12) Narciso, Janete do Carmo; Magalhães, Janice do Carmo Demuner ;;; Silveira, Rogério Zanon da ;;;;; Nogueira Junior, Dario de Azevedo ;;; Rossato, Maristela ;;; Coelho Junior, Thalmo de Paiva ;;
    This research addresses the theme of subjectivity and occupational health. In the contemporary scenario, the Ombudsman institution emerges as a significant mechanism for promoting transparency, defending citizens' rights, and improving public and private services. As an independent and impartial body, it plays an indispensable role within the Public Power, mediating interactions between citizens and government institutions, with the objective of receiving and forwarding demands, complaints, reports, and suggestions, ensuring the quality of public services and the enforcement of citizens' rights. This study fits into this context and is guided by the following research question: What subjective meanings and configurations are experienced by Ombudsman employees concerning occupational health? The goal was to understand the relationship between subjectivity and the health dynamics of Ombudsman employees at a Federal Higher Education Institution. To achieve this, the research adopted a qualitative and exploratory approach, grounded in Fernando González Rey's Theory of Subjectivity and Christophe Dejours' Psychodynamics of Work. Interpretations were based on Qualitative Epistemology and the Constructive Interpretative Methodology of Knowledge. The research instruments used were conversation and participant observation. The main findings can be summarized in the form of subjective configurations symbolized as follows: "Feeling that they would be heard marked the negotiations"; Coping, resistance, and resilience: "We are like a structure to meet the requirements"; Space of lack of support: "... they cannot provide some fundamental tools"; Sense of inefficiency and disillusionment: "... material or symbolic demands accumulate and are postponed"; Invisibility and neglect: "An Ombudsman that is not heard"; Instrumental about the noun: "A Kafkaesque instance"; Adaptation and overcoming: "... resilience and resistance, this is our motto"; Fatigue and mental health: "... as a student, I came to say that I suffer mistreatment, discriminatory looks, and persecution here at the university"; Senses of detachment and segregation: "... women are predominantly responsible for the services". By understanding the psychosocial implications and risk and protective factors related to this work activity, the research aims to provide recommendations for promoting the well-being of employees. The research offers important theoretical contributions by associating two theories as a basis for studying work-related topics, namely the Theory of Subjectivity and the Psychodynamics of Work
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    Desfazimento de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos patrimoniados : eficiência no IFES campus Serra - Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-18) Almeida, Marcelo Franco de; Campos, Adriana Fiorotti;;;;; Souza, Ariadne Marra de;;; Cabral, Joilson de Assis;;
    The dissertation addresses the improvement of the disposal process for public permanent movable assets, focusing on electronic waste at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES), Serra Campus. The general objective is to analyze and propose solutions to improve this procedure, and the specific objectives include analyzing the process, identifying bottlenecks, classifying the assets in storage, and proposing improvements to asset management. As methodology, the research adopts a qualitative approach, using process mapping, participant observation, and documentary research, with data analysis through descriptive and qualitative methods. Data collection includes institutional documents, legislation, and inventory records. It also involves analyzing similar processes in other institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific, and Technological Education (RFEPCT), identifying patterns and variations in the procedures adopted. The main conclusions highlight the need for more efficient internal communication, more engaged disposal committees, and improvements in the disposal process. As a technical product, a disposal manual for permanent movable assets was developed, focusing on electronic equipment, aiming to promote sustainability and organizational efficiency. The study suggests that the proposed improvements may benefit other public institutions and enrich the discussion on electronic waste management, as well as open new research avenues and strengthen the circular economy within the Federal Public Administration