Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Profissional
Ano de início: 2011
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Administração Pública
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Submissões Recentes

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  • Item
    Comunicação organizacional e crises de imagem : relatório de apoio à gestão de crises para o Ifes - Campus Vitória
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-14) Pazzini, Renata Cristina Pinto; Setubal, Flavia Meneguelli Ribeiro;; Souza, Flavia Mayer dos Santos; Souza, Rose Mara Vidal de
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    Transferência de domicílio eleitoral: estudo acerca da viabilidade da adoção de procedimento virtual
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-27) Damasceno, Sandro Mill; Zaganelli, Margareth Vetis;;; Dias, Taciana de Lemos; Reis, Jair Teixeira dos; Oliveira, Marcel Olivier Ferreira de
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    Youtube : um canal para visibilidade e profusão da ciência e tecnologia do IFES
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-25) Monteiro, Flávia Carpanedo; Souza, Rose Mara Vidal de; Martinuzzo, José Antônio; Setubal, Flávia Meneguelli Ribeiro
    The present dissertation set out to study how YouTube may be applied to increase visibility and profusion of Science and Technology developed by the academic community, especially the students, of Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, with the purpose of showcasing how the institution benefits society in general. Thus, an audiovisual program to be posted on YouTube was created and delivered alongside an excecution plan. The research had a qualitative and applied nature, and the method used is action research, with exploratory phases of bibliographical survey, observation of similar materials on the internet and tests of tools for the accomplishment; problem formulation and hypotheses phases; and seminar with the stakeholders for product formulation and delivery. By doing so, we studied a new form of institutional positioning on the internet and on social media that would help both accountability matters on public funding of research and the building of a positive image for the institution, that reflects the work it develops. Cyberspace and leadeship of social media were studied (from the perspective of authors such as Castells, Lévy and Sodré); as well as the strategic dimension of organizational and public communication (Kunsch, Duarte e Martinuzzo); we also investigated the advantages of using YouTube as a tool for institutional and scientific visibility (Burgess, Green e Jenkins). In the end, we delivered the pilot program “Se liga no Ifes” (and its excecution plan) with the purpose of bringing information abou the institution in a casual style and also showing the organization’s most human facet, the one that thinks, smiles, builds scientific knowledge and is transformed by it
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    Desafios da implantação de um regime de colaboração : o caso do pacto pela aprendizagem no Espírito Santo-PAES
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-28) Freitas, Andréa Paoliello; Silveira, Rogério Zanon da; Zuccolotto, Robson; Oliveira, Marilene Olivier Ferreira
    Recent studies indicate that the collaborative regime is probably one of the causes for the high learning gains observed in dome Brazilian territories. However Brazil's regional disparity, the territorial complexity of the country, the absence of a national educational system, the existence of common constitutional competencies of states and Municipalities, coupled with the transfer of responsibilities to municipalities, usually make the implementation of a collaboration regime even more complex. The problem of this research is introduced into this context in the form of the following question: What are the challenges faced in the implementation of a collaborative system? The research goal is to comprehend the difficulties faced by the institutionalization of such collaborative regime between the state of Espírito Santo and its municipalities, on account of the studies of Pacto pela Aprendizagem no Espírito Santo - PAES, performed in the period from January 2017 and December 2018. In theoretical terms the research was based on the General Theory of Federalism and on a conceptual basis on Intergovernmental relations and the collaboration regime. As for the Methods and procedures, a qualitative methodological approach was used, through documental analysis and interviews with people with knowledge and acting in the construction and conduction of the collaboration system established in the field of education in the State of Espírito Santo. The results indicate that, although major advances have been made in the coordination of efforts between the state and municipalities, deficiencies related to articulation, listening and negotiating arenas, pacing of targets, municipal diagnoses expanded to fiscal, demographic, structural and human issues include risks effectiveness and continuity of the Program. From the results of the research, as a technological product, a project was elaborated contemplating proposals of improvements to be implemented to the Program object of the study.
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    Proposta de implantação de estacionamento rotativo na região central do município de Alegre-ES
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-19) Amaral, Gabriela Senra; Oliveira, Fabricia Benda de; Vianna, Ulysses Rodrigues; Oliveira, Carlos Henrique Rodrigues de
    An increasingly used expression is Urban Mobility that is the movement of people from one point to another of the city, whether to work, study, shop or even for leisure. This displacement can be done on foot through non-motorized or motorized vehicles. However, with the development of cities after the period of urbanization, mobility problems began to emerge, due to the absence of urban planning policies associated with the increase in the vehicle fleet, as well as population growth. Among these problems is the public parking, so the objective of this work was to analyze the feasibility of installing a rotating parking system in the center of the city of Alegre-ES, aiming to improve traffic mobility and shorten the time spent searching for places. We detected inadequacies in the public parking in the Central region of Alegre, mainly regarding the time of vehicles in a vacancy, demonstrating that the implantation of the rotating parking is a viable alternative to the lack of vacancies in the current system. The proposed technical product of this work is the proposal to implement a rotating parking in the Center of Alegre-ES, in order to restore urban mobility in this region.