Mudança institucional, reformas regulatórias e os desafios da regulação por parte da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL

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Fasollo, Luiz Claudio
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
As of the mid-1990s the inserted institutional and regulatory changes especially in the infrastructure sector particularly in the energy field have become a new governance matter. Once the early format had clearly became an inadequate planning for the state since the privatization of companies in the energy sector occurred before the creation of ANEEL. According to the main authors this matter was decisive and suitable so that in the early years, the regulatory process has not met the needs of stakeholders (State, company and citizen). This situation climaxed to a major crisis in the sector as well as to an energy rationing that befell at the beginning of the XXI Century. This occurrence led to another renovation period started in 2004. The main point of this work is to present some grounding in issues related to the challenges of ANEEL which is sedimented in the processes of learning and knowledge but not forgetting to address the fundamental deterrents in order to reach full efficience. Throughout this study, we analyze the results achieved by ANEEL are concrete in parts but facts as difficulties in retaining people in the body of the agency, budget constraints, constant risk of capture, coupled with the asymmetry of information process and as living with the mix of public and private companies, are factors that increase the uncertainties in the environment and in the regulatory process, contributing, albeit indirectly, that the investments are not applied according to plan, therefore, all this condition has affected the results and the balance of the energy sector.
Regulatory Agency , Institutional economics , Economics of regulation , Challenges and learning ANEEL , Economia da regulação , Agência Reguladora , Desafios e aprendizados da ANEEL , Desafios e aprendizado da ANEEL