Mestrado em Economia

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1994
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC nº 486, de 14/05/2020). Publicação no DOU em 18/05/2020, seção 1, p. 93. Parecer nº 839/2019 CNE/CES
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Teoria Econômica
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    Memórias de um economista : Schacht e a Alemanha nos anos 1920
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-09) Sartório, Sarah Gonçalves Patrocínio; Arthmar, Rogério; Angeli, Eduardo; Salles, Alexandre Ottoni Teatini
    This Master Thesis is about Germany in the 1920s. Initially the theater of operations of World War I (1914-1918) will be presented, mentioning the human and material losses and emphasizing some of the main battles that composed this great conflict, as the battles of Marne and Somme. After the end of the first war, the new territorial reorganization of Europe will be shown, with the disintegration of empires and the emergence of new countries. Next, war reparations are discussed, as well as the immense obstacles on the way to the full restoration of the world economic order. The perceptions and memoirs of the German economist, Hjalmar Schacht, about the given period are set forth below. Schacht was the Secretary of Currency, president of the Reichsbank, and minister of economics in the between the WWs. He was the guardian of the German currency, which demanded of him rather than control monetary policy, but also strive intransigently for the end of war reparations.
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    A contribuição do esforço inovativo para o desempenho exportador : uma análise para países latino-americanos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-29) Pella, Antônio Fernando Costa; Ferreira, Mariana Fialho; Monte, Edson Zambon; Louzada, Luiz Cláudio; Moreira, Ricardo Ramalhete
    This work aims to estimate the contribution of the innovative effort on the probability of export and the intensity of exports of manufacturing companies from selected Latin American countries, namely: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. We use as proxy the binary variable “introduction of new products in the market”. There are evidences in the empirical literature on the international economics that export success is positively related to ex-ante productivity gains. Based on this hypothesis, we use three econometric models of dichotomous response in cross-sectional data, the Probit; the bivariate Probit, to correct the endogeneity problem between the innovation and export binary variables by means of instrumental variables; and the Heckman’s sample selection model, which corrects the selection bias of the sample in the estimation of the intensity of exports. The microdata were collected on the database of the Enterprise Survey, a firm-level research linked to the World Bank. The results showed that the innovation coefficient is positive and statistically significant in seven of the ten countries and signaled that the innovative effort increases the probability of exporting, while the estimation of the intensity of exports did not find statistically significant results in most of the countries surveyed.
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    Transferências intergovernamentais da união para os Estados : uma análise dos repasses fiscais e dos critérios de distribuição adotados no período 2007-2016 e uma proposta alternativa visando à equalização fiscal
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-02) Reis, Paulo Henrique Amâncio; Giuberti, Ana Carolina; Lopreato, Francisco Luiz Caseiro; Moreira, Ricardo Ramalhete
    The current model of intergovernmental transfers from the Union to the states is extensive and complex, in which various composition, objectives and distribution criteria are observed. By this structure interjurisdictional socioeconomic differences tend to be maintained or reinforced, which engender unequal provision of public goods in the territory. In view of this perspective, this paper intends to propose and test a new methodology for fiscal transfers that can balance the conditions of public offering between states. The proposed model is based on fiscal equalization, in which the precepts of the fiscal federalism literature are appraised and the conditions and results of the countries that apply this method are examined. In this purpose, the research presents the foundations of the First and Second Generation Theory of Fiscal Federalism and its contributions about tax equalization; analyzes the individual and joint result of fifteen fiscal transfers of the Union to the states and designs a fiscal equalization model that is appropriate given the specificities of the brazilian tax system.
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    Uma análise dos impactos macroeconômicos da política de transferência de renda no Brasil no período de 1995 a 2014 : uma interpretação pós-keynesiana
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-06-06) Coimbra, Reurison dos Santos; Salles, Alexandre Ottoni Teatini; Terra, Fábio Henrique Bittes; Giuberti, Ana Carolina
    The present dissertation aims to analyze income transfers, specifically the “Bolsa Família” Program and the “Benefício de Prestação Continuada”, from 1995 to 2014, based on a Post Keynesian analysis. For this, an analysis was made of the fiscal policy pursued during this period, an analysis necessary to understand the conjuncture in which such programs were implemented. During this period there was a sharp fall in income inequality as a result, in part, of these transfers. The effects of these policies on income inequality and poverty, as well as the impact on the level of activityare analyzed. The impact assessment is carried out empirically through the technique known as Autoregressive Model (VAR).
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    Formação de bolhas especulativas no mercado de ações : uma análise a partir da economia da informação
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-06-06) Nunes, Homero Santos; Herscovici, Alain Pierre Claude Henri; Silva, Eraldo Sérgio Barbosa da; Moreira, Ricardo Ramalhete
    This work aims at the investigation and theorization of the formation of speculative bubbles in the stock market based on works of the information economics, in counterpoint to the orthodox economics of rational expectations and efficient markets. It is believed that there are fundamental flaws in orthodox theory, such flaws will be presented and discussed. A secondary objective will be the development of its own financial cycle model. A model that allows exposing the causes and consequences of financial valuation movements. It is believed that changes in expectations and information asymmetry are the basis for meaning cyclical financial movements. The method used is a bibliographic review, this is a theoretical work. In chapter 2 the orthodox theory of speculative bubbles is presented, its main hypotheses are discussed, namely rational expectations, efficient markets, perfect and complete information to all agents of the economy, ergodicity and the optimum Pareto equilibrium, and the works of Eugene Fama; Lucas and Sargente; Malkiel, among others are discussed. In Chapter 3 the theory of the information economics is presented regarding the speculative process as opposed to the orthodox theory. This work champions the propositions of the authors cited in chapter 3 as Stiglitz, Orlean and Herscovici. Finally in chapter 4 it is shown that orthodox economics denies speculative finance, since it is incompatible with the results of orthodoxy. Therefore, the information economics is better suited to the study and analysis of speculative bubbles. Based on Minsky and Krugman it is explored further that financial leverage and moral hazard are important aspects of the speculation debate. In this sense the shocks and the formation of the speculative bubbles are endogenous processes, an opposite approach to the exogenous shocks of the mainstream. It is also shown that the information economy and the behavioral economy become farther away from to the mainstream. It is expected that the primary objective is achieved by demonstrating that there is complete incompatibility between efficient markets; rational expectations; the efficient price system, and the Pareto optimum equilibrium, such a demonstration forms the paradox of Stiglitz's efficient markets.