Mestrado em Economia
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1994
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
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Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC nº 486, de 14/05/2020).
Publicação no DOU em 18/05/2020, seção 1, p. 93.
Parecer nº 839/2019 CNE/CES
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Teoria Econômica
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- ItemGeração energética e processos tecnológicos sustentáveis : impasses e alternativas para o Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2002-10-28) Bragato, Cláudia Guio; Dalcomuni, Sonia Maria; Arthmar, Rogério; Almeida, Luciana Togeiro deThe following research approaches the interaction between the technological paradigm subjacent to the Brazilian energetic power nucleus and environment, centralising on the electricity generation centre, in a sustainable growth perspective. One searches to think over whether the Brazilian power supply crisis noticed in April 2001 and consequent actions and as well as quests for solutions to the resolution of the same, tends to solve or block the sector development and the Brazilian economy in a perspective of economic growth associated to social equity and environmental protection, according to what s been prioritised by sustainable development concept. Hence, the technological options for currently used powergenerating techniques and those in discussion are analysed regarding its positive and negative aspects in terms of generating environmental external influences. Technological innovation is focused as an alternative capable of changing the hydrocarbon paradigm predominant in the world power supply generation. One does a historical rescue of the sector development, also approaching the main reforms on the Brazilian electric institutional sector up to the current configuration aimed at knowing the new sector agents involved in the regulatory process, integration, and support. Through the analysis of internal or external conditioners, one can figure their capability of contributing or delaying the adoption of a sustainable trajectory for the national electric sector. The achieved conclusion is, despite worrying on maintaining its energetic nucleus clean, Brazil, at a first moment, provided the acquiring of a Priority Thermoelectric Program , that even though having a complementary character to the actual generating park, will be able to contribute to an energetic dependence on a pollutant fossil combustible, amongst other existent possibilities, without ensuring the inexistence of the future supply crisis. The transformation in concepts, as well as society values will indeed contribute for the restructuring of global energetic economy, boosting the renewable sources portion within the world energetic nucleus and will allow humanity economic progress growth, facing a wider continuing power demand in the future.
- ItemPropriedade intelectual com ênfase em trade secrets : criptologia e performance econômica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2003-06-26) Santos, Júlio César dos; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Dalcomuni, Sonia Maria; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Albuquerque, Eduardo da Motta eThis work presents a theoretical approach on intellectual property with emphasis in trade secrets as entry barriers. Progress in cryptology in the field of the mathematics can be added to the theoretical efforts developed in microeconomics in industrial organization. In this context, cryptology is rescued historically and its main functions are presented in the intellectual property, especially in trade secrets. This research questions: Why do the firms cryptograph their productive processes? Has intellectual property, especially trade secrets, been playing an important role as a barrier to entry in the contemporary economy? How can cryptology and its respective developments in mathematics contribute to the strengthening of the industrial secret? It is noticed that in spite of the outstanding presence of cryptography and of the incorporeal goods in the contemporary economy, the theoretical analyses are still scarce, as are case studies and databases on intellectual property and mainly, on trade secrets. This research contributes to explication of its concepts and warns about the importance of intensification of scientific research on this topic, in order to reach a better understanding of managerial economical dynamics at the present time.
- ItemBrasil, 1979-1989 : uma década perdida?(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2003-07-11) Rostoldo, Jadir Peçanha; Soares, Geraldo Antonio; Arthmar, Rogério; Siqueira, Maria da Penha SmarzaroAnalyses the transformations of the Brazilian Society, from 1979 to 1989, making reflections that take to a wider comprehension of the country problems. The analysis was done through a multi-disciplinary view, questioning the expression Lost Decade , which the period is usually connected to. Recovers the economic politics from 1955 to 1989. Describes the cultural expressions, social movements and syndicalist movement of the 1980 s, showing their transforming action. Runs over about the redemocratization process, since the politic amnesty until the direct elections for President. Brings the social indicators of the period, including the Human Development Index (HDI) and its relation to the concept of human development. The conclusions show that even there was economic recession, the society had positive achievements in many aspects and the period can be considered as a period of changes and transformations, not lost.
- ItemInovação na cultura do mamão : geração e difusão do conhecimento(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2004-07-08) Vieira, Andrezza Rosalém; Morandi, Angela Maria; Dalcomuni, Sonia Maria; Costa, Adelaide de Fátima Santana da
- ItemCooperação, aprendizado e capacitação inovativa das empresas de confecções do arranjo produtivo em Colatina-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2004-09-21) Nunes, Dênis Pedro; Villaschi Filho, Arlindo; Morandi, Angela Maria; Campos, Renato RamosThis paper has its theme on the competitive insertion of micro and small size enterprises in local productive arrangements. It uses theoretical view on innovation economy, more precisely, the new-schumpeterian vision of innovation. The case study of the clothing arrangement in Colatina had its general objective in identifying the productive context of the whole micro and small enterprises, always searching to comprehend the elements that contributed and dificulted the process of innovation capacity, which means, the required process to the promotion of innovation, dynamic competitivity and local economic development of the arrangement. It is evident that the arrangement in Colatina is still low-mature and its innovative and management capacity in general is weak. The nature of the arrangement's coordination is lowdeveloped due to, mainly, to the existence of a low level of trust and interaction among the agents.
- ItemConcorrência e pirataria na indústria fonográfica a partir dos anos 90(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2005-03-15) Nascimento, Harrison Floriano do; Herscovici, Alain Pierre Claude Henri; Grassi, Robson Antonio; Oliveira, José TeófiloThis work aims to determine the impact of independent recorders and fake products as a menace on the oligopoly power stability of transnational recorders (known as majors ). In the first part it s presented the characteristics and specific features of the phonographic industry, which will differentiate it from the other markets and contribute to the knowledge of the segment competitiveness. Following, one aims to identify, through the use of the ECD model of industrial organization, the main barriers to the entrance of independent recorders in a market dominated by the majors . At last, the access to advertisement and distribution media due to the Internet, like free music distribution programs, offers new competitiveness perspectives for the independent recorders and intensifies the fakeness in the segment, which provoked an unsatisfactory performance of the majors in the years 1990 and 2000.
- ItemRegulamentação dos direitos trabalhistas no Brasil : uma tentativa de conciliação entre o capital e o trabalho (1937-1945)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2005-09-13) Betat, Inara dos Santos; Soares, Geraldo Antônio; Pereira, Guilherme Henrique; Arthmar, RogérioThe subject that motivated this study is the social matter in Brazil when the ruling system in power was the regime known as the New State Estado Novo . For better understanding of this problem it becomes essential to recollect the historical evolution of this period from the end of the 1920s until the end of the New State, in 1945, which it is the period considered for this study. The laboring claims for better conditions of work, better wages and, therefore, for better conditions of life retrace the 1930 s, when the workers were treated, simply, as "a police matter". The concern towards the social issue started to move over after 1930 when Getúlio Vargas was made the new president of Brazil. Together, all Brazilian states assembled in order to build a political framework controlling the relations between the capital and the work. The political first concern was to cool off the social conflicts that were spreading, especially, in the great urban centers throughout the country. Therefore, the proceedings on the broaden objectives, that were to promote the development of the industry in the country, were guaranteed. Throughout the 1930 s decade, gradually, a set of working laws were standardized, and later on, in 1943, by the end of the New State, systematically organized in only one document, the Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas (CLT). Although the working laws had brought a few guarantees to the workers, there were some side effects that started to hinder the workers liberty of speech, fact that was understood by the government as necessary so that the industrialization process could actually take place.
- ItemNanotecnologia no agronegócio : um estudo econômico da "língua eletrônica" na cafeicultura(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2006-08-22) Koken, Fernanda Sobreira Cossate Van de; Dalcomuni, Sonia Maria; Grassi, Robson Antonio; Martins, Paulo RobertoFollowing the Schumpeterian theoretical approach this work is founded in the conception that the world economic history is a history of technological revolutions. These revolutions are impel by the development of new products and new process of production and distribution that incessantly revolutionize the economic system “from inside”. In this context it is agued that the contemporary society lives the emergency of a new “technological paradigm” characterized for the convergence of innovations in the areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technologies and cognition (the NBIC´s paradigm). This dissertation ransoms concepts and ideas of evolutionary economics about the innovative processes; describe and ransoms historically the nanotechnologies development; focuses an specific nanotechnological innovation: ‘the cyber tongue’ and finally discuss it’s function in coffees quality improvement program in Brazil.
- ItemDinâmica versus estática no programa de pesquisa pós-keynesiano(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2006-09-13) Krakowiak, Sérgio; Herscovici, Alain Pierre Claude Henri; Afonso, Marco Aurélio Crocco; Grassi, Robson AntonioThe first chapter underlines the fact that economic science is provided with two different paradigms. One accepts the ergodicity hypotesis while the other does not. In a strict sense, this hypothesis refers to the possibility of making relyable statistical forecasts. However, in a broader sense it is tyed up with the notion of the immutability of the economic laws, and pre-determination of the reality. Economic schools o thought that postulates full employment equilibrium as a necessary achievement, are inserted in the ergodic paradigm. Keynes and Post-Keynesian theories are non ergodic. These schools postulate that future is fundamentally uncertain. The levels of employment and income are given by the short and long run expectations, the interest rate and propensity to consume, all historical variables. There is no necessary convergence process to the full employment equilibrium; and they hardly converge to the equilibrium, even when it is below full employment. The shifting equilibrium model, shows that a single error in the short run expectations is capable of rising a systematic sequence of disiquilibrium among realized agregate demand and agregate supply. Harrod s model (considered by Kregel [1980] a variant of the Keynes` model). Exhibits the same results.
- ItemForma de valorização do capital por meio dos loteamentos fechados no município de Domingos Martins-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2006-09-15) Bertocchi, Letícia Pitanga; Campos Júnior, Carlos Teixeira de; Nakatani, Paulo; Oseki, Jorge Hajime
- ItemFatores críticos de sucesso e índice de condições de competitividade: um estudo para os arranjos produtivos locais de micro e pequenas empresas do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-08-16) Zanotelli, Revieni Chisté; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Arthmar, RogérioThe occured transformations in recent years have provoked innovations in the orders enterprise and organizacional, with new forms of performance of the companies. Nowadays, much argues regarding the performance of the companies of joint form and associate, mainly for the micron and small companies if became practical basic for the success. Of this form, the concepts of enterprise ne ts, as productive accumulations, consist in important source of competitiveness that demand the mobilization of all the segments of the society. The hypothesis is that the constitution of local productive arrangements (LPAs) supplies elements that can result in the solution of the existing deficiencies. In the Espírito Santo some industrial formations are verified that come being reference for the characterization of possible LPAs organized. To study such formations, supplying excellent information and identifying its conditions of competitiveness contributes for the biggest knowledge and in the aiming of development politics. The Index of Conditions of Competitiveness (ICC) searched to reflect characteristics of the LPAs selected, with the objective to diagnosis the conditions of competitiveness of each one of them using, for this, a set of Critical Factors of Success.
- ItemArranjos produtivos locais e custos de transação : um estudo comparativo dos arranjos capixabas de vestuário (Colatina) e rochas ornamentais (Cachoeiro de Itapemirim)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-09-19) Silva Júnior, Sérgio Manhans da; Grassi, Robson Antonio; Arthmar, Rogério; Pondé, João Luiz Simas Pereira de SouzaIt presents the main concepts on clusters, with emphasis in the term of local productive arrangements , arguing in critical way the absence of elements that make possible one better agreement of the relations Inter-firms. It is used in the attempt to improve this concept, the theory of transaction costs, with emphasis on the question of the specific assets, making correlation it enters the degree of developments of local productive arrangements and the presence of these assets. In this intention, it is used as case study, for verification of this hypothesis, two productive arrangements from the state of Espirito Santo, that are analyzed in a comparative form, in order to verify the impact of different levels of specific assets on the degree of maturity of the arrangement. Finally, it is noticed a direct relation among those elements, wich makes that the presence of greaters levels of assets has important impact on the competitive advantage of the arrangements
- ItemInovação biotecnológica na pecuária de leite : o papel da Embrapa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-10-22) Aguilar, Eder Barbosa de; Dalcomuni, Sonia Maria; Castiglioni, Aurélia Hermínia; Martins, Paulo do CarmoThis paper analyzes the importance of the biotechnology for the development of agriculture, in special for the domestic dairy cattle, focusing on the importance of the National Dairy Cattle Research Center - CNPGL. The constant search for increasing the productivity of Brazilian farming aims at increasing the competitiveness of the national agricultural sector, solving the problem of hunger, etc. It is not different in the dairy sector, exactly because differently from other agricultural businesses, the productivity of the national herd is much lower than other countries. In this context, biotechnology appears as great ally of the farmer. Genetic manipulation tools can help to increase cattle dairy productivity without being necessary to increase the herd, optimizing production processes only, as well as helping to keep sanitary quality of production. Techniques such as Artificial Insemination, Sex Selection and in vitro Production are extensively used worldwide with satisfactory results. In Brazil, however, these techniques are hardly used. It is also emphasized that because the importance of the dairy cattle in the Brazilian economy and the importance of biotechnology for the genetic improvement of the domestic herd and consequently growth of production, the investments in this sector should be increased . In this scenario, the CNPGL is characterized for being the major vehicle of development of biotechnologies for domestic dairy cattle.
- ItemCondicionantes das exportações de café do Espírito Santo : aplicação da abordagem geral para específico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-05) Monte, Edson Zambon; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Arthmar, Rogério; Samohyl, Robert WayneThe objective of this dissertation is to estimate the equation of exportation that explains the coffee international trade of the Espirito Santo, with intention to identifying main determinants of the exporting performance of this commodity. The general for specific approach, developed for the London School of Economics (LSE), is used as methodological instrument. In the estimate of the equation of coffee exportation two econometrical models were used: one in the linear form and another one in the double-logarithmic form (or log-log). For choice of the best functional form (better predictive performance) were used, beyond diagnostic tests, the following measured of performance: Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) and the Theil inequality coefficient (Theil's U). One evidenced that the functional form that better was adjusted to the established criteria was the linear one. In according with the general for specific approach, the excellent variable for the exportations of coffee of the Espirito Santo were the tax of real exchange, the price of the conilon coffee, the domestic price, the production of coffee of the Espirito Santo, the production of worldwide coffee and the stock of coffee of Brazil. The variable most important if the determination of the coffee exportations was the exchange tax.
- ItemIndicadores antecedentes da produção industrial brasileira : o cálculo das probabilidades de reversão (turning points)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-05) Bossoes, Alex Gomes; Arthmar, Rogério; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Samohyl, Robert WayneLeading indicators are a method based on the examination of a cycle as an empirical phenomenon; the concept of business cycles appeared in middle of the 20th century by Wesley Mitchell and Arthur Burns. It is one technique that searchs to anticipate the behavior of one given serie (reference). Diverse methods exist for its construction. In this study it is considered a construction of an indicator for Produção Industrial Brasileira (Brazilian Industrial Production) with the objective of calculating the probabilities of the turning point. For this, the series have been filtered and standardized. The Granger criterion gave basis for the selection. A balance with cross correlograms of the chosen sequencies (series) occurs for the composition of the indicator and for the calculation of the probability of reversion the methodology of Neftçi (1982) was used. Around 290 sequencies (series) were analyzed and only 9 were selected for the construction of the indicator. Some samples periods of time have been studied from January of 1992 to December of 2006 for the calculation of the probabilities, these also have been calculated by another method (probit) to compare with the methodology of Neftçi. The results demonstrate the great utility of this tool for forecasting of the cyclical movements of economic series. It is a technique that can be used to help with public politics and private policy making.
- ItemExportação e crescimento econômico : uma análise de cointegração para a economia brasileira, 1995-2007(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-26) Guedes, Felipe Lisboa; Arthmar, Rogério; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Silva, Victor Gomes eThe present dissertation considers to analyze the applicability of the model of export-led-growth for the Brazilian case in the period of 1995-2007. The model demonstrates that Brazil has obtained bigger resulted in terms of growth of the product, from 1995. The analyses show to a positive relation between volume of exportations and economic growth. Although other factors also are decisive to determine the level of expansion of the product of a country, as investment, added demand, level of income, total productivity of the factors and level of prices; the model of export-led, as developed by Thirlwall (1979) indicates that countries that export more, have bigger taxes of growth in the long stated period. In this direction, the model analyzed in this work is possible on the basis of to explain the behavior of the tax of growth of the GIP of Brazil for the next periods.
- ItemFinanças comportamentais: uma avaliação crítica da moderna teoria de finanças(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-28) Anache, Marcelo de Carvalho Azevedo; Laurencel, Luiz da Costa; Arthmar, Rogério; Laurencel, Luiz da Costa; Salles, Alexandre Ottoni T.Among the main commonly debated questions regarding finance, there is the validity of its most traditional theories premises, in special the rationality of economic agents. In this context, different studies have appeared with the intention of improving the theoretical dominant models, incorporating behavioral aspects never considered before. Such innovations gave origin to a new and promising field of study, known as Behavioral Finance. The considerable growth of this non orthodox approach has been motivated, specially, by the attempt to satisfactorily explain a whole gamma of phenomena, commonly observed in financial markets, which are incompatible with traditional models predictions. The main objective of this dissertation is to show the evolution of classical finance studies to, later, inquiry about the explanation of most of the recurring anomalies present in financial markets, which aren t fully understood by means of conventional finance models. One of the emphasis of this work is on fundamental concepts of the still incipient Behavioral Finance paradigm, with the purpose of a more accurate understanding of existing models
- ItemEstudo do desenvolvimento humano no Bairro Resistência (Vitória-ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-30) Ferreira, Deiwson Henrique Gomes; Castiglioni, Aurélia Hermínia; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Prado, Bárbara Brandão de AlmeidaThis work aimed to study the human development in the neighborhood Resistência belonging to the region of São Pedro in the city of Vitória-ES, based on the calculation of the Municipal Human Development Index (HDI-M) and Living Conditions Index (LCI). The latter is an extension of the Human Development Index (HDI), covering more information, that is, while the HDI comprises only three dimensions: health, education and income, embodied in four indicators, the LCI incorporates the addition of these children and housing, total of 18 indicators. This study is necessary to obtain information relating to living conditions of local people in order to help the local public policies. Since this calculation can be done periodically, serving as a diagnosis and evaluation of policies implemented, indicating the areas where the greatest failures occur, thus signaling the need for public interventions in these areas for improving the quality of life of the community. The methodology used in the research was based adopted by João Pinheiro Foundation (FJP) and the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) of 1998, since the HDI-M and LCI were created by these two bodies. Data were collected by the application of 317 questionnaires in a sample of homes of neighborhood Resistência, statistically defined. The main findings were: 1 - The HDI-M of neighborhood Resistência found himself in the range of medium human development (0.5 0.8), and more specifically the order of 0.813. 2 - The size and longevity income they remained in the category of medium human development, while the size education remained in the category of high human development for the HDI-M. Already the areas education and income were the worst results they obtained in the LCI, both located in the range of medium human development, the other areas were found to be in the range of high human development.
- ItemAs heterogeneidades regionais e os diferentes impactos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-05-30) Silva, Katiana Rodrigues da; Oliveira, José Teófilo; Ueda, Eurico HidekiThe need to eliminate the fiscal instability of the sub-national governments and reduce indebtedness to sustainable levels led the Union to gradually impose restrictions on states and municipalities in order to ensure a less discretionary budget`s implementation. The promulgation of the Law of Fiscal Responsibility while implementing a series of standards of conduct and limits for spending and owing, represented a synthesis of these restrictions which have been present since the Real Plan. Several studies have been devoted at researching on the impacts of the implementation of the Law of Fiscal Responsibility on the states. This study aims to go further more, investigating the impact of the law of fiscal responsibility in every region of the country; its objective is to verify if the regional differences turned into different taxing behaviors after the application of the Act. As a result, in the states where the effects of the fragile base were predominant, it was possible to undertake a rise in staff spending and also debt without exceeding the limits, differently from states with predominant strength effects of the economic bases which needed to achieve fiscal efforts to fit its standards. Finally, it was concluded that the changing of the tax behavior of states are not only due to the enactment of the fiscal Responsibility Law, but especially to the fiscal laws which were previously applied.
- ItemAnálise envoltória de dados no estudo da eficiência do gasto público em ensino fundamental dos municípios do estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-12) Barreto, Breno Lima; Oliveira, José Teófilo; Brasil, Gutemberg Hespanha; Rizzieri, Juarez Alexandre BaldiniThis research aims to evaluate the relative efficiency in municipal governments expenditures in basic education. The analysis focus is the set of 78 municipalities in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. All data are from the period between 2002 e 2005. For this purpose, this approach adopts the non-parametric technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The DEA method is one of the most used to estimate the efficiency by comparing a production unit to the best performance units. Consequently, this efficiency estimation deal with education as an input-output production process. However, the research goes beyond a simple analysis of score based rankings. Different DEA models are applied to evaluate different approaches. To consider the socio-economic environmental influence in relative efficiency the variable IDH Municipal (IDHM) was included in some DEA analytical variants as exogenously fixed input. To examine the intra-school influence, the variable “teachers with higher education” was included in other models versions as “controllable input”. After that, the study also indicates “how much” and “in what areas” a relative inefficient municipality needs to improve in order to be efficient. A set of targets are presented to show how a municipality needs to decrease its inputs or increase its outputs in order to become relatively efficient. Finally, reinforcing the importance of the efficient use of public resources and high quality fiscal policies, we estimate the value of global misspend of municipalities public resources in that period.