Cooperação, aprendizado e capacitação inovativa das empresas de confecções do arranjo produtivo em Colatina-ES

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Nunes, Dênis Pedro
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This paper has its theme on the competitive insertion of micro and small size enterprises in local productive arrangements. It uses theoretical view on innovation economy, more precisely, the new-schumpeterian vision of innovation. The case study of the clothing arrangement in Colatina had its general objective in identifying the productive context of the whole micro and small enterprises, always searching to comprehend the elements that contributed and dificulted the process of innovation capacity, which means, the required process to the promotion of innovation, dynamic competitivity and local economic development of the arrangement. It is evident that the arrangement in Colatina is still low-mature and its innovative and management capacity in general is weak. The nature of the arrangement's coordination is lowdeveloped due to, mainly, to the existence of a low level of trust and interaction among the agents.