Condicionantes das exportações de café do Espírito Santo : aplicação da abordagem geral para específico

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Monte, Edson Zambon
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The objective of this dissertation is to estimate the equation of exportation that explains the coffee international trade of the Espirito Santo, with intention to identifying main determinants of the exporting performance of this commodity. The general for specific approach, developed for the London School of Economics (LSE), is used as methodological instrument. In the estimate of the equation of coffee exportation two econometrical models were used: one in the linear form and another one in the double-logarithmic form (or log-log). For choice of the best functional form (better predictive performance) were used, beyond diagnostic tests, the following measured of performance: Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) and the Theil inequality coefficient (Theil's U). One evidenced that the functional form that better was adjusted to the established criteria was the linear one. In according with the general for specific approach, the excellent variable for the exportations of coffee of the Espirito Santo were the tax of real exchange, the price of the conilon coffee, the domestic price, the production of coffee of the Espirito Santo, the production of worldwide coffee and the stock of coffee of Brazil. The variable most important if the determination of the coffee exportations was the exchange tax.
exportations , coffee , Espirito Santo , general for specific approach , exportações , café , Espírito Santo , abordagem geral para específico