Inovação biotecnológica na pecuária de leite : o papel da Embrapa

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Aguilar, Eder Barbosa de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This paper analyzes the importance of the biotechnology for the development of agriculture, in special for the domestic dairy cattle, focusing on the importance of the National Dairy Cattle Research Center - CNPGL. The constant search for increasing the productivity of Brazilian farming aims at increasing the competitiveness of the national agricultural sector, solving the problem of hunger, etc. It is not different in the dairy sector, exactly because differently from other agricultural businesses, the productivity of the national herd is much lower than other countries. In this context, biotechnology appears as great ally of the farmer. Genetic manipulation tools can help to increase cattle dairy productivity without being necessary to increase the herd, optimizing production processes only, as well as helping to keep sanitary quality of production. Techniques such as Artificial Insemination, Sex Selection and in vitro Production are extensively used worldwide with satisfactory results. In Brazil, however, these techniques are hardly used. It is also emphasized that because the importance of the dairy cattle in the Brazilian economy and the importance of biotechnology for the genetic improvement of the domestic herd and consequently growth of production, the investments in this sector should be increased . In this scenario, the CNPGL is characterized for being the major vehicle of development of biotechnologies for domestic dairy cattle.
Innovation , Biotechnology , Dairy cattle , Inovação , Biotecnologia , Pecuária de leite