Regulação dos serviços de abastecimento de água : análise comparativa entre os modelos brasileiro, norte-americano e inglês

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Leite, Maria Clara de Oliveira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
It analyzes the water supply’s regulation in Brazil, comparing it with the English and North American regulatory models. It raises the institutional framework, from the 1970’s onwards, relating to such regulations. It establishes comparative parameters between Brazilian and the selected countries regulatory instruments; It presents the differences and similarities between the compared models, focusing on Brazil, through bibliographic research and theoretical analysis, which includes secondary data from sundrey national and international documents. The time frame ilustrates the main institution’s development on this sector, in these countries. The sector’s regulatory structure, in England, is centralized and bipartite, with functional separation between the economic and environmental regulators, while the US and Brazilian structures are institutionally pluralistic, with responsibilities divided between different federation’s levels and the participation of various stakeholders. These features are related to the services provision form, the historical issues that the industry in these countries passed through, and even to the decisions taken by key players, accumulated over time. In historical perspective, the obstruction of the sectoral policy is not unique to Brazil. The regulation goes through cycles and the credibility of regulators is an essential factor associated to the cycle’s success. The organ’s trajectory and independence are essential in conflict resolution without favoring the interests of a particular group. One of the main reasons for the regulatory distinctions between the United States and England is the credibility of its regulatory agencies throughout history. The Brazilian regulatory experience is recent. The creation of regulatory agencies, in the sector, in Brazil, took place from the 1990’s, becoming more intense in 2000’s. The incipient trajectory of these agencies hinders to affirm whether the Brazilian regulatory restrictions are related mainly to the insufficient development of the agencies or to the level of credibility they have to exercise regulation. In this sense, one can learn with both experiences, depending on the considered point
Brazil , United States , England , Regulatory models , Water supply , Modelos regulatórios