As representações sociais da transposição do rio São Francisco na imprensa escrita brasileira

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Carvalho, Lauriston de Araújo
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In the decade started in 2000 the transposition of the San Francisco river comes as public policy in the Brazilian political scene. However, the project was marked by several controversies and the national media followed all his idealization process, helping to build the social object, which reworked the passage of the years becomes a first for many. Aiming to understand how the media understood the transposition phenomenon, this research aimed to identify the social representations of the transposition of the São Francisco River in the newspaper Estado de Minas and Jornal da Paraíba in the years between 1999 and 2008. Data collection was conducted by way of the Internet on the websites of newspapers themselves. In the search field the following keywords were used: transposition waters São Francisco River; transposition; São Francisco River. Data were analyzed using the Alceste software program. The results show us that the speeches against and for the transposition project were present from the beginning of the FHC administration (1999-2002) by the end of Lula's government (2003-2008) in both newspapers. Therefour, newspapers have representational elements on the similar and differing of the transposition. In speeches against the project, the poor state of the São Francisco river objectified in the figure of a sick person in need of care, appears in both newspapers. Nevertheless, the Estado de Minas newspaper adds other anchoring elements such as the state of the river in times past and the history of secular unfinished public works in the semi-arid northeast, which demarcates at that time an opposition to the project. In the speeches for the project, the representations are similar as regards the economic development of the semi-arid northeast as a result of the implementation of the project. In the speeches for the project, the representations are similar as economic development of the semi-arid northeast as a result of the transposition project. However, the Jornal da Paraíba emphasizes representational elements that are anchored in the effects of drought, 13 translated in the drought phenomenon and objectified in the image of the Northeast, poor, thirsty for water and migrant, to support its position in favor of the project. Thus, we can say that the newspaper's position (donor or receiver of water) over the transposition phenomenon, determines the content and form of reports, guiding social representations of this phenomenon. That said, theoretical contributions about the communication systems are suggested during the study.
Social representation , Transposition , Press , Representações Sociais , Transposição , Imprensa , Mídia , Rio São Francisco