Mestrado em Psicologia

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1992
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.268 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Psicologia
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  • Item
    Violência psicológica contra a mulher : um estudo sob a ótica da teoria das representações sociais
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-19) Neves, Beatriz Motta; Coutinho, Sabrine Mantuan dos Santos;;; Moreira, Pollyana de Lucena; Espíndula, Daniel Henrique Pereira; Bussinger, Rebeca Valadão
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    A utilização da violência na atividade policial: da insanidade coletiva à loucura solitária
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 1998-07-28) Cavassani, Sonia Maria Correa; Souza, Lídio de; Bretas, Marcos Luiz; Menandro, Paulo Rogério Meira
    The literature about the police activities have emphasized a complex relationship between society and the police, detaching a historically working discriminatory and regulated by violent method, indicating direct involvement of the police activities to the interests of the domination class. In this context is unusual if it analyzes the conception of the police themselves. This work had the purpose to identify, through collected information together with the civil police, conceptions about the utilization of violent methods, the police functions, discriminatory working, the reasons for the ingress and the remaining in the institution, as well conceptions about the causes of the police getting sick and the relationship with other cops that have been already sick. The sample, was organized by 60 agents and investigators from the police department both male and female, classified into two groups: Gl: 30 people with medicai license, originated from mind’s disturbing, and Gll: 30 people without medicai license. The data were collected by organized questionary from highlighting the topics already mentioned. It was found significant difference statistically between the two groups of people considering most of the subject that had been approached. The results show a scission accentuated among cops followers and against of utilization of violence and consequently organization of reciprocai out-groups building a complex game of relations inter-groups ruled by the exclusion. The process for becoming sick, lived by some cops reflect with high rank of fidelity of the stress originated not only form the kind of work done, but mainly the opposition of conceptions about what must be the police institution and their method of work.
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    “Canto em qualquer canto”: um estudo sobre voz, trabalho e motivação com cantores populares
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-30) Drumond, Lorena Badaró; Menandro, Paulo Rogério Meira; Souza, Lídio de; Oliveira, Domingos Sávio Ferreira de
    This investigation was carried out with 19 male and female singers of different generations, attempting to broaden the knowledge on aspects of their trajectories and their work: insertion into music, difficulties in personal and professional quotidian life, career plans, working conditions, voice and vocal health care practices. The participants were interviewed and answered a questionnaire with questions of speech-language pathology interest. An in loco evaluation of the environment where a show of each singer occurred was performed. The results were organized and interpreted using the classical content analysis technique. The interest on the activity was early and related with the existence of a musical family environment. The interest on popular singing developed in association of learning to play a musical instrument. The interviewees pointed out several difficulties on professional daily life, but also related situations of great satisfaction, suggesting a quotidian marked by ambiguity. A significant part of the singers do not live on singing alone. Technical vocal preparation was not highlighted as a significant aspect. General health habits and vocal health habits, as well as preventive care, showed themselves to be insufficient. Half of the singers reported voice related complaints. The most frequent show venues were open drinking bars with no acoustic preparation for live music. The participants survive in a precarious regulation context, which does not assure good conditions of work, health, or pay. Nevertheless, life in situations of satisfaction and recognition, as well as the possibility of fame, contribute to the motivation of pursuing the career.
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    Lugares do organismo na análise do comportamento: uma reflexão conceitual e quantitativa
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-20) Fonseca, Kelvin; Alves, Diego Zilio; Carrara, Kester; Borloti, Elizeu
    Behavior analysis defines itself as the science which studies the behavior of organisms, but the “organism” doesn’t receive the same attention “behavior” does. In coursebooks of basic principles and vocabularies it’s not possible to find an explicit and consensual definition of this “organism”, and despite the term being present in the title of one of the most significant works of behavior analysis, B. F. Skinner’s The Behavior of Organisms, its status seems uncertain, and its function has been the subject of debate. Also, in introductory books of psychology and non-behavioral-analytic literature can be found some critiques of behavior analysis that portray the field as presupposing a simplistic conception of the human being. Since the absence of a straightforward o rmulation can result in conceptual confusion in research inside the field as well as the perpetuation of misguided critiques outside of it, this work has sought to make it clear if there is a definition for the term in the field. With the Conceptual Interpretation of Text Procedure (PICT), we analyzed a sample of the behavioral-analytic literature and of Skinner’s works seeking to find a formulation for the term. We noted the “organism” is a locus where multiple discussions in behavior analysis flow to, and that far form having a single and homogeneous meaning, at least 10 different conceptions of the term can be found in 86 years of the literature, and it appears in at least 15 different contexts in Skinner’s writings. From 10 of these conceptions found in the behavioral analysis literature, 9 were about individual organisms and one about an organismic metaphor of society; they were divided into three big groups, depending on how they dealt with the demarcation between organism and environment: morphological conceptions took the skin as the relevant border, transdermal conceptions found such criterion lacking and proposed other alternatives, and organismical conceptions proposed the elimination of the term. In Skinner’s writings, we created categories based upon the texts, and after a description of some of them, we argue that there are at least three ambiguities in his writings regarding the demarcation criterion between organism and environment, to the phylogenetic role in the constitution of the organism, and the metaphorical extension of the individual organism as a model of society. Finally, we suggest four possible criteria to guide our choice or creation of a new conception of organism inside behavior analysis: the skin is not as important as a boundary, behavior arises from the activity of the organism as a whole, organism-environment mutuality, and the behavior is always right. The choice for these criteria was due not to these propositions being new in any way but rather to the extension of its implications, since the scientific activity of organisms writing about conceptions of organisms has long overarching consequences over time and space to other organisms, since it can describe the range and the limits of these organisms to change and to be modified by the world.
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    Afetividade e cognição no uso de redes sociais digitais por idosos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-29) De Marchi, Barbara Frigini; Rossetti, Claudia Broetto; Canal, Claudia Patrocinio Pedroza; Snatos, Claudinara Chisté
    We live in a society networked through the internet, which is simultaneously an increasingly aging society. Together, these factors contribute to causing the number of elderly users of digital social networks (DSN) to increase significantly. Thus, this dissertation proposes to investigate affective and cognitive aspects involved in the use of these networks by older audiences. We interviewed 26 people, who were homogeneously divided into sex; were aged between 65 and 74 years old; had finished at least elementary education; had smartphones or computers; and also had access to DSNs. The sample was given for convenience, based on the snowball method. Data were collected through individual interviews, based on two semistructured scripts, which were in turn guided by the Piagetian clinical method. Data analysis was based on content analysis, prioritizing the qualitative reading. The results indicated that the elderly, even though not belonging to a native generation of these technologies, are active and participative in several DSNs, which shows that they are concerned about keeping up with technological evolutions and, therefore, feel that they belong to the current social context. WhatsApp appeared prominently among the DSNs mentioned, being both the most used and preferred. Regarding the actions they perform, respondents listed exchanging text messages and multimedia files; reading news; working; and wishing happy birthday. We verified that the element that motivates them the most to access DSNs is communication, and that digital network use can favor social and affective relations, contributing to a more positive aging. Participants also showed that they have made new affective bonds and diminished the feeling of loneliness through these networks, broadening their relationships and interpersonal communication. This study, therefore, provided an understanding that the use of DSNs can potentially mobilize affective and cognitive aspects among the elderly, and promote development as networks act as a source of imbalances, unlike the old paradigms of Psychology, which saw old age solely as a period of losses. We hope that this study will contribute to other investigations focusing on old age and new technologies from the perspective of Developmental Psychology. We also hope that the data can serve as a subsidy for future academic productions, as well as for public policies.