Mestrado em Psicologia

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1992
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.268 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Psicologia
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  • Item
    Aborto legal de gravidez decorrente de violência sexual : representações sociais de médicos/as
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-27) Puls, Ivana Sessak; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    Pregnancy resulting from sexual violence is a serious public health issue in Brazil, and legal abortion is one of its possibilities. Access to this right comes up against barriers such as blaming the victim for the violence and doctors refusing to perform abortions, claiming conscientious objection due to the stigmas associated with sexual violence and their RS on abortion. As it deals with the circulation of social thought in certain groups, it is understood that SRT is pertinent to studying the abortion stigma that permeates the work of doctors who deal with legal abortion. The aim here is to find out the SR about legal abortion of pregnancies resulting from sexual violence for gynecologists and obstetricians, based on their practices in relation to conscientious objection. Two complementary studies were carried out. The first, with a documentary design, observational nature and descriptive quantitative approach, outlined the sociodemographic profile of pregnant patients seen at a referral service for cases of sexual violence. The second, with an analytical qualitative approach, aimed to find out the SR on abortion for gynecologists and obstetricians, based on conscientious objection, and their understanding of the risk factors for sexual violence. Study I showed a prevalence of black, young, single women with low levels of schooling, who had been raped by men they knew in a domestic environment, and who sought the service spontaneously after discovering their pregnancy and deciding to have an abortion. The results of Study II showed a tendency to blame the victim for the violence suffered, through moral and religious judgments, and that conscientious objection occurred as a form of punishment for the patients, based on the shared SR of abortion as a crime and a sin. We also conclude that there is a relationship between the SR formed about abortion and social thinking about the black population, reflecting the mistrust and lack of recognition of black women as the group most affected by sexual violence
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    (Des) encontros entre amor e trabalho : análise de díades no conflito trabalho-família
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-29) Ferrão, Lívia Fraga; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    Several changes have occurred in the family settings over the last decades and there is still much to understand about the interaction between work and family and between work and satisfaction with the love relationship, which will be treated with greater direction in this dissertation. Studies show that a conjugal relationship considered satisfactory can bring several benefits to the individual, such as greater satisfaction with life and preservation of emotional health. In addition, job satisfaction also proves to be important to the individual's physical and mental health. Seeking to advance in scientific knowledge within these themes, this work was divided in the format of two articles and had as focus to explore the conflict between family and work in the evaluations of satisfaction with the work and of satisfaction with the love relationship through the dyadic analysis of data. The results showed that there is more interference of labor variables in marital satisfaction for males than females and indicated the presence of similar levels of marital satisfaction between married couples and single earn couples. In addition, the objective was to adapt and present evidence of validity of a reduced version of the ENRICH Conjugal Satisfaction Scale for Brazilians, aiming to broaden the national role of appropriate psychological instruments for this purpose. The final version of this measure had good precision indicators (coefficients of omega reliability and Cronbach's alpha of 0.80 and 0.78 respectively), showing that this scale are favorable for the measurement of marital relationships for the Brazilian population. In general, the study allowed to expand the knowledge within the themes of work-family conflict, marital satisfaction and job satisfaction in Brazil, presenting a special relevance due to the method of data analysis performed with dyads. It is important to emphasize the need for additional research in order to deepen knowledge in this area and to verify the existence of other psychosocial variables that may be related to marital satisfaction, job satisfaction and work-family conflict for the Brazilian population
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    Comportamento suicida : um olhar sobre os casos notificados e os cuidados ofertados de 2018 a 2022 no município de Vila Velha (ES)
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-20) Roffes, Amanda Andreatta; Iglesias, Alexandra ; ; ; ; ; Pinto, Liana Wernersbach ;; ; Reis, Luciana Bicalho ;;
    Suicidal behavior, considered a global public health problem since the 20th century, is understood as a multifactorial and multidetermined phenomenon, which goes through varied trajectories and affects all genders, age groups and ethnicities. This study aimed to comprehend the cases of suicidal behavior and the care offered to different age groups in a municipality in Grande Vitória (ES), from 2018 to 2022. To accomplish this, we aimed to characterize the cases of people who attempted and died by suicide registered by the municipality, to compare the cases of people who attempted and died by suicide between the years of 2018 and 2022, and to understand the history of health, illness and care recorded for people with suicidal behavior treated by mental health services. A qualitative and quantitative study was conducted based on an analysis of the databases from the self-inflicted violence notification forms and Death Certificates (DC) made available by the Epidemiological Monitoring Service and the medical records selected by the municipality's mental health services. The quantitative data from the forms and DCs were analyzed using SPSS software and the qualitative data from the medical records were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results showed that the prevalence of self-inflicted injuries was female, aged between 10 and 19, brown, and caused by poisoning/intoxication. The Hospital Infantil e Maternidade Azir Bernardino Alves (HIMABA) was the main notifier, and referral to the Health Network was the most common. In terms of mortality, there was a prevalence of males, aged between 30 and 59, who had committed hanging. When comparing the years of the study, there was an increase in notifications of self harm and stability in the number of deaths. In the analysis of the medical records, it was found that cases with a satisfactory outcome had greater adherence to collective proposals and, in contrast, cases with an unsatisfactory outcome had a prevalence of individualized monitoring. 8 This research, by offering an overview of suicidal behavior in Vila Velha, allows the Public Power to adopt strategic measures for care, especially because it has highlighted the prevalence of suicidal behavior in younger age groups than in the national scenario, because of the knowledge of gaps identified in notifications and because it provides an overview of the care offered, highlighting obstacles and potentialities
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    Racismo e Suas ‘sutilezas’: Uma Análise Integrada dos Impactos e Influências no Desenvolvimento Profissional e de Carreira de Pessoas Negras Brasileiras
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-12) Nunes, Juliana Pereira Rodrigues; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de;;;;; Guerra, Valeschka Martins;;; Barros, Leonardo de Oliveira;;
    For a long period, professional and career guidance did not place at the heart of the discussion the influence of contextual/structural aspects on people's career trajectories, especially the impacts of contexts on the careers of vulnerable groups, such as the Brazilian black population. . Given this scenario, this dissertation, through two studies, aimed to investigate the impacts and influences of racism and its nuances on the professional and career development of black Brazilian people. Article 1 investigated the influences of race/color on obtaining decent work and on the construction of professional trajectories of black workers. The results revealed that there is a perception that race/color is a career barrier and that factors such as education, income and social class mitigate difficulties. In addition to this, it was found that the conceptions of decent work, aligned with the ILO guidelines, do not always correspond to the reality perceived by the interviewees. Article 2 was the adaptation and presentation of the psychometric properties and invariance of the Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions Scale (REMS-45) for the black Brazilian population. The results indicated that the instrument has adequate psychometric properties and excellent reliability. Concomitantly, the evidence of external validity pointed to domains of racial microaggressions associated with income and education, reinforcing a solid base methodology for future investigations, as well as the promotion of practical welcoming actions, development of overcoming strategies and promotion of occupational and educational environments more inclusive. Thus, it is concluded that the contributions of the studies not only broaden the understanding of the challenges faced by black people in professional and career development, but also highlight the pressing need for more effective interventions within the scope of professional and career guidance, as well as of Organizational and Work Psychology. Therefore, it is expected that the work presented here will make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge and serve as a call to action to promote more equitable and inclusive environments in the Brazilian context.
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    Notificações de Violência Autoprovocada e Óbitos Registrados Por Suicídio: Um Olhar Para os Casos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-10) Silva, Schyrlei Viana da; Iglesias, Alexandra;;;;; Reis, Luciana Bicalho;;; Avellar, Luziane Zacché;;
    Suicidal behavior can be understood as a series of behaviors linked to suicide in which the individual causes or intends to cause harm to themselves, with a clear intention of death, such as: ideations, planning, attempts and suicide itself. In Brazil, a significant increase in this behavior has been observed, going against global data from the World Health Organization. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze recorded cases of self-inflicted violence and suicide, which occurred between 2018 and 2022, in a municipality in the north of Espírito Santo. To this end, the study sought to: describe the general characteristics of reported cases of self-inflicted violence and records of deaths by suicide between the years of 2018 and 2022; characterize registered cases of self-inflicted violence and deaths by suicide in different age groups; investigate the health history, illness and care recorded in cases of suicidal behavior in the municipality under study. In order to achieve these objectives, a quantitative-qualitative research was performed, based on documentary research using data from local epidemiological surveillance, data from the Mortality Information System and medical records. The collected data were analyzed in two ways: the quantitatives by descriptive analysis, with the help of SPSS software and the qualitative ones by thematic content analysis. The results indicated the characteristics of people and occurrences of suicidal behavior: majority women, brown-skinned, between 20 and 59 years of age, occurrence at home, poisoning/intoxication, being Hospital Roberto Arzinaut Silvares the main reporting unit with referrals to the health network. Regarding deaths: mostly men, between 20 and 59 years of age, brown-skinned, with 8 to 11 years of schooling, occurring at home, retired/pensioners. There were no significant differences in relation to age groups when compared to general data. Suicidal ideation, attempts and suicide were the main behaviors presented. Furthermore, care is focused on Psychology and Psychiatry professionals and on individualizing practices. Finally, it is noteworthy that this research offers an overview of suicidal behavior in the municipality and the way in which care is being offered, enabling a reflection on the effectiveness of the strategies adopted until now. Thus, this research is understood to support the creation of new strategies, actions and public policies focused on suicidal behavior.