Mestrado em Psicologia
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1992
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
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Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.268 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Psicologia
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- ItemA amizade e o adolescente portador de doença crônica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2006-05-26) Ferreira, Bruno Eduardo Silva; Garcia, Agnaldo; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith; Cade, Nágela ValadãoThis research aimed at describing and analyzing some features of the friendships of adolescents with diabetes mellitus and cancer. The features investigated were: a) relationship history, b) companionship and reciprocity, c) communication, self-disclosure and intimacy, d) social support, e) conflict, and f) expectations and concept of friend. Twelve participants were interviewed and divided into two groups: three participants with diabetes and their three best friends, and three participants who had cancer and their three best friends. The results point to a specific relationship, similar to friendships of people who have not a chronic disease in some features, but different in others. The communication between the dyads is affected, leading to a decrease in the self-disclosure, and talking about subjects linked to the disease is avoided by the participants too. The social support given to the adolescent, on the other hand, clearly increases, and it changes the reciprocity, base of friendship relations. Such facts call attention to the fact that friendships are much more than social support (broadly investigated in Brazil and around the world), and dimensions as intimacy and companionship, among others, are also present, and play an important role in adolescents life.
- ItemA atuação do psicólogo em serviços de atenção primária à saúde: efeitos negativos do trabalho na saúde do trabalhador(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-23) Duarte, Lucas Có Barros; Moraes, Thiago Drumond; Roosli, Ana Cláudia Barbosa da Silva; Avellar, Luziane ZacchéThis dissertation aims to explore the relationship between psychologists’ professional activity and their own mental health, drawing attention to possible negative effects of the work environment. To reach this goal and cover the complexity of the phenomenon, two studies were conducted: one quantitative and another qualitative. Participants were psychologists who work in primary health care in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. In the first study 32 psychologists answered an online questionnaire composed of sociodemographic questions and three instruments (i.e., Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ); Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20); WHOQOL-bref); responses were analyzed using IBMSPSS v.20 software. For the second study, we invited a group of six psychologists who work at family health units (Brazil’s Unidade de Saúde de Família) of Vitória to discuss their views on this matter. This approach was chosen in order to establish a dialogue, producing a co-analysis of work activity, based on the theoretical perspective of the Clinic of Activity. Additionally, with three of the participants, the technique of ‘instruction to the double’ was applied. All meetings and ‘instructions to the double’ were recorded, and the contents were analyzed with discourse analysis. Analysis of the results suggest that the psychologist's work in Primary Health Care has a high psychological demand, associated with great mental exhaustion and low quality of life. In addition to that, participants’ discourses indicate an internal fragility of the collective of psychologists working in primary care. We argue that this leads to a solitary professional performance and difficulty to deal with the unpredictable demands of the environment. We conclude discussing some of the strategies we believe can contribute to overcome the challenges encountered in the psychologist's performance with the Family Health Program (PSF) teams.
- ItemA concepção dos moradores de serviço residencial terapêutico sobre o significado do lar e o habitar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-03-26) Capucho, Mariana Carneiro; Constantinidis, Teresinha Cid; Avellar, Luziane Zacché; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró
- ItemA conjugalidade em recém-casados pela análise societal das representações sociais de Willem Doise(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-05-26) Torres, Juliana Pereira; Silva, Priscilla de Oliveira Martins da; Dornellas, Kirlla Cristhine Almeida; Menandro, Paulo Rogério MeiraThis research aimed to study the conjugality in newly married couples trying to understand how social changes affect the beginning of conjugality based on Social Representations (SR), a theoretical model for understanding and explaining the construction of layman's knowledge. Within the SR, we emphasized the Societal approach of Willem Doise, which proposes to study the phenomenon from four levels of analysis: intra-individual; interpersonal and situational; intergroup and societal. Ten middle-class couples were selected based on the following criteria: they should have a maximum of four years of civil union notarized - this being the first of both (1); should not have children (2) and should have lived with their parents before the wedding (3). Semi-structured interviews with 13- 51 minutes were held and audio-recorded - with participants consent. Our findings indicate that the current conjugality is pervaded by both the ancients and the newest social representations, which may coexist in marital dynamics. It is noteworthy that the same representation element had different meanings for men and women. Intra-individual analysis identified the elements 'change of status' and 'family influence' arising in the familiarity hitherto unknown. Interindividual and Situational analysis stood out the element 'search for good familiarity', which means that, facing the challenges of conjugality, these couples seek to balance them with the positive aspects of the relationship, aiming to a satisfying marriage maintenance. The intergroup analysis identified different directions of social representations influence in the way couples represent marriage regarding family and social networks. As for work, it was noticed that couples already carry representations that influence the way they deal with it. Finally, regarding friendships we observed two biases: how they represent marriage, and the unmarried friends. The societal analysis enabled us to understand the social representations identified in three levels of analysis by identifying two goal-systems (Doise, 2014). They were: traditional patterns, represented by the gender roles; and, on the other hand, emerging standards, breaking this boundaries and promoting the pursuit to equality in relationship, professional level, caring for children and domestic tasks, among others. The social representations of conjugality also showed elements that characterize the positive affection and the couples will of constructing a life together, either in the sense of sharing the investment in working life, in search of a better standard of living, in leisure or in prospect of giving good conditions for the children they wish to have. The challenge for couples is to balance the gains among the various elements that interfere with conjugality and to promote the necessary effort for the achievement of these goals.
- ItemA experiência de convivência em adoção nacional e internacional: aspectos macrossistêmicos e processos proximais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-03-23) Vargas, Elisa Avellar Merçon de; Rosa, Edinete Maria; Avellar, Luziane Zacché; Nascimento, Celia Regina Rangel; Dell'aglio, Debora DalboscoResearch into adoption is increasingly drawing the attention of the scholars, promoting more visibility to this thematic. Despite advances, there are still many gaps to be filled, mainly regarding dynamics, interaction strategies and adaptation that can provide a healthy family environment. Based on the Bioecolgical Theory of Development, the general aim of this dissertation was to study the proximal processes and macrosystemic aspects of adoptive families in the period of cohabitation, through a multiple case study a domestic and an international case. The methodology used was the Ecological Engagement with interviews, observations, visits to the families (in Brazil and in the host country) and visits to the shelter s institutions, carried out in about four months. The dissertation is divided into two studies. The first study investigated the macrosystemic aspects in adoption processes. Data was organized in pre-established themes: meanings, motivations and qualification processes of adoptions. In both cases adoption was perceived as an action directed to the children s welfare. The motivation in the domestic case was linked to a prior knowledge of the adoptees, and in the international case to an infertility problem. It took more time and documentation to the qualification in the international adoption, as well as more preparation than in the domestic case. The second study investigated the context and the proximal processes experienced by participating families. Data was organized into themes based on PPCT model, proposed by the Bioecological Theory. In the domestic adoption the proximal processes were facilitated by the prior knowledge of the child/adolescent, and in the international adoption by the adopters perception of children s engagement in the adoption. The dysfunctional processes in the domestic case were related to the youngest child s behavioral change, while in the international to the fact that the Italian couple was placed in an unfamiliar environment. It can be concluded that adoption processes involve a complex interplay between different contexts and that macrosystemic aspects, as well as aspects from the microsystem play an important role in the beliefs and practice concerning adoptions, which makes the period of cohabitation essential to the establishment of relationship, and to the creation of interaction strategies aiming towards a good family adaptation
- ItemA genealogia de um mestrado em saúde coletiva(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-07-30) Silva, Roberta Scaramussa; Andrade, Ângela Nobre de; Rosa, Edinete Maria; Szymanski, HeloisaIn Brazil, the Public Health policies were, until half of the 20th century, characterized by clientlism practices, based on a model of sanitary campaigns, in which it was adopted a repressive disciplinary style of medical intervention on the bodies, both individual and social. After 1960 is noted an intense popular movement searching for changes in different social areas to implement actions resisting the instituted powers. Among those, the attempts for effective transformations in the Health area, in favor of a reform that would overpower the biologic, curative and assistencialist model that existed, having its peak on the decade of 1980, with the Sanitary Reform. The recent movement, called Colective Health appears in this context to breach the speech- practical supported by the hegemonic model of Public Health. This field of theory and practice is committed with the entry of Social Sciences in the Health Science, with the widening of the health concept and with the autonomy of the subjects involved in the process, rescuing the meanings of politics and public lost so long ago. Based on that, was the objective to develop a genealogic evaluation of the Program of Master degree in Colective Health of UFES, based on the speech of its students that were currently working in the public health services. Were interviewed eight students. The interviews were taped, transcribed and discussed based on the Speech Analysis. The speech was organized according to three more recurrent themes: the undergraduate formation, the professional practice on the public service and the formation on the Master’s Program. The genealogy of the speech produced by the students showed a permanent shock of forces in which the students stated the processuality (ethical meaning) or, in the contrary, the denial of it through the imposition of the knowledge (moral meaning). In a general way, in the field of the production of knowledge, either in the undergraduate formation or in that Master program, there was the predominance of heteronomous practices (moral). The incorporation of the knowledge to the logic of the market leads to the making of workers that follow the demands of the capitalism, increasing the non commitment with a critic and inventive learning. The speech evidences the separation between the academic contents and the practice on the public health services, reveling itself in dissatisfaction with the practice and the belief that the permanent formation might lead to the answers of the challenges imposed by the everyday job. Referring to the professional practice, the collective production does not happen, the knowledge of the other (either the coworker or the client of the health system) is constantly denied or ignored. The multiprofessional practice exists much more as something imposed by the necessity of coping with the complexity among the fragmentation of the knowledge. Even with that, thought less evident, in some moments it’s possible to see some attempts of breaking through with the instituted forms. Even thought it does not appear as an ethical ways of being, it opens an important place to the emerging of new ways to think and make health.
- ItemA gênese da concepção de amor: um estudo sob a ótica da moralidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-08-29) Alves, Ariadne Dettmann; Ortega, Antonio Carlos; Alencar, Heloisa Moulin de; Queiroz, Sávio Silveira de; Freitas, Lia Beatriz de LuccaReflecting on the importance of virtues in moral development, our goal was to investigate the children love concepts. We interviewed 40 students, 6 and 9 years old, in a private school in Vila Velha-ES, according to the clinical method proposed by Piaget. We analyzed the cited examples of love, what would be the most and least important, the judgment about the possibility of loving a child of the opposite sex, of same sex, a friend, an enemy and a stranger. We found that children have an ample concept; including mainly giving love to others" and love for (a) particular person/people, which increased with age, and actions with love", which showed a decrease. These examples were also considered most important by participants, and love for (a) particular person/people increased with age. On the least important examples of love, mostly students aged 9 said they did not exist, and the 6-years old elected the actions with love". Most respondents stated the possibility of loving a child of the opposite sex and same-sex friend. However, a minority has confirmed the relationship of love for an enemy, and still less with a stranger. In general, the justifications referred to the existing ties, the positive consequence for oneself, positive feature of the love object and observation of lived experience, and tended to increase with age. We emphasize the importance of love in development and hope to encourage further discussion on this virtue, contributing to proposals for education in moral values.
- ItemA importância de ter alguém com quem contar: suporte social percebido e coping em cuidadores familiares de crianças com paralisia cerebral.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-09-25) Coutinho, Nadia Boldi; Loss, Alessandra Brunoro Motta;;;;; Reis, Luciana Bicalho;;; Constantinidis, Teresinha Cid;; responsible for the daily care and management of a child with cerebral palsy (CP) can imply a stressful context, capable of generating physical and emotional overload. This because children with CP have different levels of functional limitations and
- ItemA influência da regulação emocional dos pais no desenvolvimento infantil dos filhos: diferenças por gênero parental.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-09-18) Maffazioli, Ana Carolina; Cunha, Ana Cristina Barros da;;;;; Carvalho, Ana Emilia Vita;;; Pereira, Kely Maria de Sousa;; development is greatly influenced by the regulators present in the child's life, who usually to be the parents during the early childhood. Therefore, an adequate parenting is very important to ensure the child development. Although it has not yet be
- ItemA MARCA DA LAMA: UM ESTUDO SOBRE OS IMPACTOS DO DESASTRE NA BACIA DO RIO DOCE SOBRE A ESTIMA DE LUGAR DE PESSOAS ATINGIDAS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-16) Santos, Myrlene Pereira; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith;;;;; Nascimento, Adriano Roberto Afonso do;;; Svartman, Bernardo Parodi;;; Avellar, Luziane Zacche;;
- ItemA motivação para a interrupção ou uso de crack em gestantes e puérperas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-06-14) Silva, Rovena Esmidre da; Queiroz, Sávio Silveira de; Siqueira, Luziane de Assis Ruela; Cotonhoto, Larissy Alves; Pessotti, Alice MeloThis study aimed to investigate the economic events in the motivation for an interruption and/or continuity of crack consumption during the gestational period. We understand an affectivity from the theoretical perspective of Jean Piaget, understood as an action energy. Thus, we hypothesized that the affection acts are motivators of the interruption or of the continuity of drug use during the gestational period and questioned which are the affective aspects involved in this conduct. Therefore, we proposed an empirical research on the qualification of case studies with four pregnant and/or puerperal women who interrupted and/or continued the use of crack during pregnancy. As a data collection instrument, we used a semi-structured interview. Data analysis and the treatment of these information were performed according to the Bardin Content Analysis. The results indicate that the affective aspects act directly on the decision to stop or to continue the use of crack. At the beginning and during drug use feelings like sadness, pleasure, anger, will, loneliness and absence of shame came up. On the other hand, referring to the interruption, there were other feelings: guilt, will, love and fear. Regardless of the interruption or the continued drug use, all participants have a negative connotation of crack and of its use, especially during gestation. In this way, the investigation about the affective aspects involved in crack consumption is relevant, in order to improve the care strategies aimed at this public
- ItemA parentalidade paterna na separação conjugal quando os filhos coabitam com o genitor(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-27) Vilaça, Carolina Corrêa; Nascimento, Célia Regina Rangel; Coutinho, Sabrine Mantuan dos Santos; Grzybowski, Luciana SuárezEveryday more and more fathers express their desire to continue living and getting involved in their children's lives, even though facing a marital breakdown. We can also verify an increase in the number of fathers who have shown a wish in taking care of their children after separation because they feel as much capable as the mothers. However, it is known that, despite the mandatory shared custody in Brazil, the reference residence still continues, in the most of cases, being in the maternal one. Perhaps because of this fact there is still little information about paternal parenting, in the context of marital separation, when the children live with the father. The present study aimed to describe how paternal parenting is experienced in the context of conjugal separation when the children live with the father from the perspective both of the father and the children. Six families participated of the study. The father and one of his children between the ages of 9 and 12 were interviewed. It was established as an inclusion criterion that at least one of the children in this age group was in fact under the custody of the father. The fathers were aged between 31 and 35 years old and answered to a semi-structured interview script, composed by themes related to the sociodemographic characterization, characteristics of the exercise of parenthood before and after separation, routine and parent / child relationship, relationship parenting, participation of other family members in caring of the children and other contexts. It was also applied, in all of the participants, an interview to survey the ecological contexts and their interrelationships, which were adapted for the purpose of this research, aiming to evaluate which contexts of coexistence were significant for fathers and children and how they contributed to the exercise of parenting. All the participants accepted to enroll voluntarily of the research and signed the Term of Free and Informed Consent and the Term of Free and Clarified Assent. The analysis of parents' and children's interviews was done based on the Content Analysis. After reading and analyzing the material, the reports were organized into categories for the two groups of participants, considering the most important themes for the research objectives: being a father, post-separation parenting and routine impacts, such as how did the children start living with the father, and what changed in the relationship, childcare, limits and control, activities that they carry out together, fathers and children relationship, main challenges, role of the biological mother in the life of the children, evaluation that biological mothers do on parental care. As main results it was found that the fathers who took the children after the separation felt a greater responsibility and reorganized their life in order to attend the children's needs. For those they had the help and support of third parties, especially of stepmothers, grandmothers and caregivers. In addition, these parents were committed not only to the role of providing and disciplining, but also to the affective aspect of the relationship. They have faced the challenges of taking parental care after separation and reconciling work and time available to their children. It was found that both fathers and children understood the relationship to be close and positive. Considering the bioecological theory of development, the father's house, comprehended as a microsystem, encouraged and provided meaningful interactions, enabling the proximal processes to promote the development of children and fathers. It was concluded that the research made possible the expansion of information regarding paternal parenting in the context of separation when children live with the father, contributing to the knowledge about the subject. It was also pointed out that consideration from the point of view of fathers and children provided a broader understanding of the context, since the relationships are two-way, having influence in both directions.
- ItemA participação de amigos em casos de violência contra a mulher por parceiro íntimo nos contextos online e offline.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-03-18) Pedruzzi, Pamela Fardin; Garcia, Agnaldo;;;;; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith;;; Scarpati, Arielle Sagrillo;; Partner Violence (abbreviated as IPV) is a worldwide attention-grabbing phenomenon. In Brazil, and especially in the state of Espírito Santo, the numbers of affected women grow each year. From this perspective, the present research aimed to analy
- ItemA participação dos amigos nas escolhas profissionais de adolescentes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-12-05) Pereira, Fábio Nogueira; Garcia, Agnaldo; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith; Barros, Delba Teixeira RodriguesThe relation between friendship and career choice is a research topic in few references in career counseling. This thesis presents a research on 36 students from three private and three public high schools and their perception on peers, friendships, kinship and career choice. The research’s goal was to investigate the peer’s participation in the students’ career choice and its implications towards relationship both within the family and the peer group. Interpersonal relationship’s role during the career choice process is a complex and multileveled issue for discussion. Family (especially parents) and teachers were perceived as having a more direct influence in the students’ career decisions; on the other hand, friends were perceived in a more indirect way (such as talking about career and educational plans and information exchange about it). Adults tended to influence career goals or career choices, while friends cooperate among their network analyzing each other’s opinion on career choices and exchanging information about higher education and professions. This research prompted the students’ perceived social support and intimacy coming from their friends as a source that gets stronger as years go by. Data revealed also that when the family has much influence on the adolescence, his/her autonomy as well as peer influence is lower. The scenario found by the research was a more complex one than what was first expected, and it couldn’t point out influence as the unique process to be investigated on students’ career choice due to the presence of cooperation and social support (mainly when investigating the relations between friendship and career choice), which were also revealed from the data analysis and should be further researched.
- ItemA Produção de Cuidado nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial na Perspectiva dos Trabalhadores de Saúde Mental(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-16) Assini, Luciana Nazareth Guedes Alcoforado; Constantinidis, Teresinha Cid;;;;; Iglesias, Alexandra;;; Cruz, Cristiane Bremenkamp;;
- ItemA profissão de bombeiro militar sob a ótica da psicodinâmica do trabalho: sofrimento e prazer, riscos e proteção.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-09-24) Breda, Karine Trarbach de Oliveira; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de;;;;; Bianco, Monica de Fatima;;; Silva, Priscilla de Oliveira Martins da;; firefighters comprise a professional category that deals with a wide range of activities with varying degrees of complexity, some of which are subject to trauma, post-traumatic stress or even life-threatening. The emergence of the activities and military model of work organization are aspects that integrate this context. Given the above, the present work sought to identify the risks of illness of the profession of military firefighter from Espírito Santo in several aspects, and to verify how these professionals deal with the vicissitudes of work. Two parallel and nonlinear surveys were performed, ie the data from one did not feed the other. The first research sought, through a semi-structured interview, to grasp the perception of Espírito Santo military firefighters about the relationships between their health and their work and to glimpse strategies used by them to deal with the constraints and specificities of the profession. The second research investigated the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among military firefighters from Espírito Santo and the relationship of these disorders with aspects related to work organization. The collected data were analyzed with the aid of software and interpreted according to the conceptual theoretical framework of Work Psychodynamics. The results showed that factors related to work organization have a greater influence on the health of the military firefighter from Espirito Santo and that these professionals seek job satisfaction mainly through the positive recognition of the population.
- ItemA representação social de prática profissional para psicólogos clínicos da Grande Vitória/ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-05-22) Mendes, Flávio Martins de Souza; Trindade, Zeidi Araújo; Almeida, Angela Maria de Oliveira; Menandro, Maria Cristina SmithOver the last thirty years, the professionals of psychology have sought to meet their professional practices. It has done studies and discussions regarding paradigms that underpin the profession, practices and beliefs about the psychologist and practice. Among them, we see the relevance and importance of clinical psychology, however, few studies have been conducted with professionals involved in this area. The research aimed to investigate and analyze the social representation of practice for clinical psychologists in Grande Vitória/ES. Dimensional Analysis and Dynamics of Social Representations (Theory of Social Representations) was used to investigate the concepts that make up the practice. Eighteen active clinical psychologists in office were interviewed. We used the software ALCESTE analysis. We worked with the elements of the classes identified by Alceste to compose the dimensions of social representation. It was found that respondents constructed information about clinical psychology and practice before entering the course or early in training. The theories used in the clinic are important aspects of this approach. Attitudes towards practice are extremely favorable, and unfavorable when compared to the beliefs of the population or the medical practice, touching in identity aspects. As for the field, we recognized a split image into two: 1) Picture of the atributions and practices of classical clinical psychologist; 2) Picture of problems, changes and difficulties. It was possible to identify the social representation of practice for clinical psychologists, raising important for the field of clinical psychology and the theory of social representations issues.
- ItemA saúde mental do trabalhador policial: uma análise sobre os negociadores militares(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-11-18) Teixeira, Marcos Eduardo da Silva; Moraes, Thiago Drumond;;;;; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de;;; Bagalho, Jaqueline Oliveira;;
- ItemA sensibilização ao cuidado parental modifica a percepção de imprevisibilidade e o início da vida reprodutiva de adolescentes?(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-10-05) Carvalho Neto, Adauto Barcellos de; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; Life History Theory is based on the assumption that the resources required fordevelopment are scarce and therefore, organisms face tradeoffs in deciding how they will usethese resources. One of the tradeoffs involves deciding whether to invest in quantitative orqualitative reproductive strategy. There are indications that this decision is related to thepredictability of resources during childhood. While the perception of predictability would leadto a qualitative strategy, the perception of unpredictability would lead to a quantitativestrategy. In short, quantitative reproductive strategies would be related to initiating sexualactivity earlier and maintaining short-term love relationships, more children, and less parentalinvestment. Qualitative reproductive strategies relate to initiating later sex life, having fewerchildren, and greater parental investment (Davis & Werre, 2008). The objective of thisresearch was to evaluate the unpredictability beliefs and intention to achieve future milestonesof adolescents enrolled in public schools in the city of Vitória, ES. The sample comprised 96participants (67 girls and 29 boys) students from municipal schools of Vitória, ES, enrolled inthe 6th and 7th grades, whose mean age was 12 years (Min = 11, Max = 14, SD = 0.9). Datawere tabulated and processed using IBM SPSS Statistics, version 20. Descriptive analyzes(mean, standard deviation, percentage, and frequency) were made for each of the measuredvariables. The differences between the schools in which the collections were made forsociodemographic and scalar variables were analyzed through Mann-Whitney analyzes. Thecorrelation between family unpredictability in childhood and continuous sociodemographicvariables and the expectations of the future of adolescents were evaluated using Spearman'scorrelation analysis. The differences between the pre and post intervention measures wereevaluated using Wilcoxon analysis. The perception of family unpredictability in adolescents' childhood was significantly related to some variables evaluated. Adolescents who reportedhaving separate parents had significantly (Mann-Whitney U = 785.0 p = .01) higherperception of financial unpredictability during childhood (M = 2,5) than those who reportedhaving no separate parents (M = 2,1)…
- ItemA trajetória de um sonho: ansiedade e enfrentamento da infertilidade por casais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-07-14) Freitas, Livia Maria Maulaz; Cunha, Ana Cristina Barros da; Ramos, Fabiana Pinheiro; Paula, Kely Maria Pereira deMost couples plan in having children; it can be the reason for great frustration when they deal with the infertility. Although there is no scientific consensus on the definition of infertility, the World Health Organization considers an infertile couple when the pregnancy does not occur after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Facing to the infertility, couples look for treatments to achieve their desire for getting pregnant, which, sometimes, can be very long, painful, and stressful for the couple. The objective of this research was to study how couples face to the infertility, investigating the differences between couples based on anxiety indicators, coping strategies and perception of stress related to infertility. Thus, a descriptive exploratory design of quantitative and qualitative character with a convenience sample was adopted. The participants were 7 couples diagnosed with female and male infertility, who declared to be in a stable relationship at least two years. Of the total 57% of participants were invited to participate in the research during query in assisted reproduction clinic of the University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes (HUCAM) of the State of Espirito Santo; 43% of the participants were indicated and participated from the online collection. All were seeking treatment for infertility and agreed to participate in the study by signing the Term of informed consent. They answered individually to the following instruments of psychological evaluation. a) STAI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, which assesses anxiety indicators in terms of “traits of anxiety” and “state of anxiety”; b) COPE Inventory, which evaluates strategies in facing stressful situations; and c) Fertile Problems Inventory (FPI), that evaluates the couple´s perception of stress related to infertility. In addition, all responded to a Protocol for a psychosocial profile, elaborated for the research, to identify social demographic and psychosocial variables related to coping with infertility. The protocol data were processed in terms of frequency of occurrence of the variables and the psychological evaluation were processed according to the guidance of their own instruments All data were analyzed quantitatively, in descriptive terms for the sociodemographic data and the psychosocial profile of the couples, and in comparative terms for the anxiety, coping and stress data between women and men of each couple. Data were also analyzed in qualitative terms in case studies of couples, linking sociodemographic and psychosocial data with the indicators of anxiety, coping and stress. It was observed that the average age of woman was 31 years old and the average age of men was 33 years old, the average union of couples was 8.9 years. There was wide variation of family income of the couples; two of them had above R$5000 income and was doing private treatments. For most couples, infertility had female causes and the family had understanding. Only one couple had children. Only one member of the couples declared not to have a religion. Moderate anxiety was presented by both men and woman, although the average for woman was higher for both anxiety dimensions (trait and state). About the coping of couple, “Turn to religion” was more prevalent strategy. Also, the coping strategy “positive reinterpretation” showed high frequency for women and men. Regarding the perceived stress related to infertility, while woman had high stress on the factor “Maternity/paternity”, all the factors presented moderate stress for men, except the “Life without children”, which showed low stress. From the case studies, we observed that variables such as age of the couples, having children, religion and time of marriage seemed to be related to the anxiety and stress indicators in the couple´s coping process face to the infertility. We discussed about those differences between couples in terms of studied variables, anxiety, coping and perception of stress, in order to understand how couples face to the infertility problems and the dilemma of not getting pregnant.