A experiência de convivência em adoção nacional e internacional: aspectos macrossistêmicos e processos proximais

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Vargas, Elisa Avellar Merçon de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Research into adoption is increasingly drawing the attention of the scholars, promoting more visibility to this thematic. Despite advances, there are still many gaps to be filled, mainly regarding dynamics, interaction strategies and adaptation that can provide a healthy family environment. Based on the Bioecolgical Theory of Development, the general aim of this dissertation was to study the proximal processes and macrosystemic aspects of adoptive families in the period of cohabitation, through a multiple case study a domestic and an international case. The methodology used was the Ecological Engagement with interviews, observations, visits to the families (in Brazil and in the host country) and visits to the shelter s institutions, carried out in about four months. The dissertation is divided into two studies. The first study investigated the macrosystemic aspects in adoption processes. Data was organized in pre-established themes: meanings, motivations and qualification processes of adoptions. In both cases adoption was perceived as an action directed to the children s welfare. The motivation in the domestic case was linked to a prior knowledge of the adoptees, and in the international case to an infertility problem. It took more time and documentation to the qualification in the international adoption, as well as more preparation than in the domestic case. The second study investigated the context and the proximal processes experienced by participating families. Data was organized into themes based on PPCT model, proposed by the Bioecological Theory. In the domestic adoption the proximal processes were facilitated by the prior knowledge of the child/adolescent, and in the international adoption by the adopters perception of children s engagement in the adoption. The dysfunctional processes in the domestic case were related to the youngest child s behavioral change, while in the international to the fact that the Italian couple was placed in an unfamiliar environment. It can be concluded that adoption processes involve a complex interplay between different contexts and that macrosystemic aspects, as well as aspects from the microsystem play an important role in the beliefs and practice concerning adoptions, which makes the period of cohabitation essential to the establishment of relationship, and to the creation of interaction strategies aiming towards a good family adaptation
Adoption , Bioecological theory of development , Macrosystemic aspects , Proximal processes , Teoria bioecológica do desenvolvimento , Aspectos macrossistêmicos , Processos proximais
VARGAS, Elisa Avellar Merçon de. A experiência de convivência em adoção nacional e internacional: aspectos macrossistêmicos e processos proximais. 2012. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2012.