A conjugalidade em recém-casados pela análise societal das representações sociais de Willem Doise

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Torres, Juliana Pereira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research aimed to study the conjugality in newly married couples trying to understand how social changes affect the beginning of conjugality based on Social Representations (SR), a theoretical model for understanding and explaining the construction of layman's knowledge. Within the SR, we emphasized the Societal approach of Willem Doise, which proposes to study the phenomenon from four levels of analysis: intra-individual; interpersonal and situational; intergroup and societal. Ten middle-class couples were selected based on the following criteria: they should have a maximum of four years of civil union notarized - this being the first of both (1); should not have children (2) and should have lived with their parents before the wedding (3). Semi-structured interviews with 13- 51 minutes were held and audio-recorded - with participants consent. Our findings indicate that the current conjugality is pervaded by both the ancients and the newest social representations, which may coexist in marital dynamics. It is noteworthy that the same representation element had different meanings for men and women. Intra-individual analysis identified the elements 'change of status' and 'family influence' arising in the familiarity hitherto unknown. Interindividual and Situational analysis stood out the element 'search for good familiarity', which means that, facing the challenges of conjugality, these couples seek to balance them with the positive aspects of the relationship, aiming to a satisfying marriage maintenance. The intergroup analysis identified different directions of social representations influence in the way couples represent marriage regarding family and social networks. As for work, it was noticed that couples already carry representations that influence the way they deal with it. Finally, regarding friendships we observed two biases: how they represent marriage, and the unmarried friends. The societal analysis enabled us to understand the social representations identified in three levels of analysis by identifying two goal-systems (Doise, 2014). They were: traditional patterns, represented by the gender roles; and, on the other hand, emerging standards, breaking this boundaries and promoting the pursuit to equality in relationship, professional level, caring for children and domestic tasks, among others. The social representations of conjugality also showed elements that characterize the positive affection and the couples will of constructing a life together, either in the sense of sharing the investment in working life, in search of a better standard of living, in leisure or in prospect of giving good conditions for the children they wish to have. The challenge for couples is to balance the gains among the various elements that interfere with conjugality and to promote the necessary effort for the achievement of these goals.
conjugality , newly maried , Societal Analysis , conjugalidade , recém-casados , Análise Societal , Willem Doise