Análise da produção de energia elétrica e de biocombustíveis a partir de resíduos sólidos agropecuários no Brasil

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Pagel, Uonis Raasch
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research is placed in a context of stimulus and use of alternative and clean sources for the production of electric energy and biofuels, the both produced from large scale inputs such as farming solid waste from agricultural, forestry and livestock activities. The study is justified by the need for a development based on the participation of renewable sources in the internal supply of energy and in the decentralized generation of electric energy; for the diversification of the energy matrix; the complementary to the hydraulic source in the seasons of drought and water crisis; the possibility of reducing the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions; besides the resulting economic and social development, through adding value to the waste based productive chains. The objective of this study was to analyze which factors have implied obstacles for the exploration of the electricity and biofuels production from agricultural and livestock sources in Brazil (with the exception of sugarcane bagasse), based on economic, environmental, technological and regulatory aspects. In this view, the study was carried out from a bibliographical and documentary research, mainly in the areas of Sustainable Economy, Planning and Energy Efficiency, and Brazilian Farming, in order to answer the problem raised. The results pointed out that the greatest obstacles in this regard are not technical, but economic and political-institutional, including expenditures and logistical constraints that make the energy utilization of these wastes a process of complex economic viability in Brazil. It is needed to accelerate RD&I work to address this situation by working on two fronts: energy efficiency and increasing participation of renewable energy sources, thus subsidizing the formulation of public policies in the energy sector. Added to these factors is the need for an action in terms of increasing technical knowledge in rural areas, besides policies to overcome the lack of access to capital and logistical improvements.
Biofuels. , Farming waste. , Renewable sources , Sustainability. , Electricity , Resíduos agropecuários. , Fontes renováveis.